
Curia Cardinal Feels the Need for a Child Molester

We are in a "phase of intellectual underdevelopment", "in urgent need of a culture capable of stirring consciences" and suffering from "a lack of authoritative voices", lamented retired Curia Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi (CortileDeiGentili.com, November 2022).

That's why he thinks that "today we need a new Pasolini, because his positions have provoked reactions, in the political world and in the Church."

Pier Paolo Pasolini was a filmmaker known for his obscenities, an avowed Marxist ("we are convinced that only communism can offer a new 'true' culture at present"), a paedophile, homosexual, author of bawdy novels and anti-clerical atheist.

In August 1949, he paid three minors, one under 16, to masturbate. Pasolini's lawyer convinced the boys' families not to press charges and offered them each 100,000 lire [today: €1900] to hush up the case. After this incident, the Communist Party expelled him.

But now Pasolini is being recycled by the decadent Vatican.

The 53-year-old Pasolini was murdered by a 17-year-old prostitute in an altercation in Ostia in November 1975.

Picture: Gianfranco Ravasi, Pier Paolo Pasolini © wikipedia, CC BY-SA, #newsXsofdqdnop

John Fritz Logan
Thankfully he turned 80 last month and Maradagia will follow him in 46 days. Funny how we're losing these 2 horrible cardinal electors. We gained only 4 terrible ones out of the 16 new ones at the recent consistory. Almost a miracle.
Ravasi makes Tolentino de Mendonça seem like a good successor in comparison.
But honestly the cartoon doesn't see fitting here, this guy was from before Bergoglio.More
Thankfully he turned 80 last month and Maradagia will follow him in 46 days. Funny how we're losing these 2 horrible cardinal electors. We gained only 4 terrible ones out of the 16 new ones at the recent consistory. Almost a miracle.

Ravasi makes Tolentino de Mendonça seem like a good successor in comparison.

But honestly the cartoon doesn't see fitting here, this guy was from before Bergoglio.