
Francis Will “Drastically” Downsize the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

As announced, Francis has published his 48th (!) Motu Proprio, the February 14 Apostolic Letter “Fidem servare.”

It divides the CDF in two sections, a doctrinal and a disciplinary, each headed by a secretary. The doctrinal section will also take care of annulments of marriages.

According to IlSismografo.Blogspot.com (February 14) the Motu Proprio drastically downsizes the CDF.

Because of the casuistry that the Jesuits taught him instead of theology, Francis can only understand faith in moralistic categories ("rigidity", "legalism"). Therefore, he wants to replace that "faith" with activism - "missionarity", "evangelisation" and "synodality" – empty words that stand for secularisation, intolerance, and left-wing ideology.

This way, Francis copies mainstream Protestantism which has already been reduced to a withered carcass.

Picture: Palazzo del Sant’Ufficio © Jim McIntosh, CC BY-SA, #newsFxjdavztxz

@la mentira prevalece The CDF didn't rule "Bergoglio is not in full communion with the Catholic Church." Don't put your words in their mouth.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio is running the congregation for the destruction of faith.
If the congregation for the doctrine of the faith were really acting, Bergoglio would not be deceiving so many souls. According to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Bergoglio is not in full communion with the Catholic Church.
Jan Joseph
Ja het Protestantisme is net als de Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk, het paus Franciscus Protestantse Rooms Katholicisme zo dood als een pier, er zit geen kind meer in deze kerken. Terwijl de bij Tridentijnse of Romeinse Heilige Mis meer 30% van de bezoekers een kind onder de Twaalf jaar is.
Angelo Santelli
Like anyone thinks Gordo has any power or authority anymore. He has become a laughinsgtock. People are just waiting for him to die instead of, apparently, actively seeking it. I'd sure as heck would not want to be him when he is judged at death.
Defeat Modernism
This is good news! The Congregation for the DESTRUCTION of the Faith should be obliterated. Filthy modernist heretics!
la verdad prevalece
Exactly, Bergoglio is managing the congregation for the destruction of the faith.
la verdad prevalece
What Bergoglio is doing is destroying everything that remains Catholic.
John A Cassani
Consider that the CDF is delegated the only truly necessary authority of the papacy; that of teaching the faith and disciplining teachers who go astray, and, relatedly, ensuring that the Sacraments are celebrated validly. The Church can survive, and be truly “catholic” without every other thing that the Vatican does, in my opinion. Purity of doctrine and valid Sacraments, I believe, are essential …More
Consider that the CDF is delegated the only truly necessary authority of the papacy; that of teaching the faith and disciplining teachers who go astray, and, relatedly, ensuring that the Sacraments are celebrated validly. The Church can survive, and be truly “catholic” without every other thing that the Vatican does, in my opinion. Purity of doctrine and valid Sacraments, I believe, are essential. I have no trust that this will be maintained, if it has been up to now.
Maria Pocs
Anglicanorum Coetibus placed the Anglo-Catholic Ordinariates under CDF, so it's great for them that they remain there, not under CDW.
No Doctrine doesn’t require much.