
Francis’ Christmas Concert Included Pachamama Catechesis (Video)

The Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education sponsered a December 14 charity Christmas concert in the Paul VI audience hall. Francis gave a prerecorded short adresss. The audience included 5,000 …More
The Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education sponsered a December 14 charity Christmas concert in the Paul VI audience hall. Francis gave a prerecorded short adresss.
The audience included 5,000 people and almost two million viewers on television.
During the event a Latin American woman gave a Pachamama catechesis. She asked the audience to cross their arms over their chest and to feel a strong vibration, explaining that this is "your heart" but also "the heart of Mother Earth.”
Where there is silence, she explained, there is “the Spirit” who allows “to hear the message of Mother Earth.” She added that “for us indigenous peoples, Mother Earth, the Hicha Guaia, is everything” because the demon Guaia - a synonym for Pachamama - "gives us food, sacred water, medicinal plants" and therefore receives sacrifices like "the placenta and the first hair of man which are cut."
Cardinals and bishops present at this "catechesis" eagerly followed the woman's instructions.
GChevalier and 2 more users link to this post
I had forgotten the macarena dance. Thanks Unrepentant Jorge of the Pachamamas.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Jorge allows this sin IN the Vatican on one of the Holiest days of the year and the www.complicitclergy.com/…/catholic-hermit…Hermits of Westray of get excommunicated !~!!! I don't even recognize my Church anymore.
The poor prelate in the article's picture is sweating, "Is Francesco watching this? Go away, cameraman!"
Vatican 2 apostates, Freemasons.
These dopes don’t really believe in Pachamama. But they show how quickly people, even in positions of responsibility, can fall into blatantly idolatrous acts when they stop using their brains.
CathSienna79 shares this
The phrase "Useful Idiots" comes to mind
EDSON FERNANDO shares this
Claudius Cartapus
Look carefully the pectoral cross of the pope Francis. These peoples do the same sign with their arms. (Excuse my french) C'est comme si ces gens font comme un serment de fidélité au pape François comme sur sa croix pectorale particulièrement bizarre. Jésus n'a pas les bras étendus en signe de sacrifice. Il a les bras croisés sur lui. Il tient une brebis, mais il a quand même les bras croisés.…More
Look carefully the pectoral cross of the pope Francis. These peoples do the same sign with their arms. (Excuse my french) C'est comme si ces gens font comme un serment de fidélité au pape François comme sur sa croix pectorale particulièrement bizarre. Jésus n'a pas les bras étendus en signe de sacrifice. Il a les bras croisés sur lui. Il tient une brebis, mais il a quand même les bras croisés. Lorsque les gens vont communier et qu'ils ne sont pas en état de communier, ils font ce signe et ne demandent qu'une bénédiction. Ce concert a eu lieu dans la salle Paul VI, cette salle en forme de grosse tête de serpent, intérieur comme extérieur.
F M Shyanguya
Cf. After nearly 236 years, the plan to destroy all the thrones and overturn all the altars in Europe has met with incredible success with the conquering of the final and most priced throne, that of St. Peter - thewarourtime.com/…/after-nearly-23…
Yes, and notice that the flock of sheep grazing behind the shepherd on this pectoral cross also resemble the head of a snake. But surely that's just a coincidence.
This idolatry concert brought to you by Unrepentant Jorge of the Pachamamas.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
J G Tasan
I didn’t know that the ‘crossing of the arms over the chest’ is satanic! 😡
Most of our children always cross their arms to their chests whenever they receive the blessings from the priests/communion ministers during ‘Holy’ Communion… 🤬More
I didn’t know that the ‘crossing of the arms over the chest’ is satanic! 😡

Most of our children always cross their arms to their chests whenever they receive the blessings from the priests/communion ministers during ‘Holy’ Communion… 🤬
You have a good point there. I wonder when that started where children or those not able to receive communion would cross their arms for a spiritual communion.
You didn't get that it was within the context of doing it at the instructions of the Witch that gave it that demonic quality? Sort of defining the "willfully ignorant concept"?
F M Shyanguya
Now, it makes sense, the crossing of the arms before the Blessed Sacrament. “X” is the sign of Osiris, god of death and the underworld, hence Satan’s/Lucifer’s sign. Makes sense that those in the communion procession and NOT receiving, be taught to make this sign as a dig to the Blessed Sacrament.
those consecrated to Christ cannot be persuaded to prostrate themselves before statues of pagan idols, some of them scabrous and scandalous, as well as many were able to see in this month of October, during meetings, cults and rites promoted by the leaders of the Church of Rome, which were held in the Vatican gardens. These idolatrous manifestations lead to denying the true doctrine that is Christ …More
those consecrated to Christ cannot be persuaded to prostrate themselves before statues of pagan idols, some of them scabrous and scandalous, as well as many were able to see in this month of October, during meetings, cults and rites promoted by the leaders of the Church of Rome, which were held in the Vatican gardens. These idolatrous manifestations lead to denying the true doctrine that is Christ and in the face of such bewilderment and confusion some would like to react, while others do so with strong gestures, over the top sometimes, who are condemned by public opinion and so we lose sight of the true sin, the greatest crime that is carried out against God: idolatry. www.youtube.com/watch
Um sacerdote ensinando a IDOLATRIA! Um escândalo!
Gesù è con noi
This is the religious imposture of the antichrist that seeks to establish a New world order where maliciously Bergoglian apostates violate the First Commandment and desecrate religious holidays by introducing pagan rituals, instead of worshiping Jesus Christ on such a crucial date when all Catholics celebrate the incarnation of the son of God who became man to redeem us from sin, so that through …More
This is the religious imposture of the antichrist that seeks to establish a New world order where maliciously Bergoglian apostates violate the First Commandment and desecrate religious holidays by introducing pagan rituals, instead of worshiping Jesus Christ on such a crucial date when all Catholics celebrate the incarnation of the son of God who became man to redeem us from sin, so that through repentance and conversion we accept Jesus Christ as our Redeemer in order to reach Eternal life.