Why same-sex marriage affects my marriage

Why same-sex marriage affects my marriage Many times it is stated: "What I choose to do in my marriage doesn't affect your marriage." However, same-sex marriage affects all of our marriages. First, to …More
Why same-sex marriage affects my marriage
Many times it is stated: "What I choose to do in my marriage doesn't affect your marriage." However, same-sex marriage affects all of our marriages.
First, to explain, private actions have public effects. All our actions, both private and public, define our identity. Being human, we are motivated to impart our identity to future generations.
As we have seen, and understandably so, people in homosexual relationships are trying to change society to more readily embrace and promote their view of their identity.
This is possible largely due to the disassociation between sexual relationships and procreation.
In contrast, there are many who have not disassociated sex and children, and for reasons both secular and religious have incorporated heterosexual relationships into their identity.
These people have generally been trying to live up to the ideal that marriage was established millennia ago to promote the raising of children in safe environments …More
✍️ Marriage is not a private act it is in fact a public act - Rene
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Marriage is a religious sacrament. There is no rational argument for “gay marriage”. Civil Unions would achieve the same thing they claim they are trying to accomplish.
This is about imposing their moral code on everyone around them. YOU are not allowed to disagree with their lifestyle. You must, via the power of the state, be forced to embrace their dogma. That is basically fascism. It …More

Marriage is a religious sacrament. There is no rational argument for “gay marriage”. Civil Unions would achieve the same thing they claim they are trying to accomplish.

This is about imposing their moral code on everyone around them. YOU are not allowed to disagree with their lifestyle. You must, via the power of the state, be forced to embrace their dogma. That is basically fascism. It has nothing at all to do with civil rights.

For a long time, I had as my tagline...
“Yes, as a matter of fact, what you do in the privacy of your bedroom is my business”.

I had it up to indict those libertarians who (naively) would state that they didn’t care what two consenting (homos) adults would do in private. It was not anyone’s business - and not the government’s business - what they did.

WRONG! Attitudes like that have led us where we are today:

Repeal of DADT (Don't Ask, Don't Tell), Sexual perversions in our schools, universities and our churches, and dozens of other social illnesses directly and indirectly tied to homosexuality.

Most of us were alive just a few years ago when sodomy was illegal in all 50 states. What a great country we had then, right? Therefore we KNOW that turning a blind eye to what “two consenting adults...” has led to the moral and economic destruction of a once great country.

The problem with our culture is that we try to protect people from their bad decisions through manipulation of the rules. The problem with regard to DADT is not homosexuals. The problem is politicians telling the military the best way to conduct warfare. In the natural state of things there would be no homosexuals allowed in the the military. It is because of big government and do-gooders (badders) that they have been allowed. The problem with normalizing adultery in schools in not caused by adultery. It is caused by a nationalization of education and the grip of communist teachers unions.

If left completely up to ELECTED local school boards this would not be a problem. There may be a dozen or so school districts teaching the normalization of homosexuality in Berkely or San Francisco or Manhattan but it would not be a wide spread problem like it is today.

Here is your interesting thought for the day....
We spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year to find a cure for AIDS. The purpose of which is primarily so that homosexuals, prostitutes, johns, drug addicts and primitive African savages do not have to worry about suffering the natural consequences of their actions.

There are two types of Libertarians. One group who are atheists who believe that in the absense of God there is no such thing as "good". If there is no such thing as "good" no man has any right to tell another man how to live.

The other group of Libertarians of which I am a member believe that God created a perfect plan and a perfect system.

Every punishment and every reward has been baked into the action by the creator himself. There is no reason for a man to punish a man for being bad when if the act is truly bad it will be self punishing.

If the act is truly good, it will carry it's own reward. These things have been described through the centuries as "vice" and "virtue".