Russian military ships arrive in Cuba ahead of military exercises The Russian flotilla's presence in Cuban waters is being viewed as a show of force amid growing Western support for Ukraine. » Subscribe …More
Russian military ships arrive in Cuba ahead of military exercises
The Russian flotilla's presence in Cuban waters is being viewed as a show of force amid growing Western support for Ukraine.
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Tom Morelli
Trust Me — DOCTOR Jill Biden Has Already Worked Out a Modified 'Weekend at Bernie's' PlanMore
Trust Me — DOCTOR Jill Biden Has Already Worked Out a Modified 'Weekend at Bernie's' Plan

Trust Me — DOCTOR Jill Biden Has Already Worked Out a Modified 'Weekend at Bernie's' Plan

A favorite parlor game among American political junkies in 2024 is guessing just how and when the Democrats will …
Uni Versum
The real science behind corona virus (starting in 1965)
The Life of Saint Anthony in the Paintings of Tiberio Licini breski1More
The Life of Saint Anthony in the Paintings of Tiberio Licini
Fred Alan Medforth

British journalist says he ‘wants everyone in Britain to become Muslim’

A tense row kicked off on GB News after 5Pillars Editor Roshan M Salih said he “wants everyone in Britain to become Muslim”. The …
God's Mercy and Divine Justice - SSPX Sermons After Pentecost, the Church focuses on directing us to grow in holiness and our love for God. Because of our weakness, we need constant reminding not only …More
God's Mercy and Divine Justice - SSPX Sermons
After Pentecost, the Church focuses on directing us to grow in holiness and our love for God. Because of our weakness, we need constant reminding not only of God's justice, but His infinite mercy, even in the face of suffering.
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US Bishops: Francis Is Authoritarian, Ruthless Divider

Francis Maier, a longtime aide to Monsignor Charles Chaput, the former Archbishop of Philadelphia, has published the book "True Confessions: Voices of Faith from a Life in the Church." It contains …More
Francis Maier, a longtime aide to Monsignor Charles Chaput, the former Archbishop of Philadelphia, has published the book "True Confessions: Voices of Faith from a Life in the Church."
It contains interviews with US bishops, who must of course remain anonymous.
One bishop tells Maier that "a pope should be the principle of unity in the Church; instead Francis is promoting ambiguity that feeds division" (, 10 June).
Another bishop said of Francis: "His distaste for the United States and its bishops is obvious and unwarranted. His manner is authoritarian. And it's revealing that not a single seminarian inspired by Francis has come to this diocese during his tenure. A Church under pressure needs better than this."
A third bishop gives Francis credit for supposedly "reforming" the Vatican's finances: "I think his manner of governance is actually quite ruthless. It weakens the authority of the papal office."
"Francis seems to have a coterie around him with an unhelpful ideology …More
Everyday for Life Canada
You can judge a pontificate by its fruits. The current one has produced fruits of confusion, division and mistrust.
One more comment
Bergoglio Out Of Control, Censorship Is Activated

Bergoglio Out Of Control, Censorship Is Activated

Communication incidents are many. Words misunderstood and misinterpreted, others uttered without imagining the consequences (often diplomatic), or speeches …
deer wandering in a church
Kind of liked her vibe, makes her own clothing line for protection from the toxic 5G rays and WiFi etc etc although I will say I personally am a pure fabric, no nylon or polyster for me, no mixing wool …More
Kind of liked her vibe, makes her own clothing line for protection from the toxic 5G rays and WiFi etc etc although I will say I personally am a pure fabric, no nylon or polyster for me, no mixing wool and linen neither..
Live Mike
"Machinery has been set in motion that simply can't be stopped." SourceMore
"Machinery has been set in motion that simply can't be stopped."
English Catholic
And yet no Pope in union with all the Bishops has complied with Our Lady's full message at Fatima. The ONLY solution to this mass destruction.
sp2 . .
Dear Cardinal Müller You are a little late in this matter, when were you in office? The movement, named Roman Catholic Womenpriests, says more than a hundred women have been ordained since 2002, and …More
Dear Cardinal Müller
You are a little late in this matter, when were you in office?
The movement, named Roman Catholic Womenpriests, says more than a hundred women have been ordained since 2002, and two-thirds of them are in the U.S.

Female Priests Defy Catholic Church At The Altar

Roman Catholic "Womenpriests" on their ordination day, June 4, at St. John's United Church of Christ in Catonsville, Md. Courtesy of Gene Renner Roman …
English Catholic
sp2 . . Yes, I remember reading about this scandal decades ago. If there are any in the UK, they keep a low profile. All the lefty feminist pro-women …More
sp2 . . Yes, I remember reading about this scandal decades ago. If there are any in the UK, they keep a low profile. All the lefty feminist pro-women priest groups died out (probably literally in many cases - it was never a youth movement) towards the end of the 1990's over here. Even the BBC Excommunicated: The women fighting to be priests had to interview women from New Mexico in 2022 - possibly because they couldn't find any here.
"News From Hell" presents news from Hell.
2 more comments
Ave Maria Productions shares from charisma
Checklist to Fight Evil and Become an Effective Prayer Warrior (Printed by an unknown volunteer woman from Hawai)More
Checklist to Fight Evil and Become an Effective Prayer Warrior
(Printed by an unknown volunteer woman from Hawai)
Mom cat carries kitten Meow to dad cat so that he takes care of him Mother cat carries kitten Meow to father cat to take care of him Our family of cats is filled with amazing love for each other. For …More
Mom cat carries kitten Meow to dad cat so that he takes care of him
Mother cat carries kitten Meow to father cat to take care of him
Our family of cats is filled with amazing love for each other. For some time, dad cat and mom cat lived separately while we treated foster kittens. And here they are together again. The mother cat always tries to be closer to the father cat and constantly meows something to him. She takes one kitten and brings it to him, allowing daddy cat to take care of the kitten. Then the mother cat takes the kitten in her teeth again and carries it to the cat house. The kittens have already grown up and so she wants to teach them to walk and climb. Carrying a kitten in her mouth is something a mother cat usually does very often while the kittens are small. But even when they grow up, she carries them to return to their place, or vice versa, carries them to where she wants to show something to the kittens.
Mother cat wears a kitten in her teeth - Mother cat carries a …More
Jeffrey Ade

Trump is all Jewed Up For The (S)Elections

Share this postTrump is all Jewed Up For The (S)Electionsgemmaodoherty.substack.comCopy linkFacebookEmailNoteOtherDiscover more from Gemma O'Doherty's SubstackMulti …
Billy F
Never put your faith in princes…
Father Karl A Claver
It is better he is friendlier to the Jews than to the Moslems.
9 more comments
Pierre Henri
ICC Called On To Indict Ursula von der Leyen For Complicity In War Crimes! | Dr. Alfred de Zayas The International Criminal Court has received a legal communication, issued by a Geneva-based NGO with …More
ICC Called On To Indict Ursula von der Leyen For Complicity In War Crimes! | Dr. Alfred de Zayas
The International Criminal Court has received a legal communication, issued by a Geneva-based NGO with consultative status at the United Nations, that accuses Ursula von der Leyen and several other EU officials of complicity in committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Read the press-release here: Civil Society Group Requests Arrest Warrants For EU Leadership Over Gaza Genocide – Neutrality Studies Read the legal communication here:…Communication-re-UvdL-Final-version-22.05.2024.pdf
Contact of the initiators: |
I’m talking to one of the leading international lawyers involved in the drafting of the communication about the content of the accusations, the legal arguments, and the chances of success.
Bottom line: While one individual communication might not be enough to convince the ICC to open proceedings, a precedent has been set and more communications …More
Sandy Barrett shares from
He did it again! Round 2 of the madness...

Pope Frociesco Smells "Homosexual Air" in the Vatican

There is a "danger of ideologies" in the Church, Francis, himself highly ideological, said on 11th June during a meeting with 200 Roman priests at the Salesian University in Rome. According to an …More
There is a "danger of ideologies" in the Church, Francis, himself highly ideological, said on 11th June during a meeting with 200 Roman priests at the Salesian University in Rome.
According to an earlier announcement, 500 priests were expected. But it is no secret that the Roman clergy is tired of Francis' nonsense. reports that Bergoglio returned several times to the subject of homosexuality, which is very close to his heart.
He trumpeted that "there is an air of faggotry in the Vatican", again using the Italian term "frociaggine" [=faggotry], an expression not used among normal people.
At the same time, he said that "if a boy has a homosexual tendency, it is better not to let him enter the seminary: they are good boys, but with this tendency, better not". Why, then, does the stench of homosexual sin ("frociaggine") permeate the Vatican, from which Francis kicks out anyone he doesn't like?
As he has done before, Francis recommended the Rev Lorenzo Milani, a left-wing homosexual …More
Sally Dorman shares from ComplicitClergy
Pope Francis again uses ‘faggotry’ slur in meeting discussing homosexual men entering seminaries

Francis Reportedly AGAIN Refers To “Faggotry” When Discussing Homosexuals

Pope Francis has reportedly once again used the Italian word for “faggotry” when addressing a private meeting, a move likely to …
Sally Dorman
Francis said in a closed-door meeting with 160 priests at Salesian Pontifical University that ‘there is an air of faggotry in the Vatican,’
Arminius 01
Edgar Russ with Heesun Lee: Violine Sound checkin from Scala Perfetta to my Master Violins
Arminius 01
Dieses Video mal abseits der gewohnten Pfade wurde in der hochzeit der sogenannten Coronaepedemie aufgenommen, viel Vergnügen beim zuhören.
Mozambique Catholics brutally martyred by Muslims for professing the faith. Included is a nun who served orphaned children and several Catholic fathers beheaded by Muslim insurgent

Locals in Mozambique Tell Stories of Christians Killed for their Faith: “They are our martyrs”

Nampula, 08 June, 2024 / 11:19 pm (ACI Africa). Parishioners of Chipene in Nampula, a province that is …
Live Mike