
Breaking: Pell Will Speak Out – Shocking Revelations

Sky News Australia host Andrew Bolt, an agnostic who like Gloria.tv always maintained Cardinal Pell’s innocence, will air a Pell interview on April 14. In an April 13 commentary, Bolt calls the role …More
Sky News Australia host Andrew Bolt, an agnostic who like Gloria.tv always maintained Cardinal Pell’s innocence, will air a Pell interview on April 14.
In an April 13 commentary, Bolt calls the role of the Victoria police “one of the great scandals” surrounding Pell’s persecution.
Police charged Pell “26 times” with child sex offences after having advertised for accusers, “Every single time, the charge was so stupid or so weak or so badly investigated or all of the above that the charges had to be dropped or have now been dismissed.”
Bolt makes the shock revelation that “they are still preparing another case.”
He slams the role of the Australian State Broadcaster (ABC) who has run a year-long “witch-hunt” against Pell,
“Not once, have I ever heard one single ABC presenter or reporter expressing doubts about this bizarre rape store in which one of the alleged victims said hadn’t been raped at all.”
Bolt announces that, in the interview, Pell “will hit back” and also talk about “the role …More
Angelici Ordinis
One can only hope that some Italian family with deep pockets and long arms of power throughout the world decided to tighten some screws somewhere in the Australian government. The only thing these globalists understand is the threat of real pain.
They picked the wrong guy Roberto 55. Cardinal Pell's belated justice after a trial in a kangaroo-court puts a human face on every wrongly accused priest.
Roberto 55
Luciferian neomarxist need a scapegoat. They need someone from catholic Church. They need to show the world how bad is the Church and even cardinals are evil. Vatican and Francis are silent or busy with Pacha -mama and her punishment. Satan is happy for them...