
Francis’ Canada Trip Is Untruthful – Abortionist German Synod

Specola (July 28) has given an interesting summary of news.

• The attendance at Francis’ events in Canada is “poor.”

• Francis’ indigenism implies that preaching the gospel is an unacceptable intrusion into other cultures.

• Canadian “researchers” received $71M, “worked” for seven years on Canadian Indians but never consulted the archives of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate who around 1900 began to manage the Residential Schools.

• Henri Goulet (“Histoire des pensionnats indiens catholiques au Québec. Le rôle déterminant des pères oblats, Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2016) shows that the Oblates were the sole defenders of the traditional language and way of life of Canada's Indians, unlike the government and the Anglicans.

• Jacques Rouillard (University of Montreal) writes that inventing a “genocide” of Canadian Indians including “mass graves” in residential schools is only an attempt to extort compensation.

• Francis contributes to the spreading of the lie that the Church has “participated in a plan of cultural extermination of the original peoples.”

• Irme Stetter-Karp, co-chair of the German Synodal Way, advocates that abortion should become a "regular medical service" in Germany.

• The German “Catholic” Youth Federation complains that abortions are not "fully accessible" in Germany.

• 37.8% of the Italian taxpayers made their contribution in 2008 to the Church, in 2020 the percentage dropped to 28.64%. In one year, 260,000 taxpayers have been lost.

• 65% of the cloistered communities in Italy will close in the next ten years.

The only apology "just call me Jorge" needs to make is an apology to Christ.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio went to Canada to promote the heresy of religious indifferentism, considered the greatest blasphemy against the Holy Trinity. He now he broadened the Masonic range of unity in diversity. All united to Bergoglio but separated from the TRUE God: Those who are Muslims with the Koran, "Catholics" with the Bible --and there is only room for apostates who participate in sacrilegious modernist …More
Bergoglio went to Canada to promote the heresy of religious indifferentism, considered the greatest blasphemy against the Holy Trinity. He now he broadened the Masonic range of unity in diversity. All united to Bergoglio but separated from the TRUE God: Those who are Muslims with the Koran, "Catholics" with the Bible --and there is only room for apostates who participate in sacrilegious modernist masses- and the indigenous with their Pachamama. And the atheists and abortionist politicians with the conscience's god.
la verdad prevalece
What moral authority does Bergoglio have? When we all know that he is an accomplice of several homosexual pedophiles and that he has a past full of pedophile cover-ups in Argentina, it is he himself who is a hypocrite who apologizes for the alleged "abuses committed by religious who worked in Catholic schools where native children were taken, uprooting them from his parents". Liberal politicians …More
What moral authority does Bergoglio have? When we all know that he is an accomplice of several homosexual pedophiles and that he has a past full of pedophile cover-ups in Argentina, it is he himself who is a hypocrite who apologizes for the alleged "abuses committed by religious who worked in Catholic schools where native children were taken, uprooting them from his parents". Liberal politicians like Bergoglio do not care to defend the Truth, they fabricate any cause to present themselves to the world as defenders of Justice, when we all know that he is complicit in the sexual abuse of children and seminarians perpetrated by his homosexual pedophile protégés. Bergoglio went to Canada to once again expose his hatred of Catholicism. To show how far he is capable of going with his hypocritical farce. To spread an anti-Catholic HOAX to defend paganism and attack and defame the Church.
la verdad prevalece
One more comment from la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
¿Qué autoridad moral tiene Bergoglio? Cuando todos sabemos que es cómplice de varios pedófilos homosexuales y que tiene un pasado lleno de encubrimientos de pedofilia en la Argentina. Este es él mismo hipócrita que se disculpa por los supuestos "abusos cometidos por religiosos que trabajaban en escuelas de la Iglesia Católica donde se llevaban a niños nativos, desarraigándolos de sus padres". …More
¿Qué autoridad moral tiene Bergoglio? Cuando todos sabemos que es cómplice de varios pedófilos homosexuales y que tiene un pasado lleno de encubrimientos de pedofilia en la Argentina. Este es él mismo hipócrita que se disculpa por los supuestos "abusos cometidos por religiosos que trabajaban en escuelas de la Iglesia Católica donde se llevaban a niños nativos, desarraigándolos de sus padres". Los políticos liberales como Bergoglio no se preocupan por defender la Verdad, fabrican cualquier causa para presentarse ante el mundo como defensores de la Justicia, cuando todos sabemos que es cómplice de los abusos sexuales a niños y seminaristas perpetrados por sus protegidos pederastas homosexuales. Bergoglio fue a Canadá para exponer una vez más su odio al catolicismo. Para demostrar hasta dónde es capaz de llegar con su farsa hipócrita. Para difundir un BULO anticatólico para defender el paganismo y atacar y difamar a la Iglesia.