Gloria.TV News on the 19th of July 2016 Islamist? Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel who last Friday killed 84 in Nice, France, with a truck has quickly been branded by the rulers as a – quote – “Islamist”. …More
Gloria.TV News on the 19th of July 2016
Islamist? Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel who last Friday killed 84 in Nice, France, with a truck has quickly been branded by the rulers as a – quote – “Islamist”. But now the analysis of his phone shows that he was dating a 73-year-old man. He drank alcohol and smoked cannabis. According to his ex-wife he ate pork, he did not go to the mosque, did not pray and did not observe Ramadan.
Opium of the People: The Italian journalist Roberto Saviano, author of the book Gomorrah that deals with the Italian Mafia, will participate in a November meeting about drugs. Saviano will speak at the meeting in favor of drug liberalization. Queen Silvia of Sweden will also participate.
Never Again: The German Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, a renowned historian who belongs to the Catholic wing of the Cardinals, writes on statoechiesa.it that the resignation of a pope is not always morally acceptable, especially if it happens for personal reasons. Brandmüller’s conclusion:…More
Francesco Federico
@Uncle Joe: Thank you for this wonderful text by Franco. No wonder, he is so hated by the present political gang.
Uncle Joe
Testamento de Francisco Franco
The hour has reached when my life is to be held before the Almighty and to receive His final judgment, and I ask God to welcome me into His benign presence, because I wanted to live and die as a Catholic. In the name of Christ it has been my honor and my constant desire to be faithful son of the Church, within which I will die. I apologize to all,…More

Testamento de Francisco Franco
The hour has reached when my life is to be held before the Almighty and to receive His final judgment, and I ask God to welcome me into His benign presence, because I wanted to live and die as a Catholic. In the name of Christ it has been my honor and my constant desire to be faithful son of the Church, within which I will die. I apologize to all, as with all my heart I forgive those who are known as my enemies even though I never had them as such. I believe and have had no other desire than the future of Spain, which I love until the last moment and I promised to serve until the last breath of my life, which I know is near. I want to thank all who have worked with enthusiasm, dedication and selflessness in the great enterprise of making a united Spain, great and free.
I would, in my last moment, join the names of God and of Spain in my embrace and cry out for the last time, at the dawn of my death:
¡Arriba España! ¡Viva España!
Francisco Franco. Madrid, 20 de noviembre de 1975
Uncle Joe
Never Again: German Cardinal Walter Brandmüller belongs to the Catholic wing of the Cardinals - You mean there are other wings? 😲
Card Brandmüller is, indeed, one of the good guys. However, his comment: “But it (the resignation of the Pope – obviously in reference to Benedict) is desirable that it will not happen again" needs some clarification.
There are numerous things that occur within the …More
Never Again: German Cardinal Walter Brandmüller belongs to the Catholic wing of the Cardinals - You mean there are other wings? 😲

Card Brandmüller is, indeed, one of the good guys. However, his comment: “But it (the resignation of the Pope – obviously in reference to Benedict) is desirable that it will not happen again" needs some clarification.
There are numerous things that occur within the church, in our country and even in our own lives that we desire/wish/hope would or would not happen. The fact that there are ecclesiastical, political and even personal events which may not be “desirable” at the time may, eventually, prove to be the most worthwhile and beneficial thing that could have happened for the church, for our country and even for ourselves.
Regarding Benedict XVI, we don't know the actual reason/s for his resignation. Although there has been much wild speculation, the fact is, we don't know. I have my own theory (a medical issue) but the truth or correctness of something will only be established at some time in the future. Eventually, time will tell.
Libor Halik
Čili vraždícím řidičem kamionu byl sice Arab, ale ateista, který opustil manželku, aby žil homosexuálně se 73 letým mužem. Kouřil marihuanu a chlastal alkohol, cpal se vepřovým, nemodlil se, ani nenavštěvoval mešitu a nedbal na islámský postní měsíc Ramadán.
Islamista? Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, který minulý pátek zabil 84 lidí v Nice ve Francii pomocí kamionu, byl rychle označen (…More
Čili vraždícím řidičem kamionu byl sice Arab, ale ateista, který opustil manželku, aby žil homosexuálně se 73 letým mužem. Kouřil marihuanu a chlastal alkohol, cpal se vepřovým, nemodlil se, ani nenavštěvoval mešitu a nedbal na islámský postní měsíc Ramadán.
Islamista? Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, který minulý pátek zabil 84 lidí v Nice ve Francii pomocí kamionu, byl rychle označen (prohomosexuální) vládou jako - cituji - "islamista". Ale teď analýza jeho telefonu ukazuje, že chodil se 73-letým mužem. Pil alkohol a kouřil marihuanu. Podle jeho bývalé manželky jedl vepřové maso, nechodil do mešity, nemodlil se, nedodržoval ramadán.
Islamist? Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel who last Friday killed 84 in Nice, France, with a truck has quickly been branded by the rulers as a – quote – “Islamist”. But now the analysis of his phone shows that he was dating a 73-year-old man. He drank alcohol and smoked cannabis. According to his ex-wife he ate pork, he did not go to the mosque, did not pray and did not observe Ramadan.