Detail from Francis' Angelus address today. Francis obviously had handwritten extra lines on the back of his prepared text.More
Detail from Francis' Angelus address today.

Francis obviously had handwritten extra lines on the back of his prepared text.
Protip: @Joseph a' Christian If you love St. Athanasius, try following his example. He stayed in communion with the Pope despite disagreeing with him. onepeterfive.com/sedevacantism-luciferianism/
"therefore I reject Francis." The streetsign you just passed after writing that comment said "Schismatic Land"More
Protip: @Joseph a' Christian If you love St. Athanasius, try following his example. He stayed in communion with the Pope despite disagreeing with him. onepeterfive.com/sedevacantism-luciferianism/

"therefore I reject Francis." The streetsign you just passed after writing that comment said "Schismatic Land"
Joseph a' Christian
@Ultraviolet False Francis promotes the pagan worship of the pacamama goddess. Therefore he is not Catholic.
Jesus proclaimed, I have come to teach you of the one true God. Also, He said, beware of wolfs in sheep’s clothing/ false teachers.
...again, that's selective outrage on your part. JP II spoke highly of Pachamama and kissed the Quran. Benedict XVI prayed with Muslims and promoted, it would seem, numerous doctrinal errors as well. Apply your standards evenly to all Popes or not at all.
Joseph a' Christian
@Ultraviolet You chronically contradict Catholics, you weaken the unity of the faithful. I am not the enemy, i love and fear the Holy Word, Jesus. The extremely destructive, misleading enemy are the false bishops who oppose the commands of our Holy Teacher Jesus.
St. Paul wrote of the importance of the UNITY of the faithful, in one or more of his epistles.
Therefore don’t waste my time, use your …More
@Ultraviolet You chronically contradict Catholics, you weaken the unity of the faithful. I am not the enemy, i love and fear the Holy Word, Jesus. The extremely destructive, misleading enemy are the false bishops who oppose the commands of our Holy Teacher Jesus.
St. Paul wrote of the importance of the UNITY of the faithful, in one or more of his epistles.
Therefore don’t waste my time, use your time wisely, contradict the enemies of Christ, His Church: false Fr. Martin and the rest of the devil’s legion.
Jesus prayed, that we faithful will be one.
"You chronically contradict Catholics,"
...as I should do when my fellow Catholics are well along the road to schism if not outright heresy.
"you weaken the unity of the faithful."
You've already broken with that unity by rejecting the validly appointed temporal head of the Church. I'm not weakening anything by pointing that out, Joe-Joe.
"St. Paul wrote of the importance of the UNITY of the …More
"You chronically contradict Catholics,"

...as I should do when my fellow Catholics are well along the road to schism if not outright heresy.

"you weaken the unity of the faithful."

You've already broken with that unity by rejecting the validly appointed temporal head of the Church. I'm not weakening anything by pointing that out, Joe-Joe.

"St. Paul wrote of the importance of the UNITY of the faithful, in one or more of his epistles."

Great. So who appointed you the policy-setter in that unity? Why does UNITY mean everyone must silently accept your views, particularly when they're rife with double standards and sedevacantism? If anything, recognizing that, I have a duty to point it out lest you gull others into accepting the same errors you've embraced.

I'm not "wasting" your time. You can choose to reply or not as you see fit. That's your decision to make.
Joseph a' Christian
@frawley False Francis blatantly rejects our Lord Jesus, therefore I reject Francis. False Francis and his homosexual false bishops have opposed our Savior Jesus' Holy teachings numerous times.
I love our Faithful Popes and Bishops: Saint Pope Pius X, Pope Leo, Faithful Bishop Athanasius of Alexandria, Bishop St. Charles Borromeo...
Faithless heretics robbed and deceived at Vatican 2, we must be …More
@frawley False Francis blatantly rejects our Lord Jesus, therefore I reject Francis. False Francis and his homosexual false bishops have opposed our Savior Jesus' Holy teachings numerous times.
I love our Faithful Popes and Bishops: Saint Pope Pius X, Pope Leo, Faithful Bishop Athanasius of Alexandria, Bishop St. Charles Borromeo...
Faithless heretics robbed and deceived at Vatican 2, we must be extremely careful who we follow since this revolt/theft of bishops offices since this evil event from the 1960's.
Protestants have false bibles, thousands of differing beliefs, many despise our Catholic Church...
Almighty God bless us in the One Catholic Church, our Lord Jesus.
It's when we are faced with a POPE who appears to have a problem continuing the same Traditions as every OTHER Pope that we should view him with caution, and not submit to novelties that cause schism.
The normal practice is to pray for his conversion, I find it unwise to "Pray for his intentions" since he has got some odd intentions.😬
So, when I pray, it is to ask Our Lord to allow the …More

It's when we are faced with a POPE who appears to have a problem continuing the same Traditions as every OTHER Pope that we should view him with caution, and not submit to novelties that cause schism.

The normal practice is to pray for his conversion, I find it unwise to "Pray for his intentions" since he has got some odd intentions.😬

So, when I pray, it is to ask Our Lord to allow the Pope to do His Will. so that nothing he does/says will offend the Most High.

We must pray to God that He gives us the Blessing of an Orthodox TRUE Pope asap!

It is not "Protestant" to resist an Anti-Catholic Pope. It would be "Protestant" to give him all our support even when he preaches heresy and writes Encyclicals that sound like a New Ager wrote them.

One of the marvelous things I discovered, is that if you take an encyclical from 3 different Popes from 1st century to Pius XII, and compare their style, it seems as though the same person has written them all! It is clearly the Holy Spirit.
The encyclicals written by Popes since Vatican II are very ambiguous in tone, - lack clarity and don't appear to have been written by the same Author.

Resisting error, must be our approach if we hope to gain Heaven for ourselves. As we flee from sin !- So, must we not give in to error! We must not convert to being outside the Traditional Church just because we mistakenly believe that a Pope must be trusted. We are living through the time of a promised Chastisement! He could be allowed to be in power as a Fidelity Trial, a Test to us from Christ. Take care!
If a person rejects a Pope (and there seems to be people who have a problem with almost all of the past Popes for one reason or another) are you then by definition a "protestant"? Do not all of the protestants claim that they are returning the church to its original state after it lost its way with the Popes of the past?
Yes, of course, rejecting the Pope makes one a schismatic (not necessarily "Protestant" - the Orthodox Churches are not Protestant).
But you may be overlooking the fact that there is a lucid, canonically-based argument, and notable evidence, that Jorge Bergoglio is not the Pope.
Hence, we must, for now, leave it to Divine Providence to know if those who reject Jorge Bergoglio as the Holy Father of …More
Yes, of course, rejecting the Pope makes one a schismatic (not necessarily "Protestant" - the Orthodox Churches are not Protestant).

But you may be overlooking the fact that there is a lucid, canonically-based argument, and notable evidence, that Jorge Bergoglio is not the Pope.

Hence, we must, for now, leave it to Divine Providence to know if those who reject Jorge Bergoglio as the Holy Father of the Church are necessarily schismatic.
"there is a lucid, canonically-based argument, and notable evidence, that Jorge Bergoglio is not the Pope." -occasnltrvlr Try posting that argument and let's see if it's as lucid and canonically-based as you claim ;-) @KristianKeller I'm telling you otherwise. I'm also telling you that your own source condemns Benedict XVI and JP II as "antipopes" as well. Your own site brands you a sedevacantist …More
"there is a lucid, canonically-based argument, and notable evidence, that Jorge Bergoglio is not the Pope." -occasnltrvlr Try posting that argument and let's see if it's as lucid and canonically-based as you claim ;-) @KristianKeller I'm telling you otherwise. I'm also telling you that your own source condemns Benedict XVI and JP II as "antipopes" as well. Your own site brands you a sedevacantist and that means you're a schismatic. "There is a lucid, canonically-based argument, and notable evidence" for that.

Whether the argument is lucid or canonically-based is not contingent upon your judgment, Ultraviolet.
...a moot point, since you haven't posted any argument either for my judgement or anyone else's. Probably because you know I'm just going to "judge" it. I'm going peel it open and devein it like a tiger shrimp. ;-)
He is not a pope, but uncatholic antipope. He has not have faith, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.
See glossary and study the website: www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/…/catholic-glossa…
Dom Prosper Guéranger, The Liturgical Year, Vol. 4, p. 379, on how a layman of the 5th century resisted and condemned Nestorius, his bishop, when he demonstrated manifest …More
He is not a pope, but uncatholic antipope. He has not have faith, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.
See glossary and study the website: www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/…/catholic-glossa…

Dom Prosper Guéranger, The Liturgical Year, Vol. 4, p. 379, on how a layman of the 5th century resisted and condemned Nestorius, his bishop, when he demonstrated manifest heresy: “It was then that Satan produced Nestorius… enthroned in the Chair of Constantinople… In the very year of his exaltation, on Christmas Day 428, Nestorius, taking advantage of the immense concourse which had assembled in honor of the Virgin Mother and her Child, pronounced from the Episcopal pulpit the blasphemous words: ‘Mary did not bring forth God; her Son was only a man, the instrument of the Divinity.’ The multitude shuddered with horror. Eusebius, a simple layman, rose to give expression to the general indignation, and protested against this impiety. Soon a more explicit protest was drawn up and disseminated in the name of the members of this grief- stricken Church, launching an anathema against anyone who should dare to say: ‘The Only-begotten Son of the Father and the Son of Mary are different persons.’ This generous attitude was the safeguard of Byzantium, and won the praise of popes and councils. When the shepherd becomes a wolf, the first duty of the flock is to defend itself.”
Another News: Pope Francis says he wishes to join with UN Leader Antonio Guterres's call for a global cease fire as world deals with Coronavirus pandemic. "The joint commitment against this pandemic," he says, "can bring us to recognize the need to strengthen our fraternal bonds."