
Pope Francis Wants To Listen To "Doubts"

Pope Francis announced during the October 4 General Audience that the Vatican will organise a meeting in March 2018 with young people of different religions as well as atheists in order to listen to “the doubts and criticisms of young people”.

User comments on en.gloria.tv notice that Francis asks uncatechized, confused and ignorant youth for their doubts but ignores the doubts related to Amoris Laetitia of his own Cardinals.

User comments on en.gloria.tv notice that Francis asks uncatechized, confused and ignorant youth for their doubts but ignores the doubts related to Amoris Laetitia of his own Cardinals.
Haha... User comments note well! :)
and " the doubts and criticisms of young people”.
Francis the pope is the coward...
He is spreading heresy and takes his tail under himselve.
what about the dubia from the 4 cardinals
Having worked both with second and third level students I can say that while most are very poorly formed in the Faith there are some who stand out for devotion and knowledge. These latter were a joy to work with. I wonder though whose doubts and questions will be listened to?
How about some common sense? Young people are in need of guidance. So it's only logical for a shepherd to guide them, not to be guided and instructed by them. This is useless and fruitless as everything that Conciliar church does.