Media Wants to Ban Videos of Biden’s Senility: Now Biden’s gaffes are “misinformation” too

Get ready for ‘Misinformation’ round 3. When Democrats, their activists and their media declared that disagreement …
Sean Johnson
Rome, the SSPX, and the Resistance by Arsenius (Benedictine monk of Santa Cruz Monastery in New Freiburg, Brazil).

Rome, the Society and the Resistance

top of page *Articles published by third parties do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Monastery of Santa Cruz and their publication is for informative …
Frank Walker
June 18, 2024: Good Time for a Global Exorcism

Canon212 Update: Good Time for a Global Exorcism

18Jun 2024 Canon212 Update: Good Time for a Global Exorcism by ⋅ Leave a Comment ***I said ‘S-5’ when I meant S-500. I said ‘last week …
Francis wants to ban the Latin Mass outright

Francis wants to ban the Latin Mass outright

Lifesite News is reporting: "Several 'credible' sources informed a traditional Catholic media outlet that the Vatican is planning to issue a document 'banning …
True Mass
There will always be good faithful non homo priests who will offer the TLM. It's on the laity to find and support them. Enough with V2 and all the filth.More
There will always be good faithful non homo priests who will offer the TLM. It's on the laity to find and support them.
Enough with V2 and all the filth.
Maria delos Angeles
In order to do the First Saturday I only attend my local Mass strictly for receiving Holy Communion and then to depart so not being present for any of …More
In order to do the First Saturday I only attend my local Mass strictly for receiving Holy Communion and then to depart so not being present for any of the ritual of the Novus Ordo. This is allowed under the providential disposition of the CCanon Law 1983. This is as much as I can bear, as to be present for any of the Novus Ordo rite is literal torture. There is confession after the Mass.
3 more comments
I believe curses or witchcraft have been said over the land and peoples of the land by the satanic elites. I dont think it would hurt everybody to say some prayers from say this site, viz. Prayer for …More
I believe curses or witchcraft have been said over the land and peoples of the land by the satanic elites. I dont think it would hurt everybody to say some prayers from say this site, viz. Prayer for Breaking Curses of the Occult, over this land and the peoples of this land; to help break some of this influence. I feel metaphysically certain that that is what has happened, as this came to me in prayer and while researching what might have been happening/have happened with Kate M and Princess Di. For one thing, our government seems to be captured, and the wrong people do not seem to come to justice and want our death and destruction.


Act of Denouncing Evil I reject the evil that has infiltrated my life because I have distanced myself from Jesus; I have abandoned the mysteries, …
Maria delos Angeles
I think King Charles wants us depopulated, from things he has said and done. Also, he is descended from Count Dracula , and proud it seems. These things …More
I think King Charles wants us depopulated, from things he has said and done. Also, he is descended from Count Dracula , and proud it seems. These things can pass on in families for generations until purified by the Precious Blood of Jesus. There is no indication he believes in Christ or Christianity as the One True Faith.
Guntherus de Thuringia
Von Paul Craig Roberts The Ever Widening War |More
Von Paul Craig Roberts
The Ever Widening War |

Der sich ausweitende Krieg

NATO-Generalsekretär Stoltenberg berichtet, dass die NATO darüber diskutiert, Atomwaffen aus den Depots zu holen und einsatzbereit zu machen. Polens Präsident will die Russische …

Spain: New Bill Targets ‘Pseudomedia’ in Press Freedom Crackdown

Zensur Aktuelles Konzept: Zeitung, 3D-Darstellung Auf Weißem Hintergrund Lizenzfreie Fotos, Bilder und Stock Fotografie. Image 70112315…
LifeSiteNews has received an information that a likely date for a “final solution” for the Roman Mass is July 16, the anniversary of the implementation of Traditionis Custodes.

Reports: Vatican planning to enforce a ‘final’ ban of Traditional Latin Mass, likely on July 16 - …

(LifeSiteNews) — Several “credible” sources informed a traditional Catholic media outlet that the …
Naomi Arai
They’ve been planning since the 1960s AT LEAST. Nothing new to see here. I still have the SSPX.
Maria delos Angeles
Then Our Lady of Mount Carmel is the antidote.
6 more comments
"If someone tells me he is faithful at the same time to the Novus Ordo & Vetus Ordo, I reply he has not understood the meaning of tradition, within which there is a legitimate & insuperable progress …More
"If someone tells me he is faithful at the same time to the Novus Ordo & Vetus Ordo, I reply he has not understood the meaning of tradition, within which there is a legitimate & insuperable progress that is irreversible."

Interview with Andrea Grillo on the Traditional Liturgy: The Church isn’t a “high-society club” or …

QUIX) per la traduzione dell'importante intervista di MiL (QUI) al noto liturgista prof. Andrea Grillo. …
Lisi Sterndorfer
John A Cassani
He is not a believer at all. He just sees the Church as a place to facilitate his preferred, Marxist power dynamic. That’s the only reason he is a “…More
He is not a believer at all. He just sees the Church as a place to facilitate his preferred, Marxist power dynamic. That’s the only reason he is a “theologian.” I mean, his own chosen profile picture is of him making an obscene gesture. He is an absolute misanthrope.
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Tom Morelli

Biden to give 'dreamers' work visas without congressional approval

Wilma Lopez

Bishop Schneider: 'LGBTQ lobbies,' secular powers behind Pope Francis' homosexual ‘blessings’ document …

(LifeSiteNews) — Bishop Athanasius Schneider stated that “[s]ecular powers, ‘LGBTQ’ lobbies, and …

Trump und Biden über Israel von Robert Dreyfuss - Sicht vom Hochblauen

Bild von Emma Kaden. von Robert Dreyfuss 18. Juni 2024 Kürzlich nahm ich an einer Demonstration teil, zu der Gruppen aufgerufen …

Cardinal O'Malley's Former Episcopal Vicar to "Marry" a Man 32 Years His Junior

James Flavin, 62, a former priest of the Archdiocese of Boston, is to 'marry' Michel E., a man 32 years his junior. A two-day celebration is planned for February 2025 in Mexico. Flavin was ordained a …More
James Flavin, 62, a former priest of the Archdiocese of Boston, is to 'marry' Michel E., a man 32 years his junior. A two-day celebration is planned for February 2025 in Mexico.
Flavin was ordained a priest in June 1987. He was a favourite of Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley, who appointed Flavin an episcopal vicar in 2014.
Flavin worked as a psychotherapist, specialising in internet addiction and treating priests with drug, alcohol or psychiatric problems. In 2019, Flavin took a sabbatical time.
In May 2020, he bought a $1 million house in Chicago and lived there with his male concubine. Flavin earned money as a "special assistant" to the then-president of Jesuit-run Loyola University in Chicago, Jo Ann Rooney, the first woman to lead the Jesuit institution from 2016 to 2022.
In 2021, the Archdiocese of Boston declared Flavin "on unauthorised leave". He was a "spiritual advisor" for the [good] film "Father Stu" (2022), produced by Mel Gibson.
Flavin is known to be friends with Father Thomas …More
Christopher Shahrazade
Gee whiz, another Novus Ordo homo priest? I'm shocked. How can this be??? The screening at seminary is so strict!! And they are so holy and pious and …More
Gee whiz, another Novus Ordo homo priest? I'm shocked. How can this be??? The screening at seminary is so strict!! And they are so holy and pious and pure and good and praiseworthy , models of faithfunessl to Church teachings, and devout, and obedient and totally loyal to the Holy Father, definitly not like those terrible corrupt , disloyal, impious, ambitious,heretical, rebellious, dissident , disrespectful young priests who dress in cassocks and habits rather than open necked clerical shirts and dirty slacks and love the Tridentine Latin MAss said with such devotion and piety with their minds and hearts focused toward the Heavens rather than towards the people on earth? They constantly remind people of sin which makes everyone especially homosexuals feel bad. What are they trying to prove? THat they are better than everyone else? HAHAHAHAHA!!
Now , if you think I actually believe that which I wrote about the true priests (not this guy, but the holy young men who are fighting for the …More
What a trade off; Eternal damnation for a passing pleasure.
5 more comments
Pierre Henri
FBI knew since 2016 Hunter Biden’s team nearly scored $120 million Ukrainian deal while Joe was VPMore
FBI knew since 2016 Hunter Biden’s team nearly scored $120 million Ukrainian deal while Joe was VP

FBI knew since 2016 Hunter Biden’s team nearly scored $120 million Ukrainian deal while Joe was VP

FBI knew since 2016 Hunter Biden’s team nearly scored $120 million Ukrainian deal while Joe was VP …

France: 12-year-old Jewish girl raped in suspected antisemitic attack

The French police arrested three minors aged 12-14 on suspicion of gang rape of a 12-year-old Jewish girl on nationalistic grounds,…
Naomi Arai
WATCH: Cardinal Sarah Warns of Dangers of ‘Practical Atheism’ Even Within Church

WATCH: Cardinal Sarah Warns of Dangers of ‘Practical Atheism’ Even Within Church

More than 30 years ago, Pope St. John Paul II helped bring about the downfall of the Soviet Union, which had sought to …

The Real Reason Food Costs Have Skyrocketed.

UK: Plurality See Immigration as Being Negative, Majority Say Only Farage Telling Truth About Issue

A survey found that the plurality of Britons see immigration as negative, while a majority said only …
Michi Gini

Bishop Eleganti: Papal primacy must not be defined by ecumenical 'negotiations' with non-Catholics -…

(LifeSiteNews) — To see the acceptance of the Roman Catholic papal primacy of jurisdiction by other …

No Mass! Vatican Treats Melbourne Archbishop "Like a Flunky"

During a visit to the Vatican on 24 January, Monsignor Peter Andrew Comensoli, 60, Archbishop of Melbourne, asked the Dicastery for the Liturgy for a "dispensation" to celebrate the Roman Rite Mass in …More
During a visit to the Vatican on 24 January, Monsignor Peter Andrew Comensoli, 60, Archbishop of Melbourne, asked the Dicastery for the Liturgy for a "dispensation" to celebrate the Roman Rite Mass in three churches: St Michael, St Philip and the Cathedral St Patrick.
A day later he received the answer: Niet! The Vatican issued a decree forbidding the Mass in the cathedral.
Cardinal Arthur Roche "allowed" it only for two years and only in the churches of St Michael and St Philip. The decree was signed by his secretary, Archbishop Vittorio Viola (pictured).
According to the Vatican, over the next two years, the faithful are to be led into the [decadent] Novus Ordo from which they have all been fleeing for decades.
Archbishop Viola writes: "While we recognise that Mass according to the Missale Romanum of 1962 has been celebrated in the Cathedral Church for some time, we are nonetheless constrained [by whom?] to deny this request. It is now opportune [!] that the direction given by the …More
@Sean Johnson what you say is true. We can see it happening at our chapel. It is unfolding before our eyes. We were abandoned by the church during V2 …More
@Sean Johnson what you say is true. We can see it happening at our chapel. It is unfolding before our eyes. We were abandoned by the church during V2 and soon to be abandoned by the SSPX. The younger look and listen as if in awe. Us old timers shake our heads and wonder what happened.
Sean Johnson
…just as the SSPX is being lead by stages into the conciliar church, which it formerly had been fleeing for decades. And to further facilitate and …More
…just as the SSPX is being lead by stages into the conciliar church, which it formerly had been fleeing for decades.
And to further facilitate and augment that absorption, priests ordained within the conciliar church’s new rites now proliferate. The faithful have only to accept or get out.
A master plan by Rome, really (Recall, +Huonder arrived at the request of Francis to further facilitate the SSPX’s assimilation process, first saying he was there simply to retire in peace, but ended by consecrating holy oils) to shake out all those old Lefebvrists still opposing the novel council and its new theology.
Day by day, the SSPX is transformed into that which it used to oppose.
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