
14th Century Cathedral (!) Becomes Venue for Sport Event

Metz Handball, a sports club in Eastern France, celebrated the beginning of their season on September 5 in Metz' Saint Etienne Cathedral calling the place an "exceptional and unmissable place in our …More
Metz Handball, a sports club in Eastern France, celebrated the beginning of their season on September 5 in Metz' Saint Etienne Cathedral calling the place an "exceptional and unmissable place in our magnificent city.”
Local politicians among them the mayor of Metz were present at the show.
The event included speeches, parades in sportswear and musical interludes. There was nothing religious about it. The Cathedral was simply abused as meeting room.
In the decadent Council Church, such abuses have become the rule.
Catholics from Metz are organizing a prayer of reparation on September 17.
Stephen E Gallagher shares this
Agatha James
I'm just remembering Croi, that the current bishop of Rome allowed a car commercial to be shot in the Sistine Chapel.
Croí Láidir
Well @Agatha James, that is sad and disgusting. The one thing it fails to be is shocking or surprising to me. It ticks all the boxes of the post-Vatican II church:
1.) APOSTACY- The bishop of Rome allowed a car commercial to be shot in the Sistine Chapel.
2.) BLASPHEMY- Desecration of the sacred, the Sistine Chapel and all that it contains and represents.
3.) IMPURITY- The car in this instance …More
Well @Agatha James, that is sad and disgusting. The one thing it fails to be is shocking or surprising to me. It ticks all the boxes of the post-Vatican II church:
1.) APOSTACY- The bishop of Rome allowed a car commercial to be shot in the Sistine Chapel.
2.) BLASPHEMY- Desecration of the sacred, the Sistine Chapel and all that it contains and represents.
3.) IMPURITY- The car in this instance is another filthy idol; it is no different than the filthy pachamama (I purposely did not capitalize the "p" because I happily disrespect it.)
These are the fruits of Vatican II and a church that was constructed by mankind and for mankind's vanity.
I pray that all who say they are Catholic to discover what was taken from them and their families by going to a Traditional Latin Mass. Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us!
Agatha James
Remember Judas saying that the vial of costly perfume should have been sold to the poor.
Croí Láidir
There's no end to the celebrated desecration of holy places with Francis and his followers. This post Vatican II church is filled to the brim with apostasy, blasphemy and impurity. God, have mercy on us! Our Lady, pray for us! I fear the wrath of Almighty God.