
16,000 Young People Whose Average Age Was 20. By Archbishop Thomas Gullickson

I was in France over Pentecost, invited to celebrate the Pontifical High Mass in the Cathedral of Chartres for the 41st Paris-Chartres youth pilgrimage. 16,000 young people whose average age was 20 …More
I was in France over Pentecost, invited to celebrate the Pontifical High Mass in the Cathedral of Chartres for the 41st Paris-Chartres youth pilgrimage.
16,000 young people whose average age was 20 participated in this wonderful three-day event.
There were over 300 traditional priests accompanying the young people and families; there were numerous women religious in traditional habit who cared especially for the children and adolescents; there were men religious and seminarians who took part as well.
Even the secular media in France were respectful in their interviews and reporting on the pilgrimage.
It is safe to say that many French Catholics rejoiced in the pilgrimage under the protection of the Blessed Mother, and many more were confounded by this joyous and beautiful witness of faith, traditional faith, which did not fit the usual rhetoric of scepticism and alienation from the institutional Church in France.
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Jan Joseph
Geweldig dit is de echte Rooms Katholieke van de toekomst.
Archbishop Thomas Gullickson DG