
$500: Cardinal Zen Found Guilty

Cardinal Joseph Zen, 90, was found guilty on November 25 of failing to register the now-disbanded 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund that served pro-US protesters. He was fined the symbolic penalty of HK$…More
Cardinal Joseph Zen, 90, was found guilty on November 25 of failing to register the now-disbanded 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund that served pro-US protesters.
He was fined the symbolic penalty of HK$4,000 ($512).
The prosecutor argued that the requirement to register the fund did not infringe on freedom of association. He noticed that the fund has spent most of the "donations," more than HK$450M ($57M!).
Zen’s lawyer replied that the fund should not be considered an association or society as the defendants were not members of a society and had only helped run the fund. Judge Ada Yim concluded that the fund had "political" and not just "charitable purposes".
Zen was arrested (!) in May with four others. This triggered criticism from some Western regimes, yet not from the Vatican. At the time, he was accused of "collusion with foreign forces."
The other four trustees of the fund were fined the same amount. One of them, Margaret Ng, a lawyer, said that it is the first time ever that somebody …More
Darrell J Roman
What do we expect from Bergolio? Not a damn thing! He has his favorite pet's: Jimmy Martin, Cupich, etc and those who do not think like him or his pet's get ignored and like this cartoon shows, get shoved off a cliff... Francis, God have mercy on your soul when you pass from this world to the next.
those that do the Will of God they will gain heaven
Ignored by the BergoglianChurch.
A Living Saint -- a real Catholic -- and a good shepherd in the image of the Good Shepherd. Let us take a long hard look at Cardinal Zen and give thanks to Our Lord in a church where we see many clerics, who are mere hirelings, betraying Our Lord and leading the sheep astray along the path to hell. Thank you, Cardinal Zen, for your true leadership and for inspiring us to stand our ground for Our …More
A Living Saint -- a real Catholic -- and a good shepherd in the image of the Good Shepherd. Let us take a long hard look at Cardinal Zen and give thanks to Our Lord in a church where we see many clerics, who are mere hirelings, betraying Our Lord and leading the sheep astray along the path to hell. Thank you, Cardinal Zen, for your true leadership and for inspiring us to stand our ground for Our Lord and the Catholic and Apostolic Faith, come what may.
Sandy Barrett
The real story of his trial was that he wasn’t charged with collusion with foreign powers.
Paripatetic Curmudgeon
The CCP wants to hold the charges over his head. They didn't dismiss the charges, just haven't chosen to prosecute yet.
A living saint in our hierarchy. Praise God for his courage in a constant line of fire from the Vatican and China...or are they the same these days?
The cardinal used a walking stick as he arrived at West Kowloon Magistrates’ Courts on Nov. 25 to hear the verdict, reported the Associated Press
Sandy Barrett shares this
Cardinal Joseph Zen has been found guilty of failing to register a now-defunct fund that aimed to help people arrested in the widespread protests across Hong Kong three years ago.