Sandy Barrett shares from Wilma Lopez
A lay Catholic was picking up some groceries when he accidentally became an internet sensation for apologetics.
Rradical Protestant broadcastet his interaction with an unassuming Catholic named Dave. Despite just popping in to pick a few groceries, Dave was more than ready for the would be Inquisitor and ended …More
Rradical Protestant broadcastet his interaction with an unassuming Catholic named Dave. Despite just popping in to pick a few groceries, Dave was more than ready for the would be Inquisitor and ended up articulately defending the Catholic faith.
Wilma Lopez
Bangladeshi Mohammed Asaduzzaman has just been elected mayor of Brighton in UK. Thoughts?
Pope Francis Returns to Rome's Capitoline Hill SWNews Welcomed by Mayor Roberto Gualtieri and accompanied by jubilant trumpet calls from Vitorchiano's faithful, the Holy Father and the Mayor convened …More
Pope Francis Returns to Rome's Capitoline Hill SWNews
Welcomed by Mayor Roberto Gualtieri and accompanied by jubilant trumpet calls from Vitorchiano's faithful, the Holy Father and the Mayor convened at the majestic arch facing the Roman Forum. The visit serves as a poignant prelude to the anticipated Jubilee year of 2025, emphasizing themes of unity, spiritual reflection, and communal renewal.

There Is No Plan B. What You Never Wanted to Know About

Like everyone else, is looking back on some strange years - not only in a bad way. We're seeing people of all languages sign up and publish their content every day, and at an increasing rate. …More
Like everyone else, is looking back on some strange years - not only in a bad way. We're seeing people of all languages sign up and publish their content every day, and at an increasing rate. is special because it is not another editorial Christian news site telling others what to think. It is a social network that empowers believers themselves. Everyone can contribute. People can post, chat, like, read, communicate, make friends (we even know of some who got married through or disagree with theological opponents.
When started in 2007, we ignored the economic truths that such a project would be very expensive (for our standards). But we knew that, given enough time, we could develop our own software and handle the hardware needed for a big social media. Unaffordable? ... never mind. God and our users, friends, and family would provide somehow.
We simply ignored the fact that without a big money donor - an uncle from America who never came - it …More
Billy F shares this

Charter of the Rights of the Family: parents protect your children

Charter of the Rights of the Family A government that doesn't respect God given rights of the parents and the family is a corrupt …
Tom Morelli

School choice programs have been wildly successful under DeSantis. Now public schools might close.

Sally Dorman
Thousands attend Eucharistic Procession in Washington DC.
From The Remnant: “THE SCIENCE” ON TRIAL: Jeff Sachs and the CDC’s Dr. Redfield Turn State’s Evidence

“THE SCIENCE” ON TRIAL: Jeff Sachs and the CDC’s Dr. Redfield Turn State’s Evidence

Finally, the chickens come home to roost. Tony Fauci gets grilled on the Senate floor, Jeff Sachs blasts “the science …
English Catholic
Powerful video from Michael Matt! Come to the CIC: Article: Making Reparation For the Offenses Against the Sacred Heart …More
Powerful video from Michael Matt!
Come to the CIC:
Article: Making Reparation For the Offenses Against the Sacred Heart of Jesus That Have Grown Progressively Worse Since Vatican II
MISERENTISSIMUS REDEMPTOR: Miserentissimus Redemptor (May 8, 1928) | PIUS XI
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Normand Thomas

183. For Jesus to be known

Paul's letter to Timothy is a teaching to revisit. He tells him : You, man of God, avoid all this. Instead, pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience, and gentleness. “Compete well for the …More
Paul's letter to Timothy is a teaching to revisit. He tells him :
You, man of God, avoid all this. Instead, pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience, and gentleness.
“Compete well for the faith. Lay hold of eternal life, to which you were called when you made the noble confession in the presence of many witnesses.” 1 Timothy, chapter 6, verses 11 to 12
Are we capable of such a beautiful affirmation of faith before many witnesses? It is the foundation of evangelization: to stay in the good, the beautiful, the true, the real, in what is eternal, and to reveal it to our contemporaries. We want to reel in eternal life and stay there.
We’re invited to reflect on how we can affirm our faith before many witnesses. What meaning do we want to give to our faith life from day to day? What do we want the world to discover about faith? How are we to reveal the Love of God that swells in our heart?
We see in the world the many persecutions against christians or against other religions …More
Jeffrey Ade
How do you feel about this?
6 pages
Live Mike
The first and second Noahide Laws prohibit idolatry and blasphemy. They are binding on non-Jews only. The worship of Jesus Christ is considered blasphemy …More
The first and second Noahide Laws prohibit idolatry and blasphemy. They are binding on non-Jews only. The worship of Jesus Christ is considered blasphemy and idolatry. These laws were passed in 1981. Punishment for breaking these laws is
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Pierre Henri
Gabe @GabeZZOZZ Lindsey Graham has just confirmed that they are not sacrificing the Ukrainian people for "freedom" and "democracy," but for Ukraine's minerals, which are worth trillions of dollars, …More
Lindsey Graham has just confirmed that they are not sacrificing the Ukrainian people for "freedom" and "democracy," but for Ukraine's minerals, which are worth trillions of dollars, and the West wants them. This is unbelievable…
Billy F
Hans, are we the baddies?

How To Make a Mini Root Cellar In Your Backyard In Less Than Two Hours - Ask a Prepper

Once upon a time, root cellars were the only way people had to preserve their food. These wonderful cold-storage …
Live Mike shares from Scapular

Her ministers infiltrated by “mass of rotten flesh”

Prophecies Of Virgin Of Revelation: A Pope Will Deny The Faith "The entire Church will undergo a tremendous trial, to clean up the mass of rotten flesh that has infiltrated into Her ministers, in …More
Prophecies Of Virgin Of Revelation: A Pope Will Deny The Faith
"The entire Church will undergo a tremendous trial, to clean up the mass of rotten flesh that has infiltrated into Her ministers, in particular among the Orders of poverty: a moral trial, a spiritual trial. For the time indicated in the heavenly books, priests and faithful will be placed at a perilous turning-point in the world of the lost, which will rush to the assault with whichever means: false ideologies and theologies! Supplication from both parts, the faithful and the unfaithful, will be made according to the trials. I, among you the elect, with Christ as Our Captain, will fight for you […] The wrath of Satan is no longer restrained; the Spirit of God is withdrawn from the earth, the Church will be left a widow, behold the funeral drape, She will be left to the mercy of the world. Children, become saints and sanctify yourselves more, always love each other. […] Marshal yourselves under the banner of Christ. Working in …More
Nord Stream 2 Exposed: Merkel's Push for Nord Stream 2 Despite Eastern European Opposition Poland Dailiy Live Russia’s blackmail ‘concealed’ by Angela Merkel (
Nord Stream 2 Exposed: Merkel's Push for Nord Stream 2 Despite Eastern European Opposition
Poland Dailiy Live
Russia’s blackmail ‘concealed’ by Angela Merkel (
parangutirimicuaro shares this
Darum fürchten Merkel und Scholz die Aufklärung zu Nord Stream 2 Darum fürchten Merkel und Scholz die Aufklärung zu Nord Stream 2 (
Darum fürchten Merkel und Scholz die Aufklärung zu Nord Stream 2
Darum fürchten Merkel und Scholz die Aufklärung zu Nord Stream 2 (
Denis Efimov
Liturgical reform and transformation of religious buildings. (A brief report on how the conciliars destroyed the churches).More
Liturgical reform and transformation of religious buildings.
(A brief report on how the conciliars destroyed the churches).

La riforma liturgica e la trasformazione degli edifici di culto

qui. La riforma liturgica e la trasformazione degli edifici di culto Una modificazione teologica degli edifici di culto Chiese per …
Father Karl A Claver
In 1979, most all churches in Rome had NOT been wrecked. In 1981, most of them were transformed from churches to theaters.
De Profundis shares from De Profundis
Ursula von der Leyen: "We will build a bastion against the extremes from the Left and the Right!" Amazing how these people get to position themselves as "centrists" despite holding some of the most …More
Ursula von der Leyen: "We will build a bastion against the extremes from the Left and the Right!" Amazing how these people get to position themselves as "centrists" despite holding some of the most radical positions ever held in human history
Ursula von der Leyen kündigt an, dass sich die Europäische Volkspartei in Europa mit der PSOE zusammentun wird: „Wir werden ein Bollwerk gegen die extreme Rechte aufbauen.“

Second creation of the Holy Spirit: Our Lord Jesus Christ

Excerpt from “Treatise of the Holy Spirit” by Mgr Gaume: A Virgin-Mother is the first creation of the Holy Spirit, in the New Testament: a God-Man is the second. The order of Redemption demanded that …More
Excerpt from “Treatise of the Holy Spirit” by Mgr Gaume:
A Virgin-Mother is the first creation of the Holy Spirit, in the New Testament: a God-Man is the second. The order of Redemption demanded that this be so. Of a guilty woman and man. Satan had formed the City of Evil; by one of these harmonious contrasts, so frequent in the works of infinite wisdom, of a perfectly just woman and man, the Holy Spirit will form the City of good. We know the new Eve, it remains to study the new Adam.
Divinizing man is God's eternal thought. Satanizing man is the eternal thought of hell. To divinize is to unite; to satanize is to divide: on these two opposite poles the moral world balances. To deify man, the creative Word resolved to hypostatically unite human nature. Man-God, he will become the principle of divinized generations. But who will give him this human nature which he does not have, and which he needs? who will do it Man-God? to the Holy Spirit is reserved this masterpiece. Without doubt, he …More

France: One to Zero for Our Lady

In 1945, a family in La Flotte-en-Ré, a French tourist resort on the Atlantic coast, erected a statue of Our Lady after their father and son returned safe from the Second World War. The statue was …More
In 1945, a family in La Flotte-en-Ré, a French tourist resort on the Atlantic coast, erected a statue of Our Lady after their father and son returned safe from the Second World War.
The statue was first placed in a private garden. In 1983, it was given to the town council and placed in its current location.
In 2020, the statue was destroyed by a driver, but the municipality restored it.
Then a group of Church-haters calling themselves "La Libre Pensée" ("free thought") sued the city, citing an outdated 1905 law that bans religious emblems in public spaces (no "free thought").
The administrative court of Poitiers, France, ordered the demolition of the beautiful statue "in the name of secularism." The term "secularism" is a euphemism for hatred of religion.
The Church-haters fought for three years to have Our Lady removed. When they won, they lost.
Last Friday, the statue was reinstalled just a few steps from its previous pedestal. This time it is no longer in public space, but on private …More
Father Karl A Claver
Free thinkers, aka Freemasons, hate the traditional Catholic Church and all She stands for.

Another Document: Does Pope Francis Feel Lonely?

Cardinal Koch (Ecumenism) and Cardinal Grech (Ex-Synod) will present a "study document" on the papacy next Thursday. It is entitled "The Bishop of Rome - Primacy and Synodality in Ecumenical Discussions …More
Cardinal Koch (Ecumenism) and Cardinal Grech (Ex-Synod) will present a "study document" on the papacy next Thursday.
It is entitled "The Bishop of Rome - Primacy and Synodality in Ecumenical Discussions and Responses to the Encyclical Ut unum sint". Francis' selective use of John Paul II's encyclicals is remarkable.
In Ut Unum Sint (1995), John Paul II invited leaders and theologians of schismatic and heretical communities to dialogue on how the papal office, exercised in a new way, could serve the cause of unity with schismatics and heretics.
Francis has approved the "study document". According to, a propaganda agency of the German bishops, it deals with papal primacy and [pseudo]synodality.
In line with John Paul II, the document proposes a "renewed form of the papal office that could also be recognised by the other churches". The Pope should meet regularly for consultation with other patriarchs and church leaders [all of them schismatic, heretical or both] on an 'equal footing'. …More
Live Mike
"After I've finished using the full and supreme jurisdiction of the Pope to the destroy the visible institution of the Catholic Church, I'll sacrifice …More
"After I've finished using the full and supreme jurisdiction of the Pope to the destroy the visible institution of the Catholic Church, I'll sacrifice that same jurisdiction upon the Masonic Altar of Ecumenism in order to bring about the false church & further the objectives of One World Religion." - You know who
Sean Johnson
In the new ecclesiology of lumen Gentium, conversion is no longer necessary (and therefore neither is the church).
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Thank you Trudeau! Another Church Burnt Down in Canada

St Anne's in west Toronto, an Anglican church, was completely destroyed by fire on 9 June. The 124-year-old church contained early paintings by three Group of Seven artists that were installed in the …More
St Anne's in west Toronto, an Anglican church, was completely destroyed by fire on 9 June.
The 124-year-old church contained early paintings by three Group of Seven artists that were installed in the church in the 1920s. The church was locked and no one was inside.
The Group of Seven was a collective of Canadian landscape painters, active from 1920 to 1933, known for their striking and vivid depictions of the Canadian wilderness. Their work played a crucial role in the development of a distinct Canadian art style and has left a lasting legacy in the country's cultural heritage.
Following slanderous accusations by salon socialist Justin Trudeau and the media that the Catholic Church committed "mass murder" of Indian children a century ago, nearly a hundred churches across Canada were burned or vandalised, although it was clear from the start, and confirmed after excavations, that these were all bald-faced lies.