
Homosex Storyteller, Lapsed Priest BACK in the Vatican

Francesco Lepore, 45, who worked in the Vatican’s Latin department, left the priesthood years ago to become a professional homosexual, writing for an Italian homosex webpage.

NyTimes.com (June 18) allowed him to rattle off the usual homosex myths. Thus, Lepore who was born in Benevento as the son of a Latin teacher, makes the humorous claim that at 6 he already had homosexual temptations. He enrolled in the junior seminary and became a priest at 24.

In 2002, he reached Rome and met - at least in his imagination - “a world of sexually active gay priests.” A confessor told him, he should never have become a priest but, since he was one, he should continue. Lepore allegedly thought about “eternal damnation” - but evidently not seriously enough.

Then, after only three years in the priesthood, Lepore allegedly took a "sabbatical," and enrolled in Naples University.

In summer 2003, at 27, he was hired by the Vatican. After what he calls "intrigues," he lost his job and became the secretary of the Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran (+2018) in the Vatican Library. He stopped celebrating Mass, continued homosex encounters and - instead of mending his life - started feeling “like a hypocrite.”

In a case of "self-sabotage," he visited porn sites on his office computer, had to leave the Vatican, spent four years in what, in a stroke of truth, he calls "wilderness”: homosex cruising spots and drug-fuelled parties at Montecassino Abbey.

Seemingly still very well connected, Lepore says that a Cardinal informed Francis in 2013 about his situation. Francis - who does not receive many cardinals except his pro-gay cronies - called Lepore, praised him for allegedly not living a "double life," said that he would help him, sent him an envelope with €2,000, and agreed to remove him from the clerical state in August 2014 - although Lepore had left the priesthood almost a decade earlier.

In order to inflate his importance, Lepore claims that "80% of the Vatican staff is homosexual." Not surprisingly, in November 2020, Andrea Tornielli, the editorial director of VaticanNews.va, invited him to discuss working for the Vatican’s Latin language podcast.

Tornielli confirmed the meeting but declined to comment. Had Lepore pursued the way of conversion and returned to the Vatican as a prodigal son (Lk 15), Francis and Tornielli would likely have send him to hell.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsMrhgqmnibs

Crony-ism invariably turns a blind eye to personal failing, no matter how serious.