
The 1968 Rite of Episcopal Consecration: Valid? -

Among the thornier issues facing intrepid seekers of Catholic truth in our day concerns the 1968 Rite of Episcopal Consecration and whether or not it’s …
Father Karl A Claver
Cardinal McIntyre said WHY BREAK UP A WINNING TEAM? The Vatican had NO reason to change the words of episcopal consecrations. By watering them down, …More
Cardinal McIntyre said WHY BREAK UP A WINNING TEAM? The Vatican had NO reason to change the words of episcopal consecrations. By watering them down, the words can mean anything to everyone. This was a huge mistake.
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
Vatican II has done to the Faith what a desalination plant does to sea water. It produced another product. Undermine the Papacy and the Sacraments and …More
Vatican II has done to the Faith what a desalination plant does to sea water. It produced another product. Undermine the Papacy and the Sacraments and Our Redeemer is no longer present as He is intrinsic to them just as salt is intrinsic to salt water.
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Immigration Lies: Fake Refugees and Bogus Students

On today’s Deprogrammed, host Harrison Pitt of the European Conservative is joined by Connor Tomlinson, political commentator and host at Lotus Eaters …

In der Tat, es gibt keinen Vergleich: Israels Verbrechen sind viel schlimmer als die der Hamas von …

Benjamin Netanyahu is right to dismiss as „absurd and false“ the suggestion that there is any …

Hunter Biden Arranged Business Meeting with Dad, Uncle, and Chinese Oligarch, New Text Messages Show …

A newly emerged batch of text messages has revealed that Hunter Biden arranged a business meeting with …
Father Karl A Claver
The Bidens make the Clintons look like Little Red Riding Hood.
Archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority have discovered a Byzantine-period church in the northern Negev desert with wall art displaying ships.

Archaeological discovery sheds light on pilgrimages to Holy Land

Jerusalem, May 23, 2024 / 10:31 am Archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority have discovered a Byzantine-period church in the …
Imagine being so close to the early Christians, pilgrimages, faith, the Holy Places, and not being a Catholic, in union with Christ, His Mother, and …More
Imagine being so close to the early Christians, pilgrimages, faith, the Holy Places, and not being a Catholic, in union with Christ, His Mother, and His Church. (Unless, of course, these researchers are Catholic.)
The National Park Service has denied the Knights of Columbus permission to celebrate a Memorial Day Mass at a national cemetery in Petersburg, Virginia—prompting a lawsuit.

Knights of Columbus council sues Biden administration over permit for Memorial Day Mass

The Knights of Columbus has asked a federal court to allow it to hold its annual Memorial Day Mass inside a national …
Father Karl A Claver
I hope the Knights take this insult and injustice to the Supreme Court. But then, most of them probably voted for Joe in the first place.

France: A teacher at a Catholic high school asked his students to pose naked for Palestine

Martin Gardey de Soos, a teacher at a private Catholic secondary school in Drôme, is under investigation for …
Castrate this vile degenerate and burn what’s left, for the sake and salvation of his immortal soul.

UK plans to end gender ideology in schools, set age-based rules

CNA Staff, May 21, 2024 / 15:55 pm The United Kingdom’s Department of Education intends to prohibit the promotion of gender ideology within …
Let us earnestly, fervently and desperately pray that such sanity comes again to the shores of America. May it please God to have it so.
Everyday for Life Canada
It’s time for Canada to do the same. Let’s stop the dangerous lie of telling children they are born in the wrong body. It’s time to end the madness …More
It’s time for Canada to do the same. Let’s stop the dangerous lie of telling children they are born in the wrong body. It’s time to end the madness with the fake six-coloured rainbow flags in public schools.

British Police Told Not to Arrest Criminals

Terms of Service DMCA Advertise with us Affiliates Media Inquiries About World News The plans are bound to benefit what politicians euphemistically call ‘low …
Germany to arrest Netanyahu if he visits country The Chancellor's office confirms plans to arrest Netanyahu amidst ICC war crimes allegationsMore
Germany to arrest Netanyahu if he visits country
The Chancellor's office confirms plans to arrest Netanyahu amidst ICC war crimes allegations

Germany to arrest Netanyahu if he visits country

Newsroom Germany has confirmed it will arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu if he enters the country amidst allegations of war crimes by the …

‘A wake-up call’: Israel’s consulate in Munich attacked

An attack took place against Israel’s consulate in Munich on Wednesday, according to the consul general of the diplomatic facility. Tayla Lador-…
Francis Draws Accusations of Heresy for Claiming Humans ‘Fundamentally Good’

Francis Draws Accusations of Heresy for Claiming Humans ‘Fundamentally Good’

Pope Francis drew scorn and accusations of heresy on social media Sunday for maintaining during his recent “60 Minutes” …
Thought we were "children of wrath" until adopted as children by God after baptism and in a state of grace.
Like the mother of John Bosco, or of Padre Pio.
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He has my vote.
Sean Johnson
What a joke. He’s going to talk about how bad Biden is, while taking credit for the death vax, lobbying to overturn anti-abortion laws he considers …More
What a joke. He’s going to talk about how bad Biden is, while taking credit for the death vax, lobbying to overturn anti-abortion laws he considers too restrictive, promoting gay rights, reassuring people he won’t restrict birth control, and pledging allegiance to Israel. Can someone explain to me the differences between democrats and republicans again? Reminds me of the famous pic of Clinton and Bush sitting together at a pro baseball game. And stupid Americans still don’t get that both parties are heading in the same direction, with the GOP’s job being to pick up those reluctant voters and bring them along to prevent a counter reaction (much like the conservative bishops in the Catholic bring would-be trads along to V2).
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Tucho "Fully Supports" (sic) the Coptic Statement against "Fiducia Supplicans"

Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II received Tucho Fernández on 22 May to discuss the March decision of the Copts to suspend theological dialogue with the Vatican because of Francis' homosexual propaganda …More
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II received Tucho Fernández on 22 May to discuss the March decision of the Copts to suspend theological dialogue with the Vatican because of Francis' homosexual propaganda text 'Fiducia supplicans'.
A press release on CopticOrthodox.church, which could not have been published without Tucho's approval, says that Tucho supports the Coptic March statement against 'Fiducia supplicans':
"Cardinal Victor Fernández stressed that the Catholic Church fully supports this statement and is committed to everything contained in it, considering that these are the teachings of the Holy Bible", the press release says.
At the end of the meeting, Tawadros II spoke of a "path of love" between the Church and the Copts and the "importance of dialogue", and sent greetings to Francis. In this context, the terms "love" and "dialogue" must be synonymous with mutual deception.
A monumental exercise in futility, since BOTH are raging heretics and apostates, deniers of the True Faith of Holy Mother Church in their own respective …More
A monumental exercise in futility, since BOTH are raging heretics and apostates, deniers of the True Faith of Holy Mother Church in their own respective and peculiar way. What else is new? 😐
Ass kissing in its highest and most advanced form. (may God forgive me)😐
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Dr. Chojnowski - A Response to the Fatima Center - part 1


‘By the Koran of Mecca, Wallah, you will respect me!’ Mohamed Amra, who was bugged when he was in …

On Tuesday May 14, a police van carrying Mohamed Amra was attacked by several men at the toll booth …
Anthony November
Yet another example standing against the specious argument that the death penalty really isn’t needed anymore because our prisons can protect society.

165. Forgiveness leads to peace

Forgiveness leads to peace: “Bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if one has a grievance against another; as the Lord has forgiven you, so must you also do.” Colossians, chapter 3, verse 13 …More
Forgiveness leads to peace:
“Bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if one has a grievance against another; as the Lord has forgiven you, so must you also do.” Colossians, chapter 3, verse 13
To reconcile with the neighbour is the condition to live a life of peace and joy. Let’s continue to forgive and build lasting relationships with others, freely and smoothly on our way. Suffering itself will diminish. Even though forgiving is sometimes difficult, it’s liberating.
Let’s praise God continually. Whenever we have good dispositions of the heart with God and with the neighbour, each time it’s the Holy Spirit who lives in our heart and he motivates our actions and our sharing. He transforms the walls into fields of wheat, into generous vines. May the Holy Spirit stimulate us with his graces:
“Hallelujah! Praise God in his holy sanctuary; give praise in the mighty dome of heaven. Give praise for his mighty deeds, praise him for his great majesty!” Psalm 150, verses 1 to 2
The …More

Fatima Center confirms there was a fake sister Lucy (David Rodríguez, Fatima Conference 2024)


In Europe, synagogues burn (again)

French police a few days ago killed an armed man who had set fire to a synagogue in Rouen, northern France, before being killed by the police. Imagine if it had been …

University of Toronto is getting a taste of its own woke, toxic medicine

The same kind of occupation is taking place in other universities across Canada. Their demand is for universities to stop investing …