Hna. Anna Nobili: la monja que baila. 30 de mayo 2013: Adoración Eucarística en Palmi (Italia), iglesia de la Sagrada Familia.More
Hna. Anna Nobili: la monja que baila.
30 de mayo 2013: Adoración Eucarística en Palmi (Italia), iglesia de la Sagrada Familia.
Francesco I
In taberna quando sumus
Non curamus quid sit humus
Sed ad ludum properamus
Cui semper insudamus
Quid agatur in taberna
Ubi nummus est pincerna
Hoc est opus ut queratur
Si quid loquar, audiatur
Quidam ludunt, quidam bibunt
Quidam indiscrete vivunt
Sed in ludo qui morantur
Ex his quidam denudantur
Quidam ibi vestiuntur
Quidam saccis induuntur
Ibi nullus timet mortem
Sed pro …More

In taberna quando sumus
Non curamus quid sit humus
Sed ad ludum properamus
Cui semper insudamus
Quid agatur in taberna
Ubi nummus est pincerna
Hoc est opus ut queratur
Si quid loquar, audiatur
Quidam ludunt, quidam bibunt
Quidam indiscrete vivunt
Sed in ludo qui morantur
Ex his quidam denudantur
Quidam ibi vestiuntur
Quidam saccis induuntur
Ibi nullus timet mortem
Sed pro Baccho mittunt sortem
Primo pro nummata vini
Ex hac bibunt libertini
Semel bibunt pro captivis
Post hec bibunt ter pro vivis
Quater pro Christianis cunctis
Quinquies pro fidelibus defunctis
Sexies pro sororibus vanis
Septies pro militibus silvanis
Octies pro fratribus perversis
Nonies pro monachis dispersis
Decies pro navigantibus
Undecies pro discordaniibus
Duodecies pro penitentibus
Tredecies pro iter agentibus
Tam pro papa quam pro rege
Bibunt omnes sine lege
Bibit hera, bibit herus
Bibit miles, bibit clerus
Bibit ille, bibit illa
Bibit servis cum ancilla
Bibit velox, bibit piger
Bibit albus, bibit niger
Bibit constans, bibit vagus
Bibit rudis, bibit magnus
Bibit pauper et egrotus
Bibit exul et ignotus
Bibit puer, bibit canus
Bibit presul et decanus
Bibit soror, bibit frater
Bibit anus, bibit mater
Bibit ista, bibit ille
Bibunt centum, bibunt mille
Parum sexcente nummate
Durant, cum immoderatesuffice
Bibunt omnes sine meta
Quamvis bibant mente leta
Sic nos rodunt omnes gentes
Et sic erimus egentes
Qui nos rodunt confundantur
Et cum iustis non scribantur


In taberna quando sumus - Carmina Burana
What is going on here is unbelievable and I m from india.
difficile est satiram non scribere
I am finding it harder and harder to trust bishops. Who allows this disgraceful ego filled behaviour. If they want to do dance, do it in a theater where it belongs - and if people want to watch it let them pay with their own money. What fool thinks any one believes this is worship, what drivel. The bishops are to blame and it is very worrying, the poor leadership in the church in the last 30 years …More
I am finding it harder and harder to trust bishops. Who allows this disgraceful ego filled behaviour. If they want to do dance, do it in a theater where it belongs - and if people want to watch it let them pay with their own money. What fool thinks any one believes this is worship, what drivel. The bishops are to blame and it is very worrying, the poor leadership in the church in the last 30 years, or is it deliberate apostasy? I am at a loss to believe in them any more.
Esto es una falta de respeto hacia Dios y a la iglesia.
Las autoridades eclesiásticas ni nosotros los laicos debemos permitir estas acciones.
Y la gente mirando solamente!!!! 🤬 Señor perdònanosMore
Esto es una falta de respeto hacia Dios y a la iglesia.
Las autoridades eclesiásticas ni nosotros los laicos debemos permitir estas acciones.

Y la gente mirando solamente!!!! 🤬 Señor perdònanos
"" La FRANCE reviendra au Traditions de Saint LOUIS ou elle périra dans la ruine et la honte " !!!!!"
J'ai comme une vague idée du choix qu'elle fera, qu'elle fait déjà.... 🤮More
"" La FRANCE reviendra au Traditions de Saint LOUIS ou elle périra dans la ruine et la honte " !!!!!"

J'ai comme une vague idée du choix qu'elle fera, qu'elle fait déjà.... 🤮
" La FRANCE reviendra au Traditions de Saint LOUIS ou elle périra dans la ruine et la honte " !!!!!More

" La FRANCE reviendra au Traditions de Saint LOUIS ou elle périra dans la ruine et la honte " !!!!!
Muy desagradable, 🤬 Para nada, esto es horrible. 🤬
que desagradable!!! como permiten esto!!!??? 😡
Versuche mal einer bei solchem Firlefanz vor den Augen das Leiden Jesu zu betrachten...
Versuche mal einer bei solchem Firlefanz vor den Augen das Leiden Jesu zu betrachten...

Also der Tanz ist ja schön in sich, aber völlig fehl am Platz in der Kirche - Anbetung hin oder her - er gehört nicht in die Kirche!
Und der Priester lässt sich die Leitung aus der Hand nehmen? Wie unverantwortlich. Wie kann es sein, dass die Tänzer so nah an die Monstranz kommen? Verantwortungslos!!! 🤬 Und die "Gläubigen" finden hier auch keine Ruhe und Gelegenheit zur Anbetung! Das ist nur Event. …More
Also der Tanz ist ja schön in sich, aber völlig fehl am Platz in der Kirche - Anbetung hin oder her - er gehört nicht in die Kirche!
Und der Priester lässt sich die Leitung aus der Hand nehmen? Wie unverantwortlich. Wie kann es sein, dass die Tänzer so nah an die Monstranz kommen? Verantwortungslos!!! 🤬 Und die "Gläubigen" finden hier auch keine Ruhe und Gelegenheit zur Anbetung! Das ist nur Event.
islamand trou (hell) 😀
« De l'amour ou de la haine que Dieu a pour les Anglais, je n'en sais rien, mais je sais bien qu'ils seront tous boutés hors de France, excepté ceux qui y périront »
(Sainte Jeanne d'Arc)
LOL (Laughing Out Loud) 👍 😜
Catholique et Français
What ? What ? : islamandtruth ! My tailor is rich.
What ?
The Pope has shut down a 500-year-old monastery in Rome that became famous for a lap dancer turned nun and had been visited by Madonna.
Vatican officials launched an inquiry into the monastery after reports that the nuns were dancing around the altar during church services reached Pope Benedict XVI.
The monastery, which was hit with claims of “liturgical abuse,” had reportedly racked up large debts. …More
The Pope has shut down a 500-year-old monastery in Rome that became famous for a lap dancer turned nun and had been visited by Madonna.
Vatican officials launched an inquiry into the monastery after reports that the nuns were dancing around the altar during church services reached Pope Benedict XVI.
The monastery, which was hit with claims of “liturgical abuse,” had reportedly racked up large debts.
"An inquiry found evidence of liturgical and financial irregularities as well as lifestyles that were probably not in keeping with that of a monk," said Father Ciro Benedettini, a Vatican spokesman.
One of the nuns, Sister Anna Nobili, spent many years working as an exotic dancer in Italian nightclubs. Nobili said she changed her life after a religious experience while visiting the shrine of St. Francis of Assisi, a place of pilgrimage for Catholics, in 2002.
She kept dancing after becoming a nun, performing what she called “The Holy Dance” in front of senior Catholic leaders, including Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, head of the Vatican's Cultural Department.
Sister Nobili, who referred to herself as a “ballerina for God,” also became a YouTube sensation for videos of her dancing.
"I was wasting my life dancing for men in clubs. The nights were filled with sex and alcohol. It was an empty life but I liked it because I was the centre of attention,” she told Italian newspaper La Repubblica, the Telegraph reported.
"But now my life has been transformed. I still dance but now I dance for God and I'm happy.”
The Cistercian monks based at Santa Croce in Gerusalemme — one of Rome’s oldest churches, with a chapel dating back to the 4th century — are being transferred to other churches, the BBC reports, citing Italian news media.
The church contains relics said to be from Christ’s crucifixion, including fragments of the cross, thorns from Christ’s crown and a nail used in the crucifixion.
Madonna secretly visited the church three years ago while in Rome to perform a concert, and took a guided tour of the relics.
“It was evident that the order had lapsed in its discipline and an Apostolic visitation was arranged, which resulted in the decision to close the monastery which was approved by Pope Benedict,” a Vatican source told the Daily Mail.
El Papa Benedicto XVI, en su libro, El Espíritu de la Liturgia el cual escribió siendo cardenal, dijo lo siguiente:
Bailar no es una forma de expresión de la liturgia cristiana. Allá por el siglo III ciertos círculos gnóstico-docéticos trataron de introducirlo en la liturgia. ... Los bailes cúlticos de las distintas religiones tienen propósitos diferentes - encantamientos, la magia imitativa …More
El Papa Benedicto XVI, en su libro, El Espíritu de la Liturgia el cual escribió siendo cardenal, dijo lo siguiente:

Bailar no es una forma de expresión de la liturgia cristiana. Allá por el siglo III ciertos círculos gnóstico-docéticos trataron de introducirlo en la liturgia. ... Los bailes cúlticos de las distintas religiones tienen propósitos diferentes - encantamientos, la magia imitativa, éxtasis místico - ninguno de los cuales son compatibles con el propósito esencial de la liturgia.

Es totalmente absurdo tratar de hacer la liturgia "atractiva" introduciéndole pantomimas danzarinas (generalmente ejecutados por grupos de bailes profesionales) los cuales terminan con frecuencia (y desde el punto de vista de los profesionales, normal) en aplauso. Todas las veces que el aplauso ocurre en la liturgia debido a algún logro humano, es signo seguro de que la esencia de la liturgia ha desaparecido, habiendo sido reemplazado por un tipo de entretenimiento religioso...

Yo mismo he experimentado el reemplazo del rito penitencial por un baile el cual, no es necesario decir, fue recibido con una ronda de aplauso. ¿Se puede pensar en algo que no sea más extraño a la penitencia verdadera?

Ninguno de los ritos cristianos incluye el baile. Lo que la gente llama "baile" en rito etíope o en la forma zaireana de la liturgia romana es simplemente una procesión con orden rítmico, algo que se ajusta muy bien a la dignidad de la ocasión
Le cardinal Ratzinger a pourtant déjà dit que la danse n'avait pas sa place dans la liturgie...