The Adverse Effects of Pornography - Episode 6 - Digital Dangers The long lasting effects of pornography cannot be understated. Exposure to it, especially at a young age, can leave an imprint on the …More
The Adverse Effects of Pornography - Episode 6 - Digital Dangers
The long lasting effects of pornography cannot be understated. Exposure to it, especially at a young age, can leave an imprint on the mind that remains for years. Repeated exposure often leads to addiction, which is not easily overcome. Although all things are possible with God’s grace, those who have been exposed to this harmful material must not only have recourse to the sacraments, but take strong proactive steps to eliminate future opportunities to view this sinful material. Parents must be especially vigilant to ensure that unprotected smart phones and other electronic devices are not left unattended lest the children entrusted to their care fall victim to this widespread evil. The effects of material and what we as Catholics can do to protect ourselves and our children will be addressed by Father Jonathan Kopec on this sixth episode of Digital Dangers.
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There are no exceptions; Porn destroys all who consume it.