Surrogacy: Francis Condemns What He Previously Accepted

Francis on Monday called for a universal ban on surrogacy [which amounts to child trafficking].

"I consider despicable the practice of so-called surrogate motherhood, which represents a grave violation of the dignity of the woman and the child, based on the exploitation of situations of material need of the mother," he said during an address to ambassadors accredited to the Holy See.

Unsurprisingly, the same Francis had previously de facto accepted surrogacy when he claimed in November that a child born through surrogacy and acquired by two homosexual concubines could be baptised. In doing so, he avoided any critical word about surrogacy and thus accepted surrogacy as something to be taken for granted.


Everyday for Life Canada
This is a distraction from Fiducia Supplicans. Keep the faithful confused and guessing. Guess how Fiducia is already being used in Catholic schools and other institutions around the world? And governments. Any way you look at it, it’s a scandal.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio uses Duplicity to discredit the Papacy since Bergoglio himself congratulated a gay couple in Brazil who adopted children and congratulated a single Argentine friend who used surrogacy.
"You find some things which might well be expressed by a Catholic, but in the next page you find other things which might have been dictated by a rationalist." Pascendi n. 18
A classical “Red Herring” strategy, and timed perfectly. It’s the Vatican throwing consolation peanuts to placate the conservative and orthodox Faithful in light of the outrage ignited by the sodomy blessing Declaration. They hope to “calm the natives” with this move, by showing some slight Papal acknowledgment of the Church’s moral teachings. A sleight of hands trick to distract us from the …More
A classical “Red Herring” strategy, and timed perfectly. It’s the Vatican throwing consolation peanuts to placate the conservative and orthodox Faithful in light of the outrage ignited by the sodomy blessing Declaration. They hope to “calm the natives” with this move, by showing some slight Papal acknowledgment of the Church’s moral teachings. A sleight of hands trick to distract us from the countless other — to use the Pope’s own words“grave violations” perpetrated by the Vatican itself upon the Deposit of Faith and the constant abuse of those who defend it and adhere to it. Especially as it regards this latest abomination that sanctions and approves the coupling of sodomites. But it won’t work.
English Catholic
Spot on @SonoftheChurch Absolutely spot on.
Look here not there, for the zillionth time.
True Mass
How about gay adoption? Anything on that?
Cornelio Nino Morales
John Paul II called it "violence"