
Austria: PiusX District Superior Abjures

Father Stefan Frey, the PiusX District Superior in Austria, has recanted his "urgent" April warning against Covid-19 vaccinations. Now he says the opposite.

In the PiusX June newsletter, Frey adopted the pro-vaccination position of his confrere Arnaud Sélégny, and even recommends the "solid official documents of the Vatican" on vaccination, calling it a "rich source of information." Frey explains that an ethically questionable vaccine can be used under four criteria:

- there must be a clear emergency,

- no approved alternative must be available,

- the benefit of a vaccination must be greater than the harm, in case a person is not vaccinated,

- there must be opposition to abortion-tainted vaccine research.

At least, Frey admits that one can come to different conclusions on this issue and that nobody should force his opinion on anyone else. It seems however, that Frey himself was pushed by his superiors to swing to the PiusX party line on vaccinations.

The problem with Frey's change of opinion is that his four arguments against vaccination remain in place despite his retraction, unless PiusX also intends to adopt the Vatican's position that — depending on political opportunism — what was true yesterday can suddenly be "wrong" today.


Let's look at Fr. Frey's Fails... Frey explains that an ethically questionable vaccine can be used under four criteria:
- there must be a clear emergency,
There isn't. Covid 19 has a 98% recovery rate.
- no approved alternative must be available,
There is. It just isn't promoted or encouraged because the focus has been on using this emergency to justify the abortion-tainted vaccine, and thus …More
Let's look at Fr. Frey's Fails... Frey explains that an ethically questionable vaccine can be used under four criteria:

- there must be a clear emergency,

There isn't. Covid 19 has a 98% recovery rate.

- no approved alternative must be available,

There is. It just isn't promoted or encouraged because the focus has been on using this emergency to justify the abortion-tainted vaccine, and thus abortion itself.

- the benefit of a vaccination must be greater than the harm, in case a person is not vaccinated,

It isn't. See the first rebuttal. Without the vaccine, nearly everyone recovers anyway. Risk of side-effects from the vaccine (if one does not get it)? 0.000%

With the vaccine, people STILL keep catching Covid, so much so the establishment is simply refusing to catalog the data since it renders their vaccination programs pointless.
Risk of side effects from the vaccine? Unknown, but undeniably present and serious.. The establishment keeps playing games on criteria to confuse the issue and hide the ugly facts. Data can be extrapolated and it's disturbingly high.

- there must be opposition to abortion-tainted vaccine research.

...because the way you oppose abortion-tainted vaccine research is to accept and promote the product of abortion-tainted vaccine research. Yeah, no.
atreverse pensar
This "vaccine" is bad in itself because it is obtained from aborted foetuses. It does not matter whether it is beneficial or not. An evil cannot be used for good. That is perversion. Finally, it is not beneficial in any way.
The salt has lost its taste.
atreverse pensar
This is very cowardly and miserable. It is also absurd. The FSSPX has no need for this idiocy.
Hony soit qui mal y pense
Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them
Wake up Father there is no emergency until you foolishly take a pseudo vaccine and there happens to be alternative medications. I am surprised an SSPX Priest fell hook line and sinker!!!
He knows all this because he said it himself in April.