
The Summa of Theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas volume 1

QUESTION 48 — EVIL 1. Is evil a nature? 2. Is evil found in things? 3. Is good the subject of evil? 4. Does evil totally destroy good? 5. The division of evil by punishment and fault. 6. Is the reason …More
1. Is evil a nature?
2. Is evil found in things?
3. Is good the subject of evil?
4. Does evil totally destroy good?
5. The division of evil by punishment and fault.
6. Is the reason for evil realized more in the punishment, or in the fault?
Article 1 — Is evil a nature? Objections: 1.
It seems so. In fact, what we call a genus is a determinate nature. Now, evil is a genus, since Aristotle writes in the Categories that good and evil are not included in a genus, but are themselves genera in relation to other things. So evil is a nature. 2. Every specific difference is a given nature. Now evil is a specific difference in morality; for example, a bad habitus differs specifically from a good one, as liberality differs from avarice. 3 . Two contrary things have a common nature. Now good and evil are opposed as two opposites, and not as privation and possession, as the philosopher says, who proves it by the fact that between good and evil there is a middle, and that evil is …More

Slowly but Surely: Francis Has Begun Corrupting Poland

To the cheers of the oligarchs' media, Rev. Adam Świeżyński, 50, a Catholic priest, took part in an "ecumenical" ceremony to [pseudo] "bless" homosexual concubines in Warsaw, Poland, on 17 May. The …More
To the cheers of the oligarchs' media, Rev. Adam Świeżyński, 50, a Catholic priest, took part in an "ecumenical" ceremony to [pseudo] "bless" homosexual concubines in Warsaw, Poland, on 17 May.
The blasphemy took place in an Evangelical Reformed parish in Warsaw. The main actors were Michał Jabłoński, the preacher of the parish, and Halina Radacz, a preacher of the Evangelical Community of the Augsburg Confession.
Świeżyński stood at a table covered with a rainbow flag and "prayed". Already back in May, Świeżyński pseudo-blessed homosexual concubines during an official event in a Protestant parish in Warsaw, saying that he had "nothing to reproach himself for" because he gave the blasphemous blessing according to the norms of Francis' "Fiducia supplicans", although this text speaks, at least in theory, of "spontaneous blessings".
Świeżyński told Wprost.pl (owned by Polish oligarch Michał M. Lisiecki) that he hoped Francis' "Fiducia Supplicans" would pave the way for similar blasphemies …More
Louis IX
Looks like a spontaneous blessing.(sarcasm)

Trudeau Authorizes Hospitals To Use Drowning As ‘Cheap’ Euthanazia Method

In a disturbing new interview, Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson spoke to combat veteran Kelsi Sheren, who detailed the …

Gaza live: Verteidigungsminister: Israel will „andere Regierung“ in Gaza aufbauen - Sicht vom Hochblauen

Hamas, Israel urged to finalise truce deal Hamas und Israel drängen auf Abschluss eines Waffenstills…
Pierre Henri
REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he 'made up' covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kidsMore
REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he 'made up' covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids

Fauci confesses social distancing and masking kids didn't stop covid

REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he 'made up' covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids He also said that …
Simon North
No one more dangerous than an apostate Catholic.

Got Your Trad Flag?

Check them out. I’ve had two of theirs for a while now. I went away to the Atlantic coast from Texas two weeks ago and left my “land” under the watchful emblems of both the Sacred …

Buddhist Prayer With Francis In Ancient Catholic Church Fulfills Prophecy - EndTimes.Video

Buddhist Prayer With Francis In Ancient Catholic Church Fulfills Prophecy June 2, 2024 vaticancatholic.com - …

The largest Sacred Heart of Jesus flag in the world with a challenge to our readers

Catholic Digest: Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus goes back to the 11th century. St. Margaret Mary Alacoque had …
sp2 . .

Francis the Forgiver of Rump Rangers ....... a Satanic Confusion

A wise Dominican once told this writer, that once the vice of sodomy has contaminated a seminary, Church authorities have only two options -- close the place down and send everyone home or do nothing …More
A wise Dominican once told this writer, that once the vice of sodomy has contaminated a seminary, Church authorities have only two options -- close the place down and send everyone home or do nothing and simply wait for the moral rot to spread until the foundation collapses on its own. Why is this particular vice so deadly to the religious life?
According to Damian, the vice of sodomy "surpasses the enormity of all others," because:
"Without fail, it brings death to the body and destruction to the soul. It pollutes the flesh, extinguishes the light of the mind, expels the Holy Spirit from the temple of the human heart, and gives entrance to the devil, the stimulator of lust. It leads to error, totally removes truth from the deluded mind ... It opens up hell and closes the gates of paradise ... It is this vice that violates temperance, slays modesty, strangles chastity, and slaughters virginity ... It defiles all things, sullies all things, pollutes all things ... "This vice excludes a …More
Wow! I didn't appreciate the enormity of the sin!
sp2 . .
When a Pope comes along and calls sin - Love, he is working as an instrument of Satan and need to be excommunicated. In this case - THE ANTICHRIST The …More
When a Pope comes along and calls sin - Love, he is working as an instrument of Satan and need to be excommunicated.
In this case - THE ANTICHRIST
The Pope said it....it must be true....the Pope is Infallible.
With that being said, we can now understand the acceptance of further sin among the Clergy - such as worshiping Pachamama
2 pages
Worth every minute!
The Wandering Recluse
Any doubts the Catholic press might be satanic?

Is now the time for LGBTQ priests and religious to come out?

(NCR illustration/Unsplash/S. Turby, Katie) Have we reached a moment when it's time for the many LGBTQ bishops, priests, deacons, brothers …
What??!!! "In part Catholicism depends on us (Lgbtqrst...)and has done so for a long time"(!) See above, according to Damian, sodomy "opens up hell and …More
What??!!! "In part Catholicism depends on us (Lgbtqrst...)and has done so for a long time"(!) See above, according to Damian, sodomy "opens up hell and closes the gates of paradise," and much more...
This is a good read to understand just how grave things are and why many call this paper "The Fishwrap"
2 more comments
Francis Appoints 3 Pro-Gay Prelates to Vatican Doctrinal Office

Francis Appoints 3 Pro-Gay Prelates to Vatican Doctrinal Office

Pope Francis appointed three prelates, known for their support for homosexuality, to the Vatican’s doctrinal office Saturday, just as LGBT …
Ivan Tomas
An Imperfect Council! Now!
Billy F
How Long O Lord will you allow these wicked infiltrators to hurt Your Bride?!?!?
One more comment
When Christopher Ferrara is on -- he is on!! Not to be missed!!

A Deep Winter: Eleven Years Under Francis by Christopher A. Ferrara | FC24 Dallas, TX

A Deep Winter: Eleven Years Under Francis by Christopher A. Ferrara | FC24 Dallas, TX The Fatima Center 261 Subscribers …
Billy F
This was good!!! 👍

Spain: Raping Children Okay When Gypsies Do It

Because leftists reject God, they have no absolute standard of right and wrong. They have only relativism, which dictates that even the most atrocious …
Why We Go

Why We Go

For those of us who manage to get to Mass at least once a week, not infrequently arriving moments before the sound of the opening hymn, the distance between car and church is only a parking …
....The most dangerous option for the faithful, is the one that misleads them . They criticize almost everything that today’s modernist church represents, and at the end they add that you must listen …More
....The most dangerous option for the faithful, is the one that misleads them . They criticize almost everything that today’s modernist church represents, and at the end they add that you must listen to the Pope, however. They show that it is evil, but you have to listen to him, otherwise you are outside the church. This is truly satanic perversity. A complete lack of logic and a denial that our Lord Jesus Christ is the absolute truth, not a little truth and a little lie. What the Vatican now represents is one big denial of Christianity, so they no longer deceive , but openly represent the synagogue of Satan.
Freemasonry is by definition an enemy of the Catholic Church and this too is a fact that cannot be disputed. All popes of recent years are praised by the Masonic bed , the creator of the new mass was a Freemason. These are also facts. So how can you reconcile these two facts ?
What can the arch-enemies of the Church praise its administration for ? Only for one thing – for actions …More

Stupidity does not excuse sin!

There are certain principles that guide this world. Let’s start with a truth that everyone has forgotten. God created the world, so all the laws governing it must be in …


THE NEW CAIN “SACRIFICE”?: VATICAN II’S ODIOUS OFFERING The precarious case of Cain and Abel and how it applies to our times between Modernist’s and Catholics! I am not the first nor last Catholic to …More
The precarious case of Cain and Abel and how it applies to our times between Modernist’s and Catholics! I am not the first nor last Catholic to point this out in general but perhaps I can highlight some points which vary from other Catholic writers and apologists.
The Case of Bishop John Stowe

The Case of Bishop John Stowe

Bishop John Stowe of Lexington, Kentucky, goes his own way. He regularly steps into the most delicate and highly-charged cultural and political issues with none of the …

Beware of hypocrites who claim to be Catholics.

@English Catholic fits perfectly in that category that Jesus repeatedly condemned. Intead of posting positive comments on gloria.tv, he throlls the website to find individuals that he can attack, making …More
@English Catholic fits perfectly in that category that Jesus repeatedly condemned. Intead of posting positive comments on gloria.tv, he throlls the website to find individuals that he can attack, making false claims (as a son of Satan the liar). No need to list all his bad fruits - just read his postings and determine if he is a light in the world or a bad fruit that should be burned for eternity.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
😊 😊 😊
Pierre Henri
How Ukraine is turned into a Death Camp for its own People A cry of distress from Ukraine: men are torn from their cars, brutally forced to the front, abused in recruitment centers. Tens of thousands …More
How Ukraine is turned into a Death Camp for its own People
A cry of distress from Ukraine: men are torn from their cars, brutally forced to the front, abused in recruitment centers. Tens of thousands are trying to escape. Daily, the bodies of drowned men are pulled out of a bordering river. Meanwhile, President Selensky complains about a lack of morale and that there are not enough men at the front.
A new law to tighten mobilization (May 18, 2024) is intended to „remedy“ the situation. What the US is „benevolently“ supporting with new weapons packages is in reality a gigantic crime – or, as the Ukrainian foreign minister macabrely but unambiguously puts it: „They provide the weapons, we provide the people.“

How Ukraine is turned into a Death Camp for its own People

body content to be replaced body content to be replaced body content to be replaced Child mortality in countries like Japan where there are no …
Credo .
Stupidity upon stupidity!
Father Karl A Claver
The United States is responsible for the mess in Ukraine. We opposed the Russian friendly president, and let the present clown take over.