
Again: Pope Francis Refuses to Kneel In Front of the Blessed Sacrament

Sunday night, Pope Francis celebrated Corpus Christi at the basilica of Saint John Lateran. For the first time this Pontifical celebration was moved from Thursday to Sunday. In his homily Francis called the Sacrament of the Altar "a humble meal, that lovingly heals our memory, wounded by life’s frantic pace of life."

He refused to genuflect at the consecration as well as in front of the Blessed Sacrament, which was exposed after Mass. Neither did he participate in the procession, but concluded it at Santa Maria Maggiore, while again refusing to kneel in front of the real presence of Our Lord.

Jorge-Francis nie jest papiezem to jakis antychryst, antypapiez
Doklada reke do ludobojstwa Chrzescijan
Libor Halik
Jorge, ten pokorný, není dost pokorný, aby poklekl před Králem králů. Divná pokora. Neklečí, protože všechno, co vidí, je kus chleba. Ten muž není katolík.
Libor Halik and 9 more users link to this post
Our Lord reminds us that you will know them by their fruits. I wonder if Francis believes in the Real Presence.
Jorge the humble is not humble enough to kneel before the King of Kings. Some humility. He doesn't kneel because all he sees is a piece of bread. The man is not a Catholic.
"a humble meal" - that's protestant theology. It's a sacrament and truly the body, blood, soul and divinity of Our Lord. I guess the 'meal' has to 'heal our memory' so we don't have to deal with our conscience and we can forget nearly 2000 years of magisterial teaching.
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