
All Africa Opposes Bergoglio's Homosex-Schism

Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo of Kinshasa, Congo, the president of the Symposium of Bishops' Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM), asks the presidents of African bishops' conferences for a statement …More
Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo of Kinshasa, Congo, the president of the Symposium of Bishops' Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM), asks the presidents of African bishops' conferences for a statement on Bergoglio's scribble on pseudo-blessing homosexual couples (statement of December 21).
Cardinal Ambongo writes that "the ambiguity of this statement - which lends itself to many interpretations and manipulations - is causing much confusion among the faithful".
He wants to draw up a single response "valid for the whole Church in Africa" [as if there would be one Church in Africa and another in Rome], and justifies his way of proceeding with what the Synod on Synodality has established.
Picture: Fridolin Ambongo Besungu © wikipedia, CC BY-SA, #newsMkyqkbruzz
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I would not trust what this Cardinal wants to do. He is a Bergoglian. So far, each country is doing the right thing, standing up against Bergoglio and his homo heretics.
STAND Africa…stand tall and stand strong. Don’t be blackmailed or bought out — nothing is more valuable than your immortal souls. No amount of falsely promised gold or silver or any place of prominence or rank among men is worth betraying Our Lord and His Spouse. Do not kowtow to this evil, but be staunch in your commitment to the Doctrine of the Faith, and submit to God, who alone holds your …More
STAND Africa…stand tall and stand strong. Don’t be blackmailed or bought out — nothing is more valuable than your immortal souls. No amount of falsely promised gold or silver or any place of prominence or rank among men is worth betraying Our Lord and His Spouse. Do not kowtow to this evil, but be staunch in your commitment to the Doctrine of the Faith, and submit to God, who alone holds your eternal reward in His own hand. Now is not the time to bend or budge. Remain unutterably opposed to the sick, demented, degenerate, demonic madness of this damnable Declaration that now threatens the very sanctity and sanity of the whole Church; the partaking of which will poison and pollute the minds and hearts of your little children and young people, annihilating their future and depriving them of their rightful place in God’s eternal Kingdom. Do not succumb to the abominable filth vomited out from the bowels of hell’s abyss. Resist Lucifer and all of his vile minions, and overthrow his foul work before it invades your shores and infects your people.

STAND Africa…stand firm, relentless and undaunted, with the Sword of the Lord in your hand and the Shield of the Lord on your arm and the power of His Spirit in your heart; and if you do, all of Heaven will stand with you, and all of the TRUE Faithful around the world will stand solidly by your side.
Sandy Barrett
It was correct that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had a file warning about Archbishop Fernández