
Swiss Church: She believes that "Mother Earth Is Divine"

Christians "only" worship the Holy Trinity, but have allegedly forgotten Mother Earth, Simone Cureau-Aepli told Kath.ch (27 May), the Swiss bishops' sect website.

"I believe: the earth would be in a much better state if we recognised Mother Earth as the divine primordial ground from which we are created. And to which we go back again" - fabulated Cureau.

The lady is president of the Swiss "Catholic" Women's Federation, which is taken seriously by the Swiss bishops.


Unreal!! We need leaders like the great Saints and Doctors of the Church from the past, who had zero tolerance for such offenses against Almighty God. Where are the Bishops and Cardinals? Why are they silent in the wake of such blasphemy and heresy?
Swiss have gone back to their pagan roots
Hound of Heaven
"How long, O Lord? " Psalm 13:1
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
How much longer do we have to wait until Bergoglio and his filth are gone? Hurry up and go!!
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori He barely walked, his face looked horrible and his voice sounded weak during the Pentecost service and he seemed to cough quite a bit.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -Thank you for this update. I'll have to watch that on YouTube again. I skimmed thru it to see what I hoped was a sparce crowd, but it turned out to be fairly packed, unfortunately.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -Sorry for another posting, but I just watched this video of Penteost 2023 on YouTube. Francis doesn't look THAT bad, and I didn't notice him coughing at all. The only thing I noticed was that he was pale, and had his usuall miserable face on. That's nothing new 😂 😂
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori He didn't cough with a lot of noise ut I sae the movements, his eyes still look sunken, his face bloated yet thinly. But he also just comes off tired.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Just as a humorous aside, my brother, (18 months younger than me) ,his name is Yoshio (but actual legal first name, his Catholic baptismal name is Andrew... we all have them but we use our Japanese middle names -Kenjiro M. is actually my middle name...legally I have another English/Catholic baptismal name) just came into my room while I was posting and reading this site and asked what I was doing.…More
Just as a humorous aside, my brother, (18 months younger than me) ,his name is Yoshio (but actual legal first name, his Catholic baptismal name is Andrew... we all have them but we use our Japanese middle names -Kenjiro M. is actually my middle name...legally I have another English/Catholic baptismal name) just came into my room while I was posting and reading this site and asked what I was doing. When I said I was posting about how we don't think Pope Francis looks well at all, he shrugged and said" Who cares?".
I think that's what alot of Catholics (faithful ones), say.
By the way....Yoshio actually goes to Mass, but to the Novus Ordo because its close to home.🤪
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori That's funny. Well we care cause we want a legitimate and orthodox successor to Pope Benedict, perhaps he misunderstood our concern.
The very definition of idolatry: worship of the creation over the Creator. See Romans 1:20-23!
Worship the creator of the world, NOT the world. Francis is an apostate.
Very bad theology but great paganism.