Siberia? Siberia? Capuchin Father Thomas Weinandy, a theologian and former chief of staff for the U.S. Bishops' Committee on Doctrine, wrote a letter to Pope Francis telling him that he is causing "…More

Siberia? Capuchin Father Thomas Weinandy, a theologian and former chief of staff for the U.S. Bishops' Committee on Doctrine, wrote a letter to Pope Francis telling him that he is causing "chronic confusion," appointing bishops who "scandalize" the faithful, and prompting ordinary Catholics to "lose confidence in their supreme shepherd." Patrick Coffin, a former EWTN host, not exactly outspoken against Francis, wrote on Twitter, " This is huge. I hope Father Weinandy likes the food in Siberia."

A Sign from God: Weinandy writes that he asked God for a sign showing him that he should write the letter. So, while being in Rome he asked God to send to him the next morning a someone he knew but had not seen in a very long time and would never expect to see in Rome at this time and who was not from the United States, Canada or Great Britain, and who would say to him, ‘Keep up the good writing’.

The next morning Father Weinandy went to pray in two Roman churches and then met a seminarian for lunch in a street restaurant. Quote, “What I had asked the Lord the following night was no longer in the forefront of my mind.” The two were sitting outside and towards the end of the meal an archbishop appeared between two parked cars in front of their table. Weinandy had not seen him for at least twenty years.

The two recognized one another immediately. Because of the archbishop’s recent personal circumstances, Weinandy would never have expected to see him in Rome or anywhere else, other than in his own archdiocese. After a short conversation, the archbishop said to Weinandy, “Keep up the good writing.”
Here, in Eastern Siberia we have around 150 nations. So, food is nice for every test! Wellcome to Siberia, where people were survived due to strong faith and heartly friendship.
Maudie N Mandeville
Did Patrick Coffin follow up with, "It would serve him right."
And the USCCB took about ten minutes to send him packing. It's the new inquisition. But like everything else in nuchurch, it is inverted on it's head.
Instead of vigilantly defending orthodoxy and rooting out heresy, the new inquisition seeks to punish orthodoxy anywhere and everywhere, all the while allowing error and ambiguity to run rampant.
Our Lady of Fatima, ora pro nobis!More
And the USCCB took about ten minutes to send him packing. It's the new inquisition. But like everything else in nuchurch, it is inverted on it's head.

Instead of vigilantly defending orthodoxy and rooting out heresy, the new inquisition seeks to punish orthodoxy anywhere and everywhere, all the while allowing error and ambiguity to run rampant.

Our Lady of Fatima, ora pro nobis!
"A Sign from God:" The greatest sign for the Church and Catholics is the living Pope Benedict XVI, whom members of the Church treat as "polluted air." And the Magisterium, which excludes the existence of 2 or more popes in the Petrine Office. Unfortunately, the remaining Catholics are still looking for magical signs while playing the game of blind man’s buff with modernists ...
Joseph a' Christian
This priest's letter describes many of Bergoglio's unfaithful acts against our Lord Jesus, with precision. Bergoglio is extremely destructive. He is an adversary to we, who are striving to be, faithful lovers of Christ our Holy King.
Keep up the good writing/news gloriatv!
Too bad i just found he was asked to resign ,the USCCB, ,Where is the dialogue and mercy ?
It ,s amazing how God works
From Carl Olson, The Catholic World Report: "I spoke for a few minutes this morning with Fr. Weinandy, and he told me that since the letter’s publication, he has received many positive and encouraging notes from theologians, priests, and lay people. However, the USCCB asked him to resign from his current position as consultant to the bishops, and he has submitted his resignation. In making such …More
From Carl Olson, The Catholic World Report: "I spoke for a few minutes this morning with Fr. Weinandy, and he told me that since the letter’s publication, he has received many positive and encouraging notes from theologians, priests, and lay people. However, the USCCB asked him to resign from his current position as consultant to the bishops, and he has submitted his resignation. In making such a request, the USCCB, it would appear, reinforces Fr. Weinandy’s very point about fearfulness and lack of transparency."