Why Do Pro-Abortion Libs Hate the God-given Right to Life? You can help us de-fund abortion here: tfpstudentaction.org/petitions/defund-planned-parenthood-forever In this video, you’ll see TFP Student …More
Why Do Pro-Abortion Libs Hate the God-given Right to Life?
You can help us de-fund abortion here:
In this video, you’ll see TFP Student Action volunteers opposing abortion at the University of Delaware, in Newark, DE. At one point, a pro-abortion student shows up with a set of bagpipes to disrupt the TFP campaign. He did not last long. He lost the bagpipe duel.
Although the God-given right to life is unalienable, the culture of death is hell-bent on destroying it. Abortion on demand has killed more than 64 million innocent preborn babies in USA alone. When base pleasure and instant gratification become the goal of life, anything that stands in their way is deemed repressive or limiting. Even the lives of innocent human beings are considered expendable, inconvenient or unwanted when they stand in the way of unruly passions and immoral behavior.
Let’s pray and fight to make the sin of abortion unthinkable.
#UDel #UniversityMore
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