
Bye Bye Useless Dubai

Francis cancelled his pointless Dubai trip to the 28th UN Climate Hysteria Conference on December 1-3 at the request of his doctors, Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni announced. The reason is a “flu-like …More
Francis cancelled his pointless Dubai trip to the 28th UN Climate Hysteria Conference on December 1-3 at the request of his doctors, Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni announced.
The reason is a “flu-like condition and inflammation of the respiratory tract.” Francis accepted the doctors' advice “with great regret.”
Just hours before, Bruni confirmed the travel plans. Francis will hold Wednesday's audience, though it may be only via livestream.
Wilma Lopez shares this
Pope Francis backs out of UN’s COP28 climate conference due to poor health
P. O'B
Seven years ago Francis had trouble with the Dubia. Mow it's Dubai. A confusing pope for dyslexics.
Opera 369
This of course, is another way to get out of the coming Advent services. He cannot 'fake' another visit to the Immaculate Conception Statue, at the Spanish Steps, on December 8.... so, better to show that' he's cancelling' everything...in the near future. It's all show business in the most strategic way!
English Catholic
As well as the climate hysteria conference, he'd probably have wanted to make a pilgrimage to that evil Abrahamic House complex abrahamicfamilyhouse.ae As they say, Man proposes, God disposes.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"Just hours before, Bruni confirmed the travel plans. Francis will hold Wednesday's audience, though it may be only via livestream." This means he's no better......and maybe will have a downturn and get worse. At his age, these three things could pop up suddenly with his condition---A) Heart Failure
B) Kidney issues
C) High blood pressure
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!, God's justice for what Frncis did to the great Cardinal Burke. How ironic. Francis made nothing but enemies with his action against Cardinal Burke, and if he does even more, the more new enemies he will have.
He caught all this from his very beloved TRANS female homosexual pervert prostitutes he hosted for a luncheon at the Vatican last week. Just a coincidence he suddenly got so …More
GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!, God's justice for what Frncis did to the great Cardinal Burke. How ironic. Francis made nothing but enemies with his action against Cardinal Burke, and if he does even more, the more new enemies he will have.
He caught all this from his very beloved TRANS female homosexual pervert prostitutes he hosted for a luncheon at the Vatican last week. Just a coincidence he suddenly got so sick? I don't think so. Probably more illness and complications on the way.
Make your peace with the Lord, Francis before it is too late. Clock is ticking down.
Tony M
He is working deliberately to make enemies with all faithful Catholics so that they schism from the (false) Church under him. He has predicted that his words and actions may bring on a schism.
That is what he wants!!! However Jorge hinself schismed from the Church long ago. Falling into heresy is a schismatic act. All heretics are schismatics!!
Dr Bobus
Are you really buying what the Vatican said about his health? Look at his face, his eyes, and complexion.
"Flu-like condition" can mean almost anything.More
Are you really buying what the Vatican said about his health? Look at his face, his eyes, and complexion.

"Flu-like condition" can mean almost anything.
Wilma Lopez
What do you think?
Everyday for Life Canada
Didn’t the pope get the experimental shot that the Vatican forced the faithful and employees to get in order to be protected and not spread the virus?
English Catholic
@Everyday for Life Canada Plenty of global news outlets said that Francis (and even Benedict XVI) got the covid vaccine, but I can't find any photos or videos which even partially prove that, unlike (then) British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who went on YouTube to demonstrate his second covid vaccination (if it was a genuine covid vaccination) Prime Minister Boris Johnson receives his second …More
@Everyday for Life Canada Plenty of global news outlets said that Francis (and even Benedict XVI) got the covid vaccine, but I can't find any photos or videos which even partially prove that, unlike (then) British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who went on YouTube to demonstrate his second covid vaccination (if it was a genuine covid vaccination) Prime Minister Boris Johnson receives his second COVID vaccine Who knows. Who trusts any information that comes from the Vatican (or the British government for that matter) these days. As for getting the rest of the Vatican vaccinated, I could believe that. But you must understand that Francis is an old-school Peronist dictator. What he demands of others, he may well not do himself.