
Francis Leaves Hospital, Pretends to Be Healthy

"I wasn't afraid, I'm still alive," Francis told journalists, as he left the Gemelli hospital after a three-day stay. Why should Francis have been "afraid" to go to the hospital for "scheduled check-…More
"I wasn't afraid, I'm still alive," Francis told journalists, as he left the Gemelli hospital after a three-day stay.
Why should Francis have been "afraid" to go to the hospital for "scheduled check-ups", asks IlSismografo, referring to the official reason given by the Vatican for his hospitalisation.
Francis - diagnosed with "bronchitis" - was allowed to visit the paediatric oncology ward, where patients are vulnerable to infection. He sprinkled Holy Water over newborn babies with his right hand, a practice strictly forbidden during Covid for fear of contamination.
En passant, he "baptised" Miguel Angel, disregarding the liturgical requirements of the Novus Ordo which he claims to hold in high esteem (video below). Leaving the hospital, he “accidentally” met a couple who had lost their daughter Angelica the night before.
The Vatican announced that Francis would preside at the Holy Thursday Eucharist in Casal del Marmo, a juvenile detention centre, as he did in 2013, while leaving the …More
Wilma Lopez shares this
Pope to return to juvenile prison for Holy Thursday celebration
Of course ,as fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and it appears that he has none.
Speculation about his health, or death, is absurd.
God willing, he can take his life when it is least expected.
And if he lives, it is because God permits it.
Let us pray and be holy that God will grant us good shepherds.
Tony M
Looks like Ultraviolet is back with a new self-aggrandising pseudonym Sonofthechurch.
@Tony M Sorry, but I don’t know who “Ultraviolet” is. I’ve always and only had one screen name. Calumny does not become you. But in charity, you are forgiven your trespasses. Habitual though they may be.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Francis doesn't look well. I've been around elderly people when their health is failing and they are approaching death. Francis looks like this, in the face. His eyes are sunken, and people who were around him said he look frail and has alot of trouble breathing. As some of his own Vatican clerics have said to variious sites, Francis actually does not have long to live. And he looks it.
NOW, I don't …More
Francis doesn't look well. I've been around elderly people when their health is failing and they are approaching death. Francis looks like this, in the face. His eyes are sunken, and people who were around him said he look frail and has alot of trouble breathing. As some of his own Vatican clerics have said to variious sites, Francis actually does not have long to live. And he looks it.
NOW, I don't want anyone going off on a long, boring tangent over my comment. I didn't which Bergoglio dead, or more bad health. I'm just saying that he looks frail/ill/wasting, and he has that hollow look that prestages dying. My great-Aunt looked like that, and all she had was severe osteoarthritis, but she was dead in less than 3 months. Our neighbor's husband looked like that after he came from the hospital after having a bad case of the flu (not covid). He was 80, and was dead in 2 weeks. Francis is 86. Regardless what cover-ups the Vatican tries to pull, he is failing rapidly. He's 86....not 56. He will be dead soon. And we will have a new Pope, whom many of us pray will be traditional, or at least friendly to it, and will reverse all of the agenda of Francis. It's already happening in the Vatican even before he's dead. Be prepared in the next few months. He may even be back in the hospital before Easter week is out. That's what happened to JPII. He was out, and then back in real fast. I think we should all pray that Francis doesn't suffer badly as the end approaches.
And remember.....I didn't say I was hoping he's dead, or praying for him to be dead. From what I've read, he will be........sooner than his devotees who call him "precious Holy Father" hope.
Ivan Tomas
First he pretends to be sick, then he pretends to be healthy, but he foremost pretends to be a pope.
No, Holy Father, there was no need for you to be afraid. As our beloved Pope Saint John Paul the Great admonished us: “Do not be afraid!” Your precious life, as that of all mankind, is in the Hands of the Lord, to do with as He wills. By His glorious mercies, you will not leave this earth until He is ready for you to do so, whether soon or in many days yet to come, in accordance with His own …More
No, Holy Father, there was no need for you to be afraid. As our beloved Pope Saint John Paul the Great admonished us: “Do not be afraid!” Your precious life, as that of all mankind, is in the Hands of the Lord, to do with as He wills. By His glorious mercies, you will not leave this earth until He is ready for you to do so, whether soon or in many days yet to come, in accordance with His own irresistible will, timing and purpose, irrespective of those satanic sons and daughters of Belial who hate and revile you and insidiously desire and wish for your death. They remain invincibly ignorant of the implacable judgement of God that they call down upon their own heads, risking the eternal damnation of their immortal souls in so doing. Like the apostate Luther who was possessed with demons of heresy and schism, they have ever despised the Chief Servant of the Lord, and as freemasons of mind and heart they lust for the overthrow of he who sits upon the Papal Throne, in blasphemous rebellion and rejection of Saint Peter’s authority and supremacy. May the Angelic Hosts of Heaven strengthen and protect you, Holy Father, and keep you well, and in the days to come guide you in the furtherance of your indispensable ministry as Saint Peter’s Successor and the sole Vicar on this earth of Mary’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, holding the Keys to The Kingdom of Heaven by which you alone have the power to bind and loose whatsoever on earth and it will be so in Heaven. May your enemies, who are the enemies of Christ and His Holy Church, be smitten and scattered, that the blazing Light of salvation and holiness would shine forth and the promised victory over the darkness of Satan and all of his foul minions be made manifest, with hell’s diabolical hordes cast down and crushed beneath the feet of our Lord and His Holy Mother.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"May the Angelic Hosts of Heaven strengthen and protect you, Holy Father, and keep you well, and in the days to come guide you in the furtherance of your indispensable ministry as Saint Peter’s Successor and the sole Vicar on this earth "
This is a beautiful prayer, and appled to some of our supremely holy Popes such as the great Popes Pius IX, Pius X, Benedict XV, Pius XI, Pius XII, and also good …More
"May the Angelic Hosts of Heaven strengthen and protect you, Holy Father, and keep you well, and in the days to come guide you in the furtherance of your indispensable ministry as Saint Peter’s Successor and the sole Vicar on this earth "

This is a beautiful prayer, and appled to some of our supremely holy Popes such as the great Popes Pius IX, Pius X, Benedict XV, Pius XI, Pius XII, and also good Benedict XVI. But considering his agenda which has nearly wrecked the Church (ex. the German church), and the mob of radical liberal homos he has apponted and surrounded himself with, this can hordly in any way apply to Francis. I could recite it for all the Popes I mentioned above, but I don't think I, or many traditional Catholics, could recite something like this for Francis and keep a straight face.🤪
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I forgot the great Leo XIII.
Wilma Lopez
This is the same guy that shut down all public Masses and sacraments in the Diocese of Rome during COVID, inspiring virtually every other bishop in the world to do the same.
Is it common practice in Italian medicine to allow a guy who had just been admitted for bronchitis and lung problems to be allowed to visit a natal ward and expose newborns to infectious disease?
Stacey Daniel
Not just "visit", but to actually place his dirty finger INSIDE the baby's mouth!! I was HORRIFIED. This is a man who has made no secret of his complete acceptance of those who push abortion. Why would ANYONE allow him to do this??