Unsere Operationen im Roten Meer stehen im Einklang mit den Forderungen der Welt": ein Interview mit …

‚Our operations in the Red Sea are consistent with the world’s demands‘: an interview with Yemen’s …

Deutsche Polithysterie am Beispiel Sylt

Jihad Watch Deutschland Der heimliche Orientalismus Deutschlands, durchleuchtet von Fred Alan Medforth Your email address will not be published. Required fields …

Bishop Aguer : "The Holy See – to the envy of universal Freemasonry – has adopted the ideology of the French Revolution: “Liberté, egalité, fraternité.”"

Archbishop Aguer: Pope Francis’ Vatican has ‘adopted the ideology of the French Revolution’ The Holy See – to the envy of universal Freemasonry – has adopted the ideology of the French Revolution: …More
Archbishop Aguer: Pope Francis’ Vatican has ‘adopted the ideology of the French Revolution’
The Holy See – to the envy of universal Freemasonry – has adopted the ideology of the French Revolution: 'Liberté, egalité, fraternité.' Where has it filed away Jesus’ command to Peter and the Eleven to make all peoples His disciples?(LifeSiteNews) — “Pope summons 30 Nobel Prize winners to reflect on fraternity,” reads a La Prensa headline of a story from the outlet EFE. It refers to the recent “World Meeting on Human Fraternity,” whose theme was “Be Human.” The objective was “to elaborate a new worldwide Pact of Fraternity and a new code of the human being, in addition to announcing a great event on fraternity during the Holy Year [Jubilee] to be celebrated in 2025.” The guest list included Guatemalan indigenous leader Rigoberta Menchú, NASA director Bill Nelson, New York Mayor Eric Adams, and Mozambican child activist Graça Machel, who is also the widow of Nelson Mandela.
“Efforts will be made …More

Israeli organ trafficking network busted in Adana during transplants

Police teams in Adana detained 11 suspects, five Israeli and two Syrian, on allegations of organ trafficking. The Provincial Directorate …
Info Krieger Krieger
🇹🇷🇮🇱 Größte englischsprachige Tageszeitung in der Türkei Daily Sabah berichtet: Israelisches Organhandelsnetzwerk bei Transplantationen in Adana …More
🇹🇷🇮🇱 Größte englischsprachige Tageszeitung in der Türkei Daily Sabah berichtet: Israelisches Organhandelsnetzwerk bei Transplantationen in Adana gesprengt
Polizeiteams in Adana nahmen elf Verdächtige fest, fünf Israelis und zwei Syrer, denen Organhandel vorgeworfen wird.
Die Abteilung für Schmuggelbekämpfung und Grenzübergänge der Provinzdirektion für Sicherheit begann mit den Ermittlungen, nachdem sie die Pässe von sieben Personen untersucht hatte, die vor etwa einem Monat mit dem Flugzeug aus Israel in Adana angekommen waren. Bei zwei dieser Personen, AS (20) und ZMZ (21), beide syrische Staatsbürger, stellte sich heraus, dass sie gefälschte Pässe besaßen.
Weitere Ermittlungen ergaben, dass die syrischen Staatsangehörigen AS und ZMZ mit den israelischen Staatsangehörigen SAS (68) und EAM (28) eine Vereinbarung über Nierentransplantationen in Adana gegen Geld getroffen hatten.
Nach einer technischen und physischen Überwachung führte die Polizei eine Operation durch und nahm die Verdächtigen …More

Court of Human Rights Overreach Imperils Its Survival

The outcry at the so-called ‘Swiss Grannies case’ in early April—in which the European Court of Human Rights told the Swiss government that, as a …

Betrayed by Victims’ Advocates. Written By Anonymous

This riveting account by a survivor of adolescent sexual abuse first appeared in the Catholic League Journal, Catalyst, in April 2020. It is republished with permission at Beyond These Stone Walls. As …More
This riveting account by a survivor of adolescent sexual abuse first appeared in the Catholic League Journal, Catalyst, in April 2020. It is republished with permission at Beyond These Stone Walls.
As an adolescent victim of homosexual clergy abuse, I know the challenges that men face in coming forward. Many of us are silenced in shame after being abused. Aggravating the recovery process is that, despite the evidence, there is an ongoing agenda to cover up the homosexual nature of the abuse crisis, disenfranchising more than 80% of us victims.
Recovery is difficult enough without predatory advocacy groups and their lawyers trolling us for profit and politics. The added torment of being told the problem isn’t related to homosexuality only compounds our pain. For this reason, I am grateful to the Catholic League for giving me the opportunity to relay the difficulties facing victims of homosexual abuse in particular, with all due respect and recognition of the grief suffered by victims who …More
great article homosexuality is the elephant in the room .So happy you stayed in the church (St Peter Damian pray for us)
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Protect Yourself From EMF Radio, Microwave, Gamma Radiation & Chemical Poisoning

6. Restore Cellular Energy, and 'Prevent' Cell Membrane Damage. To purchase a bottle of Master Peace with Nano Zeolite Z …
Jeffrey Ade shares this
Please listen dear Catholic Friends! We need to know this information! God bless you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Jeffrey Ade
"For over 30 years, we have researched the benefits and effects that lifestyle and nutrition have on one’s health and fitness. With more than 40,000 …More
"For over 30 years, we have researched the benefits and effects that lifestyle and nutrition have on one’s health and fitness. With more than 40,000 case studies throughout the years, we have discovered that the pH level (the acid-alkaline measurement) of our internal fluids affects every cell in our bodies. Extended acid imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated by the body." - Dr Robert Young,

168. Life and faith in Jesus

May we recognize that Jesus is Lord and saves us from evil and sin. Jesus sends his disciples to learn at the mission school. He sends us there too. He tells us, “Go and learn the meaning of the words …More
May we recognize that Jesus is Lord and saves us from evil and sin.
Jesus sends his disciples to learn at the mission school. He sends us there too. He tells us, “Go and learn the meaning of the words, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.”
It’s reassuring. We are all called to him. Here and now, he asks us to be merciful. It’s difficult for us to become “righteous”, but it’s to become righteous that we are called to be. We are sinners and yet we are asked to offer to others what God offers us.
God’s justice is what he transmits to us through Love; joy, peace, mercy, hope, etc. Let’s offer them too. In this way, we will always be searching, standing, walking.
The school of life and faith in Jesus is just beginning. Let’s remain in the mission and stay awake to seek the Doctor. Here we’re on the road to follow Jesus and we want to enter salvation, freely.
The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Watch with faith, Normand Thomas
Looking Ahead to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (June 7)

Looking Ahead to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (June 7) - Adoremus

The expression “poured out” appears time and again in the Church’s texts during Solemnities. For example, the Opening Prayer for Mass …

Abu Obeida: Wir haben weitere israelische Soldaten gefangen genommen - Sicht vom Hochblauen

Abu Obeida announced that Israeli soldiers were captured, killed and wounded during a Resistance operation on …
Guntherus de Thuringia
"Das israelische Militär wies diese Behauptung zurück." Sehr bald wird sich herausstellen, wer lügt und wer die Wahrheit berichtet. >> Israels Krieg …More
"Das israelische Militär wies diese Behauptung zurück." Sehr bald wird sich herausstellen, wer lügt und wer die Wahrheit berichtet. >> Israels Krieg gegen Gaza live: Hamas behauptet, israelische Truppen gefangen genommen zu haben - Sicht vom Hochblauen

Trinity Sunday | The Fatima Center

A blessed Feast of the Most Holy Trinity to you! St. Rupert writes: “On the Sunday following the Feast of Pentecost, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Trinity. The …
The Miracle of the Flying Friar: How Padre Pio Saved an Italian Town From a BombMore
The Miracle of the Flying Friar: How Padre Pio Saved an Italian Town From a Bomb

The Miracle of the Flying Friar: How Padre Pio Saved an Italian Town From a Bomb

Did you know that Padre Pio appeared in the sky and stopped a bombing? This amazing story clearly shows how God works …

Nuns of Burgos: The Sister Who Left the Convent Speaks

Mother Isabel de la Trinidad did not consult with her community, the Poor Clare Sisters of Belorado, when she decided to break with the Archdiocese of Burgos and join Pablo de Rojas Sáncez-Franco, a …More
Mother Isabel de la Trinidad did not consult with her community, the Poor Clare Sisters of Belorado, when she decided to break with the Archdiocese of Burgos and join Pablo de Rojas Sáncez-Franco, a self-declared sedevacantist bishop, Sister María Amparo, 81, said in an interview with (May 18).
The nun has been in religious life for 62 years, 20 of them spent in Belorado. She left three days after the nuns' declaration of schism. Sister María strongly denies Mother Isabel’s claim that the decision was unanimous.
“You can’t make such a decision like that without a chapter, and there was no meeting. We were presented with facts that had already been established,” she said. According to the sister, the 16 nuns were called to gather in a parlour, where Pablo de Rojas Sánchez-Franco waited and told the nuns that he was now in charge.
Sister María says she spoke out against the [pseudo-] bishop at the meeting: “The Lord put words in my mouth. I told him: We are under the …More
Nuns of Belorado
Strike the Shepard
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Who will succeed Pope Francis?

Who will hold the keys of St Peter next? The ups and downs of expertise - Catholic Herald

While American journalist David von Drehle has enjoyed a highly distinguished career, including stints with both the …
Sean Johnson
Another new world order heretic, obviously (since none will reject Satan’s second Vatican council).
Mother’s ‘great joy’ as video-game loving son becomes set for sainthood — interview with Antonia Salzano, the mother of Carlo Acutis

Mother’s ‘great joy’ as video-game loving son becomes set for sainthood | CNN

The mother of an Italian teenager set to become the Catholic Church’s first millennial saint has told of her “great joy”…
J G Tasan
A saint??? Hurmmm... 🥴🥱🥱🥱More
A saint???
Hurmmm... 🥴🥱🥱🥱
All Saints
Sniff test fail.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 25, 2024, #459

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 25, 2024, #459 "Millions Of Americans Brace For 'Intense' Tornadoes During Memorial Day Weekend" …

LIVE:👉 President Trump 👈Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24..🇦🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸🇬🇧

HERE IS THE LIVE-STREAM-LINK>>> LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 LIVE:👉 President Trump 👈Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24…More
LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24
LIVE:👉 President Trump 👈Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24..🇦🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸🇬🇧

Abschlachten im Gazastreifen: Wann wird die Vernunft siegen? Von Dr. Marwan Asmar - Sicht vom Hochblauen

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On the Vatican’s New Norms for Discerning Apparitions

The new and long-awaited Vatican document laying out norms for discerning apparitions was released today. It at least appears free of some of the …
One person has died of measles in the last 10 years. Is this a sign everyone who has not been vaccinated should be vaccinated against measles? Steve Kirsch does the math for us and it is amazing!

Measles vaccine math

Discover more from Steve Kirsch's newsletter Measles vaccine math Health experts are telling everyone to get the MMR shot. But simple math shows getting the measles vaccine is …