Hard Truths

Hard Truths

Hard truths. In one of his last homilies, Archbishop Oscar Romero, the martyred Archbishop of San Salvador, said: "A preaching that does not point out sin is not the preaching of the gospel …

Excerpt on Luther and Protestantism from “The Cemetery in the 19th Century” by Mgr Gaume

No one disputes that Luther has much to do with modern unbelief. But it is another thing to be the author of evil, or to be only its propagator. Now, we cannot repeat it enough, the father of Protestantism …More
No one disputes that Luther has much to do with modern unbelief. But it is another thing to be the author of evil, or to be only its propagator. Now, we cannot repeat it enough, the father of Protestantism, Luther, did not give birth to rationalism, he applied it particularly in the religious order, by putting his reason above the authority of the 'Church.
The truth is 1° that Luther was, as Leibnitz says, only a consequentialist. When he came, atheism was already reduced to a system, and free thought a big girl. Born from the poisonous breath of the Greek sophists, brought to Europe by the fugitives from Constantinople, and by them presented to the admiration of youth, it had a large number of followers and apostles in Europe, especially in Italy. As proof of this fact, I could cite you a hundred pages of history (you will find them in Rationalism , 8th issue of the Revolution). I am content with two or three testimonies of incontestable authority.
An ancient Protestant author, Thomasius …More
Tom Morelli

Leading with a heart like Mary’s - RADIANT

Every life is filled with joy (hopefully!) and sorrow. As the mother of Jesus, Mary’s life was no exception to this rule. It was also an example of how to …

180. The Holy Spirit prepares the hearts

The basis of evangelization begins with this: “Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.” Matthew, chapter 10, verse 40 It would be interesting to ask …More
The basis of evangelization begins with this:
“Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.” Matthew, chapter 10, verse 40
It would be interesting to ask ourselves these questions: “Who is the person who seems interested in knowing Jesus, but doesn’t seem to dare move forward?” “Who welcomes our faith in Jesus? “Who shows signs of faith by their words, by their gestures?” “In whom do we welcome Jesus?”
We need to create a dialogue of faith with someone close to us.
Logically, in the world, there are many people who seek meaning in their lives, who wish to see more values spread, who are thirsty for a good word, who struggle for the lack of the presence of believing and convinced people.
These people may welcome us already. But did we suggest they discover the richness in their heart, which is of God, by telling them of the talents he wants to reveal in them?
It may be the glass of water we can offer:
“Whoever gives only a cup of cold water to …More
From The Remnant: Murdered by Midazolam injections: Study finds thousands of elderly English were euthanized to add to COVID-19 death statistics

Murdered by Midazolam injections: Study finds thousands of elderly English were euthanized to add to …

Moreover, the same report alarmingly indicated that the widespread and persistent use of Midazolam in …
Tom Morelli
The Biblical Roots of First Fridays According to Don Dolindo Ruotolo

The Biblical Roots of First Fridays According to Don Dolindo Ruotolo

Every first Friday, devoted Catholics around the world gather to worship the Sacred Heart of Jesus, performing acts of consecration,…

Deaconesses: An Archbishop Hopes for 'Boiled Frog' Strategy

The controversial Archbishop of Algiers, French-born Jean-Paul Vesco, 62, has again said that he wants invalidly ordained deaconesses (La-Croix.com, 28 May). He is relying on the strategy of the boiled …More
The controversial Archbishop of Algiers, French-born Jean-Paul Vesco, 62, has again said that he wants invalidly ordained deaconesses (La-Croix.com, 28 May).
He is relying on the strategy of the boiled frog: "What seemed inconceivable yesterday, such as the appointment of women to the highest positions in the Roman Curia, has become natural today. Likewise, what seems unimaginable today will become natural tomorrow". Even more unimaginable until yesterday was also the current decadence of the Roman Curia.
Jean-Paul Vesco believes that Francis' pontificate has "moved lines that were difficult to imagine being moved" when it comes to "the place of women" in the life of the Church. In the light of the Gospel, "the place of women in the Church" does not depend on workplaces in the Curia.
Regarding Francis' homosexual propaganda text 'Fiducia supplicans', Jean-Paul Vesco said it showed "the extreme difficulty of having a single audible word on all continents, given the diversity of societies …More
Father Karl A Claver
Another heretical idiot.
Angie W.

Nine Elevations of the Soul to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Heart of Jesus, perfect adorer of God, teach me to adore Thy heavenly Father with thee and by Thee. Heart of Jesus, inflamed with love for me, …

OpenAI Insider Estimates 70 Percent Chance That AI Will Destroy or Catastrophically Harm Humanity

"The world isn’t ready, and we aren’t ready." Getting Warner After former and current OpenAI employees …
Info Krieger Krieger

Desire to receive the Sacraments today but can’t?

Turn this suffering into reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. “If there are some who abuse the Sacraments, there are also many good daughters who receive them with the due dispositions, and …More
Turn this suffering into reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
“If there are some who abuse the Sacraments, there are also many good daughters who receive them with the due dispositions, and who would suffer very much if they could not attend them.’ And He: "Too scarce is their number; and then, their pain for not being able to receive them will work as reparation for Me, and to make them victims for those who abuse them."
Volume 2 of 36, October 1, 1899 Jesus speaks with bitterness about the abuses of the Sacraments.
This morning lovable Jesus continued to make Himself seen in silence, but with a most afflicted appearance; He had a thick crown of thorns driven onto His head. I felt my interior powers silent and I did not dare to say a single word; but in seeing that He suffered very much in His head, I stretched out my hands and, very carefully, removed the crown of thorns. But, what a bitter spasm He suffered! How His wounds opened more and His blood poured out in torrents! In …More

Leader of the Spanish Right Santiago Abascal: ‘No Prizes For Terrorism. No State For Palestine’

Scarcely a week has gone by since Pedro Sanchez, the Socialist Prime Minister of Spain, chose to recognize …

Trump WINS Again...

FLTV NEWSFLASH4 minutes ago1 min readTrump WINS Again...Michael's Comments: "Alvin Bragg is a brainless yankee idiot who hates Trump but has also helped Trump".Source: https://…

Archbishop Aguer: Cardinal Fernández had a 'hand' in sudden ousting of Argentine prelate - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — I come to deal once again with the case of Monsignor Gabriel Mestre, the fleeting …
la verdad prevalece
The perverted gay activist Jorge Bergoglio and his accomplice Tucho lead the great revenge against God and against the Church for opposing the vice of …More
The perverted gay activist Jorge Bergoglio and his accomplice Tucho lead the great revenge against God and against the Church for opposing the vice of sodomy. They are part of the army of the antichrist that persecutes the Bride of Christ.
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Tom Morelli
Happening now...

LIVE: “Chase the Vote” Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump – 6/6/24

Turning Point Action hosts “Chase the Vote – A Town Hall with President Donald J. Trump” with Charlie Kirk at Dream City Church …

Das Ende einer Ära: Pro-Palästina-Sprache entlarvt Israel und Zionismus von Ramzy Baroud - Sicht vom …

If one were to argue that a top Spanish government official would someday declare that „from the river …

☝️👉🇦🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸🇬🇧.LIVE: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump - 6/6/2024....🇦🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸🇬🇧👈

HERE IS THE LIVESTREAM-LINK>> LIVE: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump - 6/6/2024 ☝️👉🇦🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸🇬🇧.LIVE: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump - 6/6/2024....🇦🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸🇬🇧👈More
LIVE: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump - 6/6/2024
☝️👉🇦🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸🇬🇧.LIVE: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump - 6/6/2024....🇦🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸🇬🇧👈
Uwe Gutschmidt shares this
Uwe Gutschmidt

Parish Offers Scheduled Appointments For Homosexual [Pseudo] Blessings

St Paul's Parish in Lexington, Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky - the diocese is led by homosexual activist John Stowe - is offering scheduled [pseudo-] blessings for homosexual concubines. Scheduled …More
St Paul's Parish in Lexington, Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky - the diocese is led by homosexual activist John Stowe - is offering scheduled [pseudo-] blessings for homosexual concubines.
Scheduled blessings are not "spontaneous blessings" as required by Fiducia supplicans, but the hypocrisy of this text is that it says one thing but expects and encourages people to go all the way.
The parish writes on its website: "Same-sex couples wishing to receive a [pseudo] blessing should contact Father Richard" at the phone number or email provided.
CatholicVote.org (4 June) asked the priest the naive question of how such appointments are compatible with "Fiducia supplicans", but didn't get a reply from the "all are welcome" priest.
The parish website also features a blasphemous prayer to "Our Mother of Pride" (sic) next to a picture of Our Lady wrapped in a homosexual flag.
John Stowe recently accepted a woman as a "male hermit". Stowe is particularly fond of making fun of God's sixth commandment. …More
Maria Lylyander
And people tell me the FSSPX is shismatic.
Tony M
The fruits of Jorge and Tucho!!! Matthew 7:15-20 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition 15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of …More
The fruits of Jorge and Tucho!!!
Matthew 7:15-20 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition
15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.
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Sean Johnson
Interview of Resistance +Stobnicki by Rex (Slavic Resistance blog)

Per Mariam ad Iesum – Interview with Bishop Michał Stobnicki (2024)

June 1st, 2024 *** When I was about 13 years old, I accidentally saw a very old priest at Jasna Góra, the largest Marian shrine in …
BTW, Msgr. Williamson and Stobnicki are doing the same thing Fr. Stehlin and SSPX are accused of i.e. take priests after the NO formation. Are you not …More
BTW, Msgr. Williamson and Stobnicki are doing the same thing Fr. Stehlin and SSPX are accused of i.e. take priests after the NO formation. Are you not afraid that the Resistance won't be "kosher" after such a process?
Which reminds me of Bishop Stobnicki's words:
"They have tried already with poor Bishop Huonder, but God stopped this mockery. Who will be the next Trojan horse of the Argentine Jesuit in the SSPX?"
NO Huonder is as bad as the Trojan horse but NO Vigano is certainly good. I wonder how he measures their intentions.
"When I went to Father Pfluger with a smile on his face he said: we don't need priests like you in the Society. Actually, he should say in the Newsociety …More
"When I went to Father Pfluger with a smile on his face he said: we don't need priests like you in the Society. Actually, he should say in the Newsociety... In December 2008, I was invited by a former SSPX seminarian and current priest of the Institute of the Good Shepherd, Father Raffray, to visit him in Courtalain. I spent few weeks at the new seminary of the Institute of the Good Shepherd, but it definitely wasn't the place for me"
Oh. So he left the "Newsociety" as he called it to try the more "Novus Ordo" thing. A peculiar decision.
"I am convinced that passivity, absolute fidelity of young FSSPX priests to Bishop’s Fellay abandoning of Archbishop Lefebvre's glorious fight for the Faith is certainly the fruit of such ‘Prussian formation’."
Actually, according to my observations the Resistance in Poland gathered people with a kind of obsession relating to alleged "Prussian formation" of Polish SSPX priests starting from the supposition that Fr. Stehlin, a German, that went …More
...Only the Ten Commandments Thou hast given us, but in them Thou hast described what a perfect world should look like People write whole books, create thousands of commandments and precepts, and all …More
...Only the Ten Commandments Thou hast given us, but in them Thou hast described what a perfect world should look like
People write whole books, create thousands of commandments and precepts, and all they have done is to approach the gates of hell.
The sight of Your Most Precious Blood disturbs people
So innocently shed
So cruelly battered
But the gutter of filth and sin in which the world wallows no longer bothers!
The river of blood of the unborn
Flows through the streets of every city And someone asks : Why do you keep showing the battered body of Christ? Because the greatest love is born in suffering. It is not a dream in the clouds It is not a daydream, but Golgotha, on which the three crosses stood to show how everyone should act. Please, Lord, surround our souls with love! May hardships and obstacles strengthen us Let the joys remind us that You are among us! Amen

Love you my God!

I love you my God! I love You though the world hates You! How light the crosses are When I am not alone How light the Crosses are When my eyes are closed. To trust and go where Your …
chris griffin

It happened once again in Germany: Afghan vandalises election posters of a conservative party and …

On Wednesday, the 5th of June 2024 at around 09:15 p.m., a 49-year-old German bus driver in Bergen …
Father Karl A Claver
Remember they are our brothers, and we all honor the same God! More heretical nonsense from Vatican II.