Make Liturgy "Suited to Present Times" and "More Understandable" (via Catholic Sat): Paolo Ruffini, chief of Vatican Media, says the Liturgy was discussed during yesterday General Congregation: "a …More
Make Liturgy "Suited to Present Times" and "More Understandable"

(via Catholic Sat): Paolo Ruffini, chief of Vatican Media, says the Liturgy was discussed during yesterday General Congregation: "a Liturgy that is better suited to present times, so it can be more participatory, more understandable, otherwise the youth might consider it dull"
alex j
" Oh the times are a changing" and changing and changing and changing and changing and changing and changing and changing and changing........ Phew! this so monotonous! I think I will return to being a Traditionalist. Love the Latin, it never changes.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Vatican II is like Communism. 'The only reason it hasn't worked yet is because it has never been properly implemented.'
“Let’s change the Mass to make it more attractive to youth” said liturgists since 1960. But the only place that is full of young people is… Latin Mass parish.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Interesting way of saying tath youth want the Tridentine Mass.
You can do whatever you want as long as it's not what you used to do
Same old weak and lame canned response. These men are liars and murderers of souls.
Joseph a' Christian
OK, so an important mission for the Church is to warp the Holy Mass, so our youth will not have their unending circus, via phone wifi, interrupted.
This guys’ masonic temple, must be proud of his subversion.
Christ our King, we worship you always, especially at Holy Mass.
Roberto 55
Liturgy, especially TLM is most suitable for past, present and future, only bishops and priests "forgot" to explain it, because of lack of their faith.
More of the washed off faith , more of the world ideology .its not what catholics of good will want or need we need and want ,true faith ,true sheppards to the Gospel of our Lord .
Dr Bobus
What's next? A Vatican discoteque? Or a Vatican screening of Saturday Night Fever
Lisi Sterndorfer
Nobody is asking for this.
Dr Bobus
More 1970s ideology
Blah . . . Blah . . . Blah
Blah . . . Blah . . . BlahMore
More 1970s ideology

Blah . . . Blah . . . Blah

Blah . . . Blah . . . Blah
When you've done with your infantile approach to Christ's Sacred Banquet - perhaps you'll recall "Quo Primum" a Papal Bull written by Pope St Pius V in 1570 forbidding the Rites to be altered in any shape of form whatsoever, and forbidden any NEW Mass to be created. He promised anathema on any celebrants of anything other than the Traditional Latin Mass (not including those ancient authentic Liturgies …More
When you've done with your infantile approach to Christ's Sacred Banquet - perhaps you'll recall "Quo Primum" a Papal Bull written by Pope St Pius V in 1570 forbidding the Rites to be altered in any shape of form whatsoever, and forbidden any NEW Mass to be created. He promised anathema on any celebrants of anything other than the Traditional Latin Mass (not including those ancient authentic Liturgies which in 1570 were already being celebrated in the none-Roman Churches)


If you've no respect for The pronouncements of previous Pontiffs, recall the words of Stigmatic Mystic (and medically examined Eucharistic Faster) Marie Julie Jahenny in 1902

Christ said
“I give you a WARNING. The disciples who are not of My Gospel are now working hard to remake according to their ideas and under the influence of the enemy of Souls a MASS that contains words that are ODIOUS in my sight. When the fatal hour arrives when the faith of my priests is put to the test, it will be (these texts) that will be celebrated in this second period.

The First period is the one of my priesthood which exists since Me. The second is the one of the persecution when the enemies of the Faith and of Holy Religion will impose their formulas in the book of the second celebration. These infamous spirits are those who crucified Me and are awaiting the kingdom of the NEW MESSIAH!”

www.communityofhopeinc.org/…/marie julie.html

Maybe you don't respect Christ either......you pronounce your intentions to remake according to your ideas His Sacred Liturgy - and as he told you - you with your gay friendly approach are clearly "Not of His Gospel...."

What a BRILLIANT mystic and Saint was Marie Julie. I wonder why she has not been Canonised? Actually, perhaps it's extremely OBVIOUS why she hasn't been given the credit that a Mystic of her calibre is due. For she is yet another one of those "Prophets of Doom" whom those enemies of Christ's TRUE Church find so awe-inspiringly FRIGHTENING! Accept Christ's condemnation as assured..
Lisi Sterndorfer
It’s almost as if the higher-ups have developed amnesia about the net effect of felt banners, guitars, insipid music, and burlap bag vestments. Mass attendance plummeted and continues to fall everywhere.
More "more participatory"? It already failed under the present model of "participation". 25% of candidates to the priesthood in France adhere to the traditional not-so-participatory form of the mass.