Vatican Gerontocrats Endorse Euthanasia, Artificial Insemination

Criminalising euthanasia "does more harm than good" and artificial insemination "can be done".

These assertions are contained in a book with the euphemist title La gioia della vita (The Joy of Life), which was produced by "theologians" of the Pontifical Academy for Life (, 18 March).

The texts date back to a seminar of the discredited Academy in 2021. They were published last month.

The bosses of the Academy believe that it is "good" not to ban euthanasia because "this could cause greater damage to the common good and to civil coexistence, by exacerbating conflicts or favouring clandestine forms [most murders are "clandestine"] of officially illegal practices" (page 150).

Their book goes on to claim that artificial insemination with the husband's sperm ("homologous insemination") does not artificially separate procreation from sexual intercourse, which is "in itself" sterile.

"On the contrary, the technique acts as a form of therapy that makes it possible to cure sterility, not by replacing sexual intercourse, but by making procreation possible," they write on page 130.

In real life, sperm is obtained through morally reprehensible masturbation and embryos are created in laboratories. Surplus embryos that constitute a human person are frozen or murdered.


Carlus shares this
"Ego me absolvo"
Das ist kein Teil der Katholischen Kirche, diese Gruppe ist die Nachäfferkirche Besetzter Raum und der religiöse Teil der NWO.
Novena - Oremus shares this
"Ego me absolvo"
Denis Efimov
It is logical that the satanic religion has satanic morals. This “academy” has repeatedly published proposals leading to hell, and the composition of this organization is in no way Catholic.
Ivan Tomas
In the matter of words it is in certain way still ANTI-Catholic.
That will say, it's much more evil than simply not to be Catholic at all.
But, I am sure, you get my point.