
Bishop Williamson and the jewish Question about Gaza

The murder of Palestinians is quite wrong,

But it teaches, Satan’s hate and evil are strong.

The Jews are an exceptional race among all mankind of all ages, and still are, because no other race has been or will be marked out by the one true God to be the human cradle of the one and only true Messiah or Saviour of whatever human beings from the beginning to the end of Creation want to be saved for eternal bliss. “Salvation is from the Jews,” says Our Lord Himself to the Samaritan woman (Jn. IV, 22), and souls are wise to remember that truth whenever today’s Israelis set about “mowing the lawn,” as they call it in Hebrew, a choice of words truly corresponding to the inhumanity of their slaughter of Palestinians.

But how could they have descended so unspeakably low from their divine calling to provide God the Son with His launching-pad on earth? Because everything about the Jews obliges us to think thoughts of God, and not just thoughts of men. Cf. Is. LV, 8,9 – “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” In fact to remind human beings of this transcendence of the one true Creator and God may be one of His reasons for allowing such sheer wickedness of Jews of all time (I Thess. II, 14–16), and not just of today’s Israelis. Might not God be thinking as follows? –

“My children, how far you are from the truth about what I give you when I give you life! To every single one of you I only give life and free-will so that you can all choose to deserve to go to Heaven. Instead you choose not to believe in My offer, and instead you allow the highly limited pleasures of your life on earth to occupy all your horizon, to take up all your attention, as though nothing else is reasonable. And so what seems reasonable to you takes up the best of your time and love and attention, and you shut Me out, and you shut out anything else like love or poetry or music or nobility or whatever that might suggest that there is a world outside, or a universe above, the tiny little tunnel of things “reasonable” and “scientific” in which you have enclosed your hollow lives, wholly incapable of deserving My bliss. Have you even the least little idea of Who made you? Of Who I am? Of what greatness you were made for?

Well, have a look at these terrible Jews, “mowing their lawn.” Over the course of 2000 years I gave them great gifts to make them capable of providing your Saviour with His Mother, family, village, country and race among human beings, a mission in which, with all their failings, they nevertheless succeeded. Alas, out of a long build-up of sheer human pride in their own gifts they so failed to understand the spiritual and not material character of the Messiah given to them, that they failed sensationally to remain faithful to their mission, and they crucified their Saviour, a piece of treachery which tears them all up inside and has torn them up ever since, unless and until they can admit that they were wrong, and recognise Jesus Christ as their King – but in the way of that stands their enormous racial pride. I will convert them, My own people, at the end of the world, so that they will not all have gone wasted.”

But in the meanwhile they still serve Him, against their will, because He writes straight with crooked lines. They hate Him and want to fight Him? Then whenever the members of His Church are unfaithful to Him, forget Him and scorn Him, He uses the talents of the Jews to make such a Hell-on-earth that the non-Jews are driven back to Him, like the ex-Soviet Russians (without any Jew or non-Jew acting out of anything other than free-will). And again, might it not be by the very blindness, fanaticism and irrationality of their “mowing their lawn” in Israel, that they are demonstrating the seriousness and mystery of human life to Gentiles, whose shallowness and frivolity they have always despised? By no means always wrongly, but it is up to Catholics to show, in action as Jews do and not just in words, that I do not have to “mow a lawn” in order to prove that I know that there is more to life than just being “scientific” and “rational.”

Kyrie eleison.

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Bischop Vigano 9 dec 2023 " A few weeks ago, an important collaborator of Hillary Clinton and John Podesta was arrested for pedophilia and child pornography: I am referring to Slade Sohmer, linked to the world of Broadway and cinema, who was involved in the debunking of the infamous Pizzagate , that is, the network of vile complicity and horrendous crimes against minors that revolves …More
Bischop Vigano 9 dec 2023 " A few weeks ago, an important collaborator of Hillary Clinton and John Podesta was arrested for pedophilia and child pornography: I am referring to Slade Sohmer, linked to the world of Broadway and cinema, who was involved in the debunking of the infamous Pizzagate , that is, the network of vile complicity and horrendous crimes against minors that revolves around the international deep state . We learned that certainly Jeffrey Epstein and most likely Gislaine Maxwell were members of the Israeli Mossad. This makes us understand that the famous trips of many well-known people to Epstein's island served to gather evidence of their guilt in the brutal ritual crimes against minors in order to blackmail them. And if the heads of state and government of the Western world do not dare to say a word in the face of the mass killings of civilians in the Gaza Strip, it is reasonable to assume that this attitude is due to the extensive dossiers and videos in possession of the Israeli services. "
Denis Efimov
Is it just me, or is the bishop implying that the Jews are still the chosen people?
Carol H
I'm with you. While slapping the Israelis on the hand for their atrocities, he is at the same time pushing them as "the elect" who will save the world. In other words, his Lordship speaks from both sides of his mouth - something I don't like or trust.
Please read St. Paul's letter to the Romans chapter 9. His Excellency is just echoing & applying this from Holy Scripture.
Denis Efimov
Well, it's good if he doesn't think that Jews are still the chosen ones.
Carol H
Orthocat - St. Paul was speaking of his fellow contempary kinsmen. Bishop williamson is speaking about modern Jews who have come out of goodness knows where, practice a completely different religion than the Jews of Abraham, and have claimed Israel for themselves. I totally condemn the violence against the Israeli people (as well as the Palestinians), however to imply that they are equivelent to …More
Orthocat - St. Paul was speaking of his fellow contempary kinsmen. Bishop williamson is speaking about modern Jews who have come out of goodness knows where, practice a completely different religion than the Jews of Abraham, and have claimed Israel for themselves. I totally condemn the violence against the Israeli people (as well as the Palestinians), however to imply that they are equivelent to the Jews of St. Paul's time is historically incorrect and misleading. To stress again: they are two completely different religions. Is Bishop williamson so ignorant of this historical fact? If so, he should retire from teaching.
Has williamson stated that the murdering/raping/sodomizing/butchering/burning alive/taking as hostages of Jewish civilians is wrong? Or did I just miss that? Is NOTHING sufficient for people such as him to give the Jews a bit of leeway? If not sympathy? How do such people live with themselves? *Good Catholics' - mon oeil.
No rational human being believes that the events of Oct 7 were anything other than pure evil. Going after the men who planned and carried out those events is justified. Killing thousands that were not involved and destroying their homes and places of business is equally evil. When a man commits murder, we do not go out and kill all of his extended family and friends. "Collateral damage" is wrong no …More
No rational human being believes that the events of Oct 7 were anything other than pure evil. Going after the men who planned and carried out those events is justified. Killing thousands that were not involved and destroying their homes and places of business is equally evil. When a man commits murder, we do not go out and kill all of his extended family and friends. "Collateral damage" is wrong no matter who employs it including my own government.
Would you say the same, @frawley , about the (in your words) “collateral damage” wrought by the Allies in their “going after” Hitler and his murderous, genocidal nazi regime during WWII in order to bring an end to his diabolical tyranny and nightmarish reign of blood, terror and death? Many thousands of non-nazi Germans including innocent women and children were slain and their homes and places …More
Would you say the same, @frawley , about the (in your words) “collateral damage” wrought by the Allies in their “going after” Hitler and his murderous, genocidal nazi regime during WWII in order to bring an end to his diabolical tyranny and nightmarish reign of blood, terror and death? Many thousands of non-nazi Germans including innocent women and children were slain and their homes and places of business were destroyed in bringing about the fall of nazism. Do you consider such death and destruction justifiable? Or should the Allies have only targeted Hitler himself and those who were directly and immediately responsible for the holocaust he engineered and implemented? Should we have allowed Hitler and his henchmen sanctuary in their cities throughout Germany just to avoid, as you call it: “collateral damage?” So then, are you a pearl-clutching hypocrite who cherry-picks his favorite choice of innocent-killing when you deem it necessary to achieve a better future for the greater good of all? Or are you just a hater of Jews? Or perhaps, a little bit of both? Because you can’t be an actual advocate for justice and righteousness above all and not see and understand and be willing to acknowledge and accept that often and in many severe cases in order for the body to heal and recover from diseases or wounds nothing less than the amputation of a whole limb, organ or body part is required, including parts or areas of the body that are not themselves diseased or that lie beyond the actual wound itself. To save the life of a patient a doctor must often cut deep and wide in order to completely excise and eliminate the diseased or infected part. Yes, it is painful, yes it is sadly regrettable, but for the patient to live and recover with any hope of a better, healthier future, it is ABSOLUTELY and UNQUESTIONABLY necessary. Thus it is today with the Gaza situation. What must be done, must be done regardless of the cost in order to secure a future for all who would live peaceably in that torn and battered land. Israel’s uncompromisingly harsh and unrelenting response to the unspeakable, murderous terror of Hamas and the war that they ignited on October 7 when they invaded Israel and killed, raped, burned alive and took hostage hundreds of innocent men, women, children and even infants and the elderly, may appear cruel and unpitying, but there can be no debate that such stern, rigorous, robust action is utterly correct and undeniably legitimate. Do I wish it were otherwise? Absolutely, without question I do, but that’s not the world we live in right now. Such fanciful thinking and naive sentiments would only be illusory, bordering on delusional. In a sin-cursed world where the likes of Hamas and Hitler can still find their way to rise up and birth a satanic wave of bloody and apocalyptic murder and psychopathic mayhem, turning enclaves of peace into charnel houses and spreading their madness like a raging terminal disease infecting the body, then you will always require a bold, tenacious, relentless physician who is not afraid to bring and apply the life-saving cure, irrespective of the cost, pain or sacrifice. And so right now, in that place and time, Israel is the doctor.
Israel has made the growth of the Hamas against the Fatah
Israel is the the primary source of the probleme
So Israel is the doctor who has iniculated the poison of terrorism in 1948.More

Israel has made the growth of the Hamas against the Fatah
Israel is the the primary source of the probleme
So Israel is the doctor who has iniculated the poison of terrorism in 1948.
@SonoftheChurch First, thank you for your detailed response and I respect your point of view. I am not an armchair critic. I spent my entire career with a weapon in my hands. I have witnessed death and destruction of both evil men and my own team members and I do not speak of these issues lightly. To answer your question regarding the targeting of civilians in Germany (the fire bombing of Dresden)…More
@SonoftheChurch First, thank you for your detailed response and I respect your point of view. I am not an armchair critic. I spent my entire career with a weapon in my hands. I have witnessed death and destruction of both evil men and my own team members and I do not speak of these issues lightly. To answer your question regarding the targeting of civilians in Germany (the fire bombing of Dresden) or in Japan (an atomic weapon in Hiroshima) I believe both were immoral. Governments choose to bomb or shell cities because it is safer and quicker than sending in troops to directly engage enemy combatants. The cost however is large numbers of innocent lives. We must never become what we are fighting against, even at the cost of our own lives. The life of one soldier is not worth more than a dozen women and children. Just as the Jewish people have vowed to never forget what was done to them by Hitler, do you think that the surviving family members of the innocents in Gaza will ever forget what was done to them? It just continues the cycle of killing. I do not "support" one side or the other. I call out the evil both sides engage in. When Hamas fires rockets into jewish cities I condemn that action. When Israelies put people in prison for years without charges or court hearings, I condemn that action. When the United States executes Japanese officers for waterboarding and then turns around and does the same thing at rendition sites after 911, I condemn that. The ends never justifies the means. The events of October 7th did not occur in a vacuum. When you treat others as second class citizens and deprive them of their basic civil rights don't be surprised when they fight back. History has countless examples. I find it ironic that you used the example of the doctor cutting out the disease. Hitler used the same example when talking about killing the disabled, insane, Catholics and Jews to purify the Arian race. It appears to me that the current bombing is not to target hamas command centers or weapon storage sites but to completely level Gaza in order to make it uninhabitable and thus force all of its residence to relocate abroad and thus expel them permanently (over 10,000 airstrikes and counting). Sounds like the Warsaw ghetto. Our Lady of Fatima pray for us.
Carol H
Son of the Church - So like His Lordship, you too are portraying modern Israel as a "saviour" figure, despite their own atroscities? Now that's delusional. Steack is right - your so called "doctor" started this war of terrorism and is no better that the muslim extremist who hit back. There was absolutely no need for the Israeli government to come in heavy on innocent women and children. To do so is …More
Son of the Church - So like His Lordship, you too are portraying modern Israel as a "saviour" figure, despite their own atroscities? Now that's delusional. Steack is right - your so called "doctor" started this war of terrorism and is no better that the muslim extremist who hit back. There was absolutely no need for the Israeli government to come in heavy on innocent women and children. To do so is to act just like Hilter and the Hamas you yourself condemn.
Dans un article du New York Times, des rumeurs sont apparues sur la stratégie du Premier ministre israélien visant à aider le soutien de Doha vis-à-vis de l’organisation islamiste Hamas.