
US Bishops Elect an Alleged "Anti-Francis" As President

As expected, on 15 November the US bishops elected Archbishop Timothy Broglio, 70, of the US Military Archdiocese, the previous secretary of the bishops' conference, as their new president. Remarkably …More
As expected, on 15 November the US bishops elected Archbishop Timothy Broglio, 70, of the US Military Archdiocese, the previous secretary of the bishops' conference, as their new president.
Remarkably, none of the seven cardinals who head US dioceses stood for election. The Francis cardinals probably suspected that they would not get a majority.
From 1990 to 2001, Broglio was the private secretary to the late Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Sodano. He supported the anti-life Paris climate agreement of 2017.
His "conservative" record includes his opposition to ObamaCare's contraception mandate. In 2013, he banned military chaplains from participating in homosex ceremonies.
In 2020, he clarified that Francis' comments on state homosex concubinates were not Catholic. During the Covid imbroglio in 2020, Broglio spoke out against restrictions on public masses, and in 2021 supported religious liberty and freedom of conscience exemptions for Covid concubinage.
If the fury of anti-Catholics …More
De Profundis
1. He was Sodano's Secretary
2. Cardinal Bergolio didn't like something he did either when he was Central America desk-officer for the Vatican Secretariat of State or Nuncio/Delegate to the Dominican Republic/Puerto Rico (allegedly)
3. He supported vaccine exemptions for military
He attended a Jesuit high school, Jesuit college, and then he joined the Jesuit order. That says it all to me.
Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Sodano, Freemason? Profile | Angelo Sodano, when the devil wears a cassock
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Good for the USA Bishops to stand up to Francis and elect someone who is at least "catholic", compared to Francis who is not.
Tony Smith
No. Don't believe it. They are all part of the same corrupt system.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This is probably true.
Wilma Lopez
It's certainly an interesting vibe to hear Cardinal McElroy get up at the USCCB conference specifically to urge the bishops to lobby congress to make sure US arms shipments are not reduced.
John A Cassani
Pat Buchanan has always said that the liberals were the real war mongers. It’s as though a certain order is being restored.