Globalist attacks USA at Vatican conference, calls Trump ‘dangerous’ to one-world ‘big consensus’ American economist and population control advocate Jeffrey Sachs launches a scathing attack on the …More
Globalist attacks USA at Vatican conference, calls Trump ‘dangerous’ to one-world ‘big consensus’
American economist and population control advocate Jeffrey Sachs launches a scathing attack on the Trump administration, saying it is a bullying threat to multilateralism. Sachs was the keynote speaker at the conference on "New Forms of Solidarity" at the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences in the Vatican Gardens, Feb. 5, 2020.
Gesù è con noi
The Soros puppet talking with the applause of the sacrilege apostate Sorondo.
J G Tasan
Do worry less, Mr. Sach!
As God himself will provide (Genesis 22: 8)...
Let’s recite the MEMORARÉ together:
Remember, O’ Most Gracious Virgin Mary!, that never was it known that anyone who fled to Your protection; implored Your help or sought Your intercession – was left unaided! Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto You – O’ Virgin of virgin – my Mother! To You, I come; before You, I …More
Do worry less, Mr. Sach!

As God himself will provide (Genesis 22: 8)...

Let’s recite the MEMORARÉ together:

Remember, O’ Most Gracious Virgin Mary!, that never was it known that anyone who fled to Your protection; implored Your help or sought Your intercession – was left unaided! Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto You – O’ Virgin of virgin – my Mother! To You, I come; before You, I stand – sinful and sorrowful! O’ Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but, in Your mercy – hear and answer me! Amen.
Jeffery Sachs wants as many dead children as he can get. And, he is a favorite of the Vatican. Go figure
This is why American's voted for Trump to keep idiots like this man from destroying our country.. Wake-up where ever you are!
This man is so CLUELESS! GO USA! Thank you President Trump, our Military is the strongest ever!... on and on....
Awww... don't worry @Lalanz. Europe will fall much sooner than that, thanks to unsustainable levels of Islamic immigration. Don-Don has nothing to do with that.
Tweedledum dumb and Tweedledee
In to the wind they liked to pee.
Europe will fall after Trump economically collapses it...tariffs are a stinger...