Islam Invades Africa. Macron Behaving with Pope Francis Like a School-Boy On Tuesday, French President Emmanuel Macron, a stooge of the oligarchs who run France, met Pope Francis. At the end of the …More
Islam Invades Africa.
Macron Behaving with Pope Francis Like a School-Boy
On Tuesday, French President Emmanuel Macron, a stooge of the oligarchs who run France, met Pope Francis. At the end of the audience Macron gave Francis a caress over the Pontiff’s face. Many commentators considered this as a lack of respect. Only days earlier, a Paris high-schooler approached Macron during a bath in the crowd, calling him “Manu”, the diminutive of Emmanuel. An angry Macron immediatelly corrected the boy, “No, no, no, no, no. You are here in an official ceremony and you ought the behave properly.” Macron went on putting down the youngster.
Cardinal Idealizes Sad Reality
Cardinal Sandri, the prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, recently complained about the fate of the Christians in the Middle East who are forced to emigrate, but also emphasized that those who arrive in Europe bring – quote – “a joy of the Gospel which the secularized societies have lost.” An anonymous oriental …More
Joseph a' Christian
Too bad that Macron was not Catholic, he could have grabbed that anti-Christ by the throat. Shake False Francis vigorously.
Christ Jesus Is God.
Holy Cannoli
Macron Behaving with Pope Francis Like a School-Boy
“Manu.” Isn’t that French for "granny lover"? 😲