
Church [Allegedly] Has “Shortcomings” with Homosexuals - New Zealand Cardinal Believes

In New Zealand, 55% of the population have no religion. Only 30% identify as Christians, down from 49% at a 2006 Census, according to a recent report. The two main excuses for justifying the apostasy …More
In New Zealand, 55% of the population have no religion. Only 30% identify as Christians, down from 49% at a 2006 Census, according to a recent report.
The two main excuses for justifying the apostasy were [alleged] Church teachings on homosexuality and hell, although a majority of Christians in the country are liberal pro-gay Protestants who believe in universal salvation without hell.
Nevertheless New Zealand's liberal pro-gay Cardinal John Dew of Wellington used the recent report in order to engage in gay-propaganda.
According to New Zealand Herald (June 21), Dew accused the Church of having fallen short, “especially with regards to particular groups in society, such as the LGBT community, who have felt a very real sense of rejection through the Church.”
In reality, the Church, unlike Dew, encourages these people to reject their vices and to convert.
Picture: John Dew, © Centro Televisivo Vaticano, wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsHlmciykymf
Doing more of what has failed since V2, surely counts as insanity or stupidity.