
Traditionis Custodes: Is There Light on the Horizon?

PaxLiturgique.fr has analysed the present situation of the Mass in France.

• Francis’ rigidity as expressed in his anti-Mass Traditionis Custodes seems to mellow down.

• Signs for this are: the decree for the FSSP and, de facto, for the other Roman Mass communities; the recent Summorum Pontificum pilgrimage in Rome; Parolin’s ambiguous letter to the French and Italian bishops.

• The French bishops are showing indecision as they are losing money over Traditionis Custodes and face strong opposition from often young Catholics.

• Paris Archbishop Ulrich has allowed Father de Labarre FSSP to celebrate Mass in Notre-Dame-du-Lys and has even permitted a dialogue with Catholics of the Ste-Cécile Association.

• Catholics hold a vigil in front of Ulrich's palace in Paris from Monday to Friday from 1pm to 1.30pm.


Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I think Francis and his people realize that whatever they do against the Roman Rite, it is going to backfire badly on them. A happy thought is that perhaps in 12-18 months, we might have a new Pope who has an appreciation for Catholic tradition and the Roman Rite, who dresses as a real Pope compared to Francis, who issues encyclicals dedicated to religious themes, unlike Francis, and who speaks with …More
I think Francis and his people realize that whatever they do against the Roman Rite, it is going to backfire badly on them. A happy thought is that perhaps in 12-18 months, we might have a new Pope who has an appreciation for Catholic tradition and the Roman Rite, who dresses as a real Pope compared to Francis, who issues encyclicals dedicated to religious themes, unlike Francis, and who speaks with great clarity unlike Francis. And who once and for all supresses the idea of a "synodal Church", and takes care of the Germans as they deserve...especially Batzig and Marx.
maybe a light at the end of the tunnel...........the freight train headed right at you