
Vatican’s Finances: The Problem Is Lies At the Top

Libero Milone, 74, the Vatican's former auditor and his deputy, Ferruccio Panicco, 63, have filed a lawsuit with the Vatican. Today.it (17 November) has published parts of it.

- Milone informed Francis' then private secretary, Monsignor Yoannis Lahzi Gaid, of the serious shortcomings found and the insufficient cooperation on the part of the Vatican prosecutor's office and the Financial Intelligence Authority.

- In October 2015, Francis was informed about the concealment of funds from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the misappropriation of funds by a monsignor of the Pontifical Council for the Family, serious conflicts of interest on the part of key members of the Prefecture for the Economy and APSA's obstructionism against any control.

- 2.5 million euros from the Bajola Parisani Foundation for a new ward at the Bambino Gesù hospital disappeared. Instead, a plaque of thanks was placed at the entrance of an old ward.

- 500,000 € were transferred from Bambino Gesù to the Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital Foundation for a marketing campaign, but were used to illegally fund Italian political parties during the 2013 elections.

- Funds from the Vatican's gendarmerie were illegally used to cover restructuring costs (€170,000) that the commander, Domenico Giani, was supposed to pay.

- Milone discovered the opaque management of the 2015 Jubilee by a monsignor.

- The Vatican's cyber security was so poor that access to Francis' emails was possible.

- Bambino Gesù's very conspicuous funds, mainly from funds (tens of millions paid annually by the Italian National Health Service), had often been misused by 2015, even for risky investments.

- Propaganda Fide showed numerous invoices to a well-known confectionery company for apparently non-existent services.

- Propaganda Fidei mysteriously rented out a splendid flat in the centre of Rome to a well-known RAI journalist.

- A senior prelate returned some €30,000 he had 'accidentally' withdrawn from a Vatican account he managed after Milone exposed him.

- A cardinal 'voluntarily' returned €500,000 taken from the institution he managed. They had "accidentally" ended up in his private accounts.

- The secretary of this cardinal gave his bank account instead of the account of a creditor.

- Francis received Milone at regular intervals, but urged him to resolve delicate issues with gentle methods.

- Francis promised Milone "his closeness and support" but then refused to receive him.

- Milone's investigations all ended in nothing - to everyone's relief.

- Cardinal Becciu staged charges of embezzlement and espionage against Milone and had him arrested, and Francis imposed papal secrecy to cover up Milone's resignation affair.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsYbqpdveslb
Malki Tzedek
While I do not wish ill on anyone, I pray that any incompetence or misdeeds bring the perpetrators to ask forgiveness, to reform their lives, and work for the Lord in building His Church and strengthening His people in the orthodoxy of Faith. Barring that, they could all resign.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
That first includes Bergoglio, who is the chief culprit, then Parolin, etc. Becciu already is gone.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I hope all these scandals and crisis just simply OVERWHELM Franis and his Vatican and ultimately in afew months, brings his pontificate to an end....either by his death....or voluntary or forced resignation.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Bergoglio is positioning the Counterfeit Church to be the recipient of enormous sums of money. When he officially inverts the doctrines of the Church, the enemies of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church will flood the Bergoglian Counterfeit Church with too much money to count. Then the Counterfeit Church will be the conduit for solving all of the "problems" of "the …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Bergoglio is positioning the Counterfeit Church to be the recipient of enormous sums of money. When he officially inverts the doctrines of the Church, the enemies of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church will flood the Bergoglian Counterfeit Church with too much money to count. Then the Counterfeit Church will be the conduit for solving all of the "problems" of "the world." It will be a super global non-profit backed by every nation and every billionaire on the planet. But the biggest investor in the Anti-Church will be Satan.

This is what is meant in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, section 675, when it says that the Antichrist will propose "a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth." The Counterfeit Church will say that we must put aside our theological and moral differences so that we can tackle the world's problems together. And he will claim it is the Holy Spirit talking through him. He will be a new "Christ" come back to set the world right again.

The people who refuse to go along with him will be "persecuted" as haters and backwardists. But all we need to do is love and follow what Jesus taught and what his true Church has always taught. Keep the Commandments. Watch and pray. Use the "persecution" as an instrument of purification. Learn to hate the things of "the world" and love the things of God. And never forget that the good guys win in the end.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@PNF-That's a great post, thankyou. Though I think all this will end when Bergoglio does, it is good advice to keep to the True Faith. I know lots of Catholics who don't go to Mass at all anymore because they hate Bergoglio and his agenda. That's why I believe that he and his people are truely influenced by Satan.
Tony M
The prophetic messages that said Pope Benedict would step aside (one year to the day before Pope Benedict made the announcement) also said that the one to follow would be The False Prophet of the Book of Revelation....the Precursor to the Antichrist.
The Antichrist is waiting in the wings. We ain't seen nothin' yet!!!
Also see here prophetic words of Archbishop Fulton Sheen:-
Archbishop Fulton …More
The prophetic messages that said Pope Benedict would step aside (one year to the day before Pope Benedict made the announcement) also said that the one to follow would be The False Prophet of the Book of Revelation....the Precursor to the Antichrist.
The Antichrist is waiting in the wings. We ain't seen nothin' yet!!!
Also see here prophetic words of Archbishop Fulton Sheen:-
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen – 1948 Prophecy of the False Prophet and False (Counterfeit) Church | Mary Refuge Of Souls
Tony M