Francis in High Spirits For Children's Day - In an Empty Stadium

Francis appeared at Rome's Olympic Stadium on Saturday to kick off a football match as part of the Vatican's celebration of "World Children's Day".

The cameras of Vatican television CTV couldn't hide the fact that many of the seats in the stadium were empty (screenshots below). Despite this, Francis appeared to be in good spirits.

The centrepiece of the event was a four-metre high "Cross of Joy". Its producer, Mimmo Paladino, said it mixed Christian culture and fairy tales (sic).

Earlier in the day, Francis held an audience at the Vatican with children from war-torn regions, including Palestine and Ukraine. He joked around and donned a baseball cap given to him by the children.

In his message for Children's Day, he wrote that "everything that is not new will pass away. God is newness. The Lord always gives us something new".

It is to be feared that the children may have applied this statement to their desire to buy a new mobile phone.


la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio defies the laws of God to corrupt young people, cover up predatory homosexual priests, who have destroyed the lives of Catholic children and young people, destroys homes by promoting divorce and gender ideology, supports pro abortion politicians and still has the nerve to continue scamming people by pretending to be a pope.
I may have taken my kids if he was being used as the football.
Stop that!! nice!
All Saints
What’s with the totem pole cross? No, don’t tell me.
Ivan Tomas
You know,... It looks like pachapapa cross.
Church parallel to Biden rally?
Michi Gini
From what was written in Avvenire, 100 thousand children were expected, it's a shame that the Olympic stadium can hold 72 thousand.
Mimmo Muolo ed Avvenire si confermano dei pagliacc…
Other newspapers have reduced the number by writing 50 thousand, but given the images it would seem quite a bit less.
La festa di Papa Francesco con i bambini del mondo: «È il momento della pace», all'Olimpico bandiere …More
From what was written in Avvenire, 100 thousand children were expected, it's a shame that the Olympic stadium can hold 72 thousand.

Mimmo Muolo ed Avvenire si confermano dei pagliacc…

Other newspapers have reduced the number by writing 50 thousand, but given the images it would seem quite a bit less.
La festa di Papa Francesco con i bambini del mondo: «È il momento della pace», all'Olimpico bandiere palestinesi ma non israeliane

And even today they were less than declared.
Roberto Benigni, lo show con Papa Francesco: «Facciamo insieme il campo largo». A San Pietro Meloni con la figlia

But they have to make someone happy and make people believe that it was a success with huge crowds.
@Michi Gini Pope Francis seems to be latte acido to the Italians!
Get the millstones ready.