Malawians are mourning the country’s vice-president Saulos Chilima and nine others.

Saulos Chilima: Malawi vice-president confirmed dead in plane crash

Malawi VP confirmed dead in plane crash in forest The wreck of a plane carrying Malawi's vice-president has been found with no survivors …
the BIRD SLEEP to the sound of the Psalms #shorts #karmel #birds Some people save animals so they can live here longer. Karmel has a more painful mission. We help creatures return to the Father. We …More
the BIRD SLEEP to the sound of the Psalms #shorts #karmel #birds
Some people save animals so they can live here longer. Karmel has a more painful mission. We help creatures return to the Father. We are with them in the most difficult moment when they would die alone. We are here: like the Virgin Mary at the foot of the cross.
They just come to die with us. It's always like that. In the North, a bee came to hear the last song on the guitar and died next to us on the stone. The other day, a neighbor's sheep came to die in front of our door. The other day a magnificent dolphin rose up at our feet on the beach.
We are therefore with each soul created in the image of God, until death, despite our weaknesses.
Sheen81 shares from

False Comedian Tells Children in Francis' Presence that "There Is Only Heaven"

Roberto Benigni, an Italian comedian, lied about eternity in the presence of Pope Francis at the Vatican's first World Children's Day on 26 May. "I can't lie in front of His Holiness," Benigni pretended …More
Roberto Benigni, an Italian comedian, lied about eternity in the presence of Pope Francis at the Vatican's first World Children's Day on 26 May.
"I can't lie in front of His Holiness," Benigni pretended, "don't make me lie in front of the Pope, because later, when I die, I'll be standing there with St Peter and he'll say to me: 'Oh, Benigni, you lied in front of the Pope. Oh, now I have to send you to hell or purgatory: 50 years! Mamma mia! What a shock!'"
"But I always think that when I die I'll be standing at the gates of heaven with St Peter waiting to judge me, and I always hope he'll give me a scape and let me go: Benigni, don't make me think again - go! I always hope so".
"But you all, don't be afraid, because there is no hell, no purgatory. There is only heaven, where you are now, the realm of childhood, of youth, full of dreams".
Find a spouse and start a family!
Tom Morelli
Good news

BREAKING: Abducted Kaduna Catholic priest regains freedom

The kidnapped Kaduna Catholic Priest, Rev. Fr. Gabriel Ukeh, of St Thomas Parish, Zaman Dabo in Zango Kataf Local Government Area of Kaduna State …
Missouri Creoles speaking Illinois Country French Missouri Creoles from Ste.Genevieve, Missouri speaking & singing in French. The French dialect of Missouri is also called Paw-Paw French, Illinois …More
Missouri Creoles speaking Illinois Country French
Missouri Creoles from Ste.Genevieve, Missouri speaking & singing in French. The French dialect of Missouri is also called Paw-Paw French, Illinois Country French, and Missouri French.
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Clip from Dennis Stroughmatt, Créole du Missouri, chante la Guignolée:
Dennis Stroughmatt, Créole du Missouri, chante la Guignolée
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How the TCDSB senior staff plan to undo the last legal protection for Catholic education in Ontario

The Toronto Catholic District School Board has received from their lawyer Antonella Ceddia and policy …
Everyday for Life Canada
I know this is a local school board issue in Toronto, Ontario. But what is happening here against Catholic education applies to most of the west. So, …More
I know this is a local school board issue in Toronto, Ontario. But what is happening here against Catholic education applies to most of the west. So, we can work together to try and protect and pray for the souls of children in schools.
Jeffrey Ade
On the obligation to make reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

O obowiązku zadośćuczynienia Najświętszemu Sercu Jezusowemu: Encyklika „Miserentissimus Redemptor”-…

Czcigodni Bracia! Pozdrowienie Wam i błogosławieństwo apostolskie! Najmiłosierniejszy nasz Zbawiciel …
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O obowiązku zadośćuczynienia Najświętszemu Sercu Jezusa!
Vatican Faces Backlash Over Use of Artwork by Accused Abuser Father Rupnik

Vatican Faces Backlash Over Use of Artwork by Accused Abuser Father Rupnik

The Vatican is once again drawing criticism for using the artwork of Father Marko Ivan Rupnik in a Vatican News article on the …
The Christian Armenian St. Hakob Monastery in Cilicia, dating back to the 11th century, was destroyed by Turkey during the Christian Genocide. The monastery housed relics of wood from Noah's Ark, which …More
The Christian Armenian St. Hakob Monastery in Cilicia, dating back to the 11th century, was destroyed by Turkey during the Christian Genocide. The monastery housed relics of wood from Noah's Ark, which have come to rest on Armenian Mount Ararat.
Tucker Carlson Tonight 6/9/24 | Trump Breaking News June 9, 2024
The Mystical Body of Antichrist | Fulton Sheen Join this channel to get access to perks: Sponsored by Devout Decals Sources: returntotradition.orgMore
The Mystical Body of Antichrist | Fulton Sheen
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62% of Registered Voters Support Plans to Deport ALL Illegal Aliens - Slay News

A new poll has left corporate media talking heads stunned after it showed overwhelming support for mass deportations of …
Live Mike

The World’s Hatred - John 15:18-25

18 “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the …More
18 “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you; if they kept my word, they will keep yours also. 21 But all this they will do to you on my account, because they do not know him who sent me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 He who hates me hates my Father also. 24 If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would not have sin; but now they have seen and hated both me and my Father. 25 It is to fulfil the word that is written in their law, ‘They hated me without a cause.’
Christian Candidate Sues Lib Dems, Petition Gains Momentum SWNews Former BBC journalist and deselected Liberal Democrat candidate David Campanale is suing his party for alleged discrimination over his …More
Christian Candidate Sues Lib Dems, Petition Gains Momentum SWNews
Former BBC journalist and deselected Liberal Democrat candidate David Campanale is suing his party for alleged discrimination over his Christian faith, citing instances of being "mocked and abused" for his beliefs. With over 20,000 signatures on a petition calling for his reinstatement and support from bishops, the case highlights concerns about religious discrimination in UK politics.
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Cardinal Müller refuted liberal claims about the priesthood and ‘women’s ordination,' stating, ‘It is in the nature of the sacrament that only a man can represent Christ in relation to the Church.’

Cardinal Müller: It Is Impossible to Ordain Women

"A woman cannot be ordained a priest. It is sacramentally impossible," Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller told (7 June). He explained that Christ called only men to be apostles and that the priest …More
"A woman cannot be ordained a priest. It is sacramentally impossible," Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller told (7 June).
He explained that Christ called only men to be apostles and that the priest, in his masculinity, represents Christ, the bridegroom of the Church, which is his bride.
When women claim to have a "vocation", it is "a mistake", the Cardinal explained: "Women are not called to the sacred orders. This is pure subjectivism". Christ instituted this sacrament only for men and doesn't contradict himself.
Cardinal Müller also called the abuse hoax an "ideology" based on anti-church prejudice: "Statistically, 95% of child abuse [Austrian figures: 99.7%] occurs in the area of family and youth education, which has nothing to do with the hierarchical-sacramental constitution of the Church and the celibacy of priests".
The Cardinal warns against placing priests under general suspicion. "It is typical of old and new Marxist ideologies that it is not the individual who is guilty of …More
Normand Thomas

184. Comforting words

The Lord tells us: “So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; It shall not return to me void, but shall do my will, achieving the end for which I sent it.” Isaiah, chapter 55, verse 11 We know …More
The Lord tells us:
“So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; It shall not return to me void, but shall do my will, achieving the end for which I sent it.” Isaiah, chapter 55, verse 11
We know that our words are important. When it’s said, it can bring sadness or comfort, it can deeply hurt and cause pain or propose love. It’s to consider.
What words do we use with others? Are they the same we would use in front of children? Are they more to hurt, to control or to love and set free? Let’s have a positive message that will always allow those who listen to take a step in the faith and approach Jesus.
Nothing is trivial when we talk to someone. But we sometimes manage to create pain with slightly less charitable phrases. The pain we cause to others also causes us pain. Lack of sleep can be a factor of importance. The disease can make us more irritable and say phrases we wouldn’t want to say.
If it takes more reserve before the words we use and for forgiveness towards ourselves, the …More
This artificial intelligence can see you through the Wi-Fi of your modem and even through the walls and thanks to the famous YouTuber Saulo Mundo and what he has said about his experiences with important …More
This artificial intelligence can see you through the Wi-Fi of your modem and even through the walls and thanks to the famous YouTuber Saulo Mundo and what he has said about his experiences with important people, this has been known to happen for years
rafaportal shares this
Esta inteligencia artificial puede verte a través del Wi-Fi de tu módem e incluso a través de las paredes y gracias al famoso YouTuber Saulo Mundo y …More
Esta inteligencia artificial puede verte a través del Wi-Fi de tu módem e incluso a través de las paredes y gracias al famoso YouTuber Saulo Mundo y lo que ha dicho sobre sus experiencias con personas importantes, se sabe que esto ocurre desde hace años
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Vandalism? Polish Chapel Smeared with Blood

Monsignor Wojciech Polak, Archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland, blessed a chapel of the Precious Blood in Mieścisko on 29 May. At the entrance to the chapel, some red paint, which looks like …More
Monsignor Wojciech Polak, Archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland, blessed a chapel of the Precious Blood in Mieścisko on 29 May.
At the entrance to the chapel, some red paint, which looks like blood spatter, represent "the Blood of Christ". An average, normal observer would consider it an act of vandalism, as Polish users pointed out.
There is another mural in the sanctuary depicting a slaughtered lamb with blood splattered on it. The shape of this second splatter represents a map of the world.