
Priest Suspended For Calling Francis A “Heretic”

Albenga-Imperia Bishop Guglielmo Borghetti, Italy, suspended Father Fabio Ragusa, the assistant priest in Borgio Verezzi, Savona, for criticising the Who-Am-I-To-Judge Francis.

In his November 1 homily, Ragusa denounced Francis as a “heretic in need of conversion” calling his endorsement of homosex unions “a grave doctrinal error.” After this, some faithful left the church, others shouted: “Don’t judge!”. So, Ragusa stopped his homily and continued celebrating Mass.

Bishop Borghetti told Time24.News that no priest is allowed to speak similar words against Francis. Albenga-Imperia was the most Catholic diocese in Italy until Francis disempowered Bishop Mario Oliveri at age 71 and imposed Borghetti first as a coadjutor bishop and a year later as Oliveri's successor.

Picture: Fabio Ragusa, Imperia Tv, #newsUdvsmfxlxf

comfort ye
After his comments "some of the faithful left the church". No, some people who have more of a problem having their feelings hurt than leaving Jesus abandoned, left the church, rather than humbly acknowledge that Francis could be acting wrongfully. The priest was faith-filled, not the escapists.
So if Father had preached contrary to Catholic Doctrine and promoted civil unions all would be ok and his Bishop and Pope would say nothing. Diabolical disorientation! Father you have a home with us! Ave Maria
Liam Ronan
He would have been suspended from any further comment on Gloria.tv had he posted his charge of Francis' heresy there.
Tony M
I trust Fr Ragusa, because he had the courage to defend authentic Catholic Truth as he stood up against the heretic Bergoglio. May God bless him profusely. Admirable!!!
Looks like Borghetti does not have the backbone or the stomach to stand up for the 2000 year Constant Teaching of the Church. No way can I trust him!!! Let us pray for his conversion.
miloš pavel
kdepak je ten chytrý petr co si říká skála a jeho tvrzení o špatné interpretaci slov papeže, v itálii to ví patrně už každý obyčejný farář jaký názor má současný papež na honosexualitu
comfort ye
We need a translation here. 🤔