
Ratzinger Was “Spin Doctor“ Of Vatican II

The 34-year old professor Joseph Ratzinger was “the Vatican Council’s spin doctor,” his biographer Peter Seewald told CatholicWorldReport.com (January 13). "Without his contribution, the Council would …More
The 34-year old professor Joseph Ratzinger was “the Vatican Council’s spin doctor,” his biographer Peter Seewald told CatholicWorldReport.com (January 13).
"Without his contribution, the Council would never have existed in the form we know it,” Seewald believes.
However, later Ratzinger realised according to Seewald “the collateral damage” he had caused, “namely a ‘fateful ambiguity of the Council in the global public, the effects of which could [allegeldy] not have been foreseen’.”
Ratzinger’s contribution to Vatican II began with his November 1961 speech in Genoa, Italy, when he asked to “discard” what "impedes the witness of Faith" in the conciliar schemata in which he criticised a "lack of ecumenism and pastoral style of speech.”
According to Seewald, the eleven major Council speeches of Cologne Cardinal Frings (+1978) written by Ratzinger “brought the Council Hall to a boil.”
Ratzinger wrote Frings' 14 November 1962 draft which overturned the Curia's procedure for the Council, and …More
Benedict did cleave in at least a conservative direction after the disorder of student revolt he endured personally. There is much Benedict do better, but consider that Benedict reformed the Assisi meeting so it would no longer be shared worship with pagans and heretics. Francis or Benedict is what is posed? Now when Benedict dies we almost certainly will have no Pope. I respect those who see Roncalli …More
Benedict did cleave in at least a conservative direction after the disorder of student revolt he endured personally. There is much Benedict do better, but consider that Benedict reformed the Assisi meeting so it would no longer be shared worship with pagans and heretics. Francis or Benedict is what is posed? Now when Benedict dies we almost certainly will have no Pope. I respect those who see Roncalli as the first Conciliar non Pope, but that goes too far, I think.
The end in destroying "Ratzinger" is in recognizing one's own complicity with real Destroyer in present destruction of the visible Church. Catholicism is not only about one's errors in the past but most of all doing good in the future thereby growing in sainthood. Good done for which in fact pope Benedict XVI was attacked and rejected by wolves in sheep's skin... Recognize and pray for pope Benedict …More
The end in destroying "Ratzinger" is in recognizing one's own complicity with real Destroyer in present destruction of the visible Church. Catholicism is not only about one's errors in the past but most of all doing good in the future thereby growing in sainthood. Good done for which in fact pope Benedict XVI was attacked and rejected by wolves in sheep's skin... Recognize and pray for pope Benedict XVI so joy and peace may fill your hearts... 😇
ps "I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent." [Luke 16:7]