
Youngest Cardinal Was Appointed Because of Politics

Italian Born missionary Giorgio Marengo, 47, became a Cardinal not because of his religious merits but because of Buddhism. He is Apostolic Prefect of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

48 hours before he had brought an official Buddhist delegation to Francis. Marengo, a Missionary of the Consolata, was consecrated a bishop in August 2020 by Cardinal Tagle.

Ulaanbaatar counts 1354 Catholics, five priests and 18 religious priests which accounts for one priest for 58 Catholics.

Given his background, Marengo will likely not make any positive contribution to the college of Cardinals. He is simply another of Francis' "surprise" appointments.


Paus Franciscus belijdt blijkbaar ook het boeddhisme.
Another card in the cardhouse
De Profundis
Leftists always promote their own and stack the deck.
Wilma Lopez
“Evil people always support each other; that is their chief strength.” — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Another record breaking Vatican II mile stone on the road to nowhere.
Scapular, If I might make a little change in your excellent observation... "...nowhere..." changes to "Hell - BTW lowest regions)