
Schönborn: “Perhaps I Will [Invalidly] Ordain Female Deacons”

Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schönborn is in favour of [invalidly] ordaining women to deacons.

On September 29 he wrote on Twitter, “Perhaps I will one day be able to [invalidly] consecrate women to the diaconate." Several hours later, the tweet was deleted. Schönborn is expected to retire in 16 months.

The tweet mirrored an identical statement Schönborn made during a September 29 speech in his cathedral in front of 1.700 diocesan employees or parish delegates. Applause followed.

It is a common tactic used by anti-Catholic prelates to publish heresies and, shortly after, to retract in order to slowly accustom the faithful to their poison.

De Profundis
Bad enough that he wants to ordain them. But he/his employee can't even spell the German for "deaconesses" right...
Joseph a' Christian
Interesting Analysis Gloria:
“It is a common tactic used by anti-Catholic prelates to publish heresies and, shortly after, to retract in order to slowly accustom the faithful to their poison.”
Jesus Is Truth.
Is it without meaning and powerful effect that Our Lord related to us in the Gospels, "A house divided against it self cannot stand?"
The best wish should be
Si tacuisses philosophus mansisses!