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De Profundis
Is he a WEF man or a peacemaker?
I concur 👍🏻
Maria delos Angeles
He seems to be the only European leader suing for peace. Like some people infiltrate the Bohemia Grove to find out what goes on there., perhaps he was …Mehr
He seems to be the only European leader suing for peace. Like some people infiltrate the Bohemia Grove to find out what goes on there., perhaps he was doing like with the WEF to KYE type of thing?
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De Profundis
71 Tsd.
Was aber, wenn Trump auch eine Schlange ist?
Charles Martel
Trump ist ein Trojaner.
Elista Dazu ein interessantes VideoMehr
Dazu ein interessantes Video
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De Profundis
James Carville on whether Democrat voters feel disenfranchised by the sudden Presidential candidacy of Kamala Harris: "Who cares?"
"I've not seen one Democrat who said they feel disrespected or disenfranchised." That's really no surprise. Leftards are so mesmerized and brainwashed …Mehr
"I've not seen one Democrat who said they feel disrespected or disenfranchised."
That's really no surprise. Leftards are so mesmerized and brainwashed they don't even understand those concepts. Leftard logic: "Imprison and kill to preserve democracy. Go Biden Harris!!"
Simon North
Why would Arroyo treat this man as a Catholic? For decades, Carville's worked to get elected politicians who support the murder of infants.
Notre-Dame de l'Assomption has became the latest church to be set on fire by arsonists
Billy F
Let the Vampire into the house, bad things will happen! Also, distance yourself from those who are trying to get you to open the doors and windows. They …Mehr
Let the Vampire into the house, bad things will happen! Also, distance yourself from those who are trying to get you to open the doors and windows. They want the vampire to kill your house!
Kamala Harris says she supports changing dietary guidelines to reduce red meat consumption because of its effects on the environment. She wants to tell you what to eat and how much. What happened to …Mehr
Kamala Harris says she supports changing dietary guidelines to reduce red meat consumption because of its effects on the environment. She wants to tell you what to eat and how much. What happened to “my body, my choice”?
Alex A
Kamala belongs in a Henhouse not the Whitehouse.
What the heck do grazing cows have on the environment? Making these general, vague claims about the environment without any concrete scientific evidence …Mehr
What the heck do grazing cows have on the environment? Making these general, vague claims about the environment without any concrete scientific evidence is ridiculous.
3 weitere Kommentare
Mehrere Homosexuelle sagen schon seit Jahrzehnten, dass sie keine sexuelle, sondern nur soziale Treue leben. Promiskuität ist wohl der Alltag dort.

Jonny Fischer und Ehemann Michi Angehrn beichten sich ihre Seitensprünge

Für viele ist Treue und Vertrauen das höchste Gebot in einer Beziehung. Wird einer dem anderen untreu, ist das Vertrauen gebrochen …
St. Anaklet
Die Sünde ist keine Tugend und wegen der Sodomie wird Gott die halbe Welt vernichten, weil zu viele Dumme diesen Abgrund geduldet haben.
Thorn Fuchs
Sin is no love!
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SS Director Kimberly Cheatle wants 30% of agents to be female. Meanwhile, this is her security detail
chris griffin
Notice her body double following her inside.
Typical hypocrite in a gov't position
8 weitere Kommentare
Fr. James Martin's LGBT group Outreach had their recent fundraiser hosted, again, by Brian Stevens & Alex Capecelatro at their Massachusetts house. Brian & Alex “married” in May 2023 and have been …Mehr
Fr. James Martin's LGBT group Outreach had their recent fundraiser hosted, again, by Brian Stevens & Alex Capecelatro at their Massachusetts house. Brian & Alex “married” in May 2023 and have been together for 11 yrs.
Largely Muslim Tajikistan bans hijab: President Emomali Rahmon cited the protection of “ancestral values and culture” as the reason for the ban. The Central Asian nation of 9.3 million is 98% Muslim.Mehr
Largely Muslim Tajikistan bans hijab:
President Emomali Rahmon cited the protection of “ancestral values and culture” as the reason for the ban.
The Central Asian nation of 9.3 million is 98% Muslim.

The 95% Muslim country that has banned the hijab

Required cookies to perform essential website functions. These cookies are necessary for our websites to work. Functions include log-in, saving language …
Musk lost his son to gender ideology. “It happened to one of my older boys, where I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier. “I was told Xavier might commit …Mehr
Musk lost his son to gender ideology. “It happened to one of my older boys, where I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier. “I was told Xavier might commit suicide. So, I was tricked into doing this. You know, it wasn’t explained to me that puberty blockers are actually just sterilization drugs. “I lost my son, essentially. You know, they call it deadnaming for a reason. The reason it’s called deadnaming is because your son is dead. So my son Xavier is dead, killed by the woke mind-virus. “So I vowed to destroy the woke mind-virus after that.”
“While I'm not a particularly religious person, I do believe that the teachings of Jesus are good and wise.”
Rep. McClain: "What are you hiding? What are you covering up?"
Yet another DEI hire wrecks an organization. But of course another one will be hired to replace her.
Roberto 55
I know what she is hiding...She is hiding that she has a nose between her eyes, and now seriously, she (the director) is so stupid, that even looking …Mehr
I know what she is hiding...She is hiding that she has a nose between her eyes, and now seriously, she (the director) is so stupid, that even looking at her causes observer a big pain... 🤪
An inside peak at Gavin Newsoms CA
Fake news
Roberto 55
This is done on purpose, to create chaos in people's mind. Behind this is satan and his puppets like Roastchilds, Rockies etc.
Non-binary woman has epic meltdown after being kicked out of her hotel for demanding hotel staff wear medical masks in her presence. “They’re kicking me out of my hotel room because I asked them to …Mehr
Non-binary woman has epic meltdown after being kicked out of her hotel for demanding hotel staff wear medical masks in her presence. “They’re kicking me out of my hotel room because I asked them to wear an N95 mask.”
Ursula Sankt teilt das
Nichtbinäre Frau erleidet einen epischen Nervenzusammenbruch, nachdem sie aus ihrem Hotel geworfen wurde, weil sie vom Hotelpersonal verlangte, in ihrer …Mehr
Nichtbinäre Frau erleidet einen epischen Nervenzusammenbruch, nachdem sie aus ihrem Hotel geworfen wurde, weil sie vom Hotelpersonal verlangte, in ihrer Gegenwart medizinische Masken zu tragen.
There is help for those who suffer from mental illness but it takes a person with charity to recognize and act on it.
10 weitere Kommentare
“I was never baptized,” he said. “I was raised Christian but never baptized. I was first baptized in 2018. Usha was raised non-Christian. She is actually not Christian. But I remember when I started …Mehr
“I was never baptized,” he said. “I was raised Christian but never baptized. I was first baptized in 2018. Usha was raised non-Christian. She is actually not Christian. But I remember when I started to reengage with my faith, Usha was very supportive.”
When Usha was asked why she was so supportive, she replied, “I did grow up in a religious household. My parents are Hindu. That is one of the reasons why they made such good parents. That made them very good people. And I think I have seen the power of that in my own life. And I knew that JD was searching for something. This just felt right for him.”
God works in strange and wondrous ways. Usha did JD a huge favor by encouraging him to find his faith in Christ. Surely we can pray that JD will return the favor and help Usha discover and know with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height of Christ’s love for her?

Mr. Catholic and Mrs. Hindu J. D. Vance - The Stream

Equipping Christians to Think Clearly About the Political, Economic and Moral Issues of Our Day. Support The Stream Mr. Catholic and Mrs. Hindu J. D …
Hard to say about the children - he married a non-Christian before he converted. So the promise a Catholic spouse makes to raise any children in the …Mehr
Hard to say about the children - he married a non-Christian before he converted. So the promise a Catholic spouse makes to raise any children in the faith would not have been taken.
Father Karl A Claver
Vance must pray daily for his wife's conversion to Catholicism. She must be baptized. Are his children Catholic?

How I Joined the Resistance

I often wonder what my grandmother—Mamaw, as I called her—would have thought about her grandson becoming Catholic. We used to argue about religion constantly. She was a woman …
Ursula von der Leyen wurde soeben als Präsidentin der EU-Kommission wiedergewählt. Die polnische Abgeordnete Ewa Zajaczkowska sagt es ihr ins Gesicht: "Von Mutter zu Mutter (...) Frau von der Leyen, …Mehr
Ursula von der Leyen wurde soeben als Präsidentin der EU-Kommission wiedergewählt. Die polnische Abgeordnete Ewa Zajaczkowska sagt es ihr ins Gesicht: "Von Mutter zu Mutter (...) Frau von der Leyen, Sie sollten ins Gefängnis gehen, nicht in die EU-Kommission!"
Abraham a Sancta Clara
Abgesehen von Madamme Leyer, das ganze EU Parlament wurde erschaffen um über die Länderparlamente hinweg zu entscheiden.
Fahrer von Ars teilt das
Von der Leyen wurde beim ersten mal illegal ernannt, niemals gewählt!
10 weitere Kommentare
Mark Zuckerberg, an outspoken critic of "man-made climate change", shows off his new $300 million, 287-foot mega yacht, powered by four gigantic diesel engines. Yet another stark reminder that Net Zero …Mehr
Mark Zuckerberg, an outspoken critic of "man-made climate change", shows off his new $300 million, 287-foot mega yacht, powered by four gigantic diesel engines. Yet another stark reminder that Net Zero is only for the peasants.
Sunamis 49
money money money must be funny in a rich man's world ( from a famous swedish band sung a long time ago)Mehr
money money money
must be funny
in a rich man's world
( from a famous swedish band sung a long time ago)
Billy F
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Top vaccinologist admits vaccine safety has never been adequately studied - LifeSite

(Injecting Freedom) — Wow. After decades of Dr. Stanley Plotkin and his vaccinologist disciples insisting vaccines …
Billy F
No more of their Modern Poison!!!
John A Cassani
You don’t need to be an expert to know that “safety studies” that compare new vaccine models only to the model they are replacing are worthless.