Texas Library Assn. Hosts Drag Queen Storytime, But TFP Protests Click on the following link to protest Drag Queens reading to children -- STOP Transgender "Drag Queen Story Hour" for 3 Year-Olds in …More
Texas Library Assn. Hosts Drag Queen Storytime, But TFP Protests
Click on the following link to protest Drag Queens reading to children --
STOP Transgender "Drag Queen Story Hour" for 3 Year-Olds in Public Libraries
Public libraries should not be platforms that rob children of their innocence.
However, with the creation of Drag Queen Story Hours, many libraries have
become just that: centers of corruption.
On April 25, the Texas Library Association held its annual convention at the Fort
Worth Convention Center. The event for librarians across the state of Texas featured a Drag Queen Storytime where adult men dressed up as women and typically read pro-LGBT children’s books. To defend the innocence of our children, the American TFP organized a peaceful and prayerful protest in front of the convention center. Dozens of faithful Catholics attended. From the public sidewalk, they prayed the rosary, sang hymns, and expressed their concern about the public promotion of sin within the library …More
Thank you for doing that on behalf of all of us, TFP. Our Lady of Good Success pray for us, and for the innocence of our children.
Jeffrey Ade
God bless the American TFP!
What these people do is so brave God bless them and their families