
German Parody Bishops Recommend Pornography to Priests

It "cannot be denied" that the consumption of pornography can have a "relieving effect" on celibate people. Father Hermann Backhaus, a "psychologist," was invited by Katholisch.de (15 November), the …More
It "cannot be denied" that the consumption of pornography can have a "relieving effect" on celibate people.
Father Hermann Backhaus, a "psychologist," was invited by Katholisch.de (15 November), the official website of the German bishops, to say this. Backhaus works at Centro, a psychological institution of Münster Diocese, Germany.
For Backhaus, there is only a problem when pornography consumption becomes "an addiction". Then it robs those affected of their sleep at night in their search for satisfaction and determines their lives "with negative consequences".
He considers pornography to be something that is normal in "our" [= his] society. Against the objection that the Church's moral teaching condemns pornography, Backhaus says that he is taking "life" and "reality" as his starting point.
Yet those who are stuck in pornography don't know what life and reality is since they vegetate in the shadow of death and in the illusion of a disgusting fantasy world (CCC 2354).
Picture: Bätzing …More
Jo Santoss
watching pornography is a sin. A sin of the flesh, a sin of lust. One of the seven deadly sin that can destroy the soul if not repented. He is telling people to SIN.
Wow, he doesn't expect priests to be chaste or strive for sanctity.
Sandy Barrett shares this
German priest touts "relieving effect" of pornography for celibate clergy in interview on Church website
Louis IX
What do you call the sin that doubts the Mercy and Sanctification offered by God in the confessional? Because that is what this priest is doing by saying this.
John A Cassani
Sounds to me a lot like blasphemy against the Holy Ghost.
what kind of things these bishops have been sniffing
Croí Láidir
This comes straight from hell! Perhaps this German priest (it made me sick to type that) should look at what the notorious serial killer Ted Bundy said about pornography- it was his "fuel."
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Thanks to the inaction on the part of Bergoglio (I no longer give him the respect of the title "Pope Francis", this is just another manifestation of the Satanic agenda of the German Catholic Church. Porno is a disgusting way to spend anyone's time. Bergoglio had the gall to say in public, in a General Audience, that priests and nuns watch porno. The whole world was laughing at him for that.
Some …More
Thanks to the inaction on the part of Bergoglio (I no longer give him the respect of the title "Pope Francis", this is just another manifestation of the Satanic agenda of the German Catholic Church. Porno is a disgusting way to spend anyone's time. Bergoglio had the gall to say in public, in a General Audience, that priests and nuns watch porno. The whole world was laughing at him for that.
Some countries react to porno differently. IN the USA and most of Europe it is considered "normal", in Arab countries and Japan, people who watch it are considered perverts. I think the same in Africa they think bad of it.
In my opinion it has gone so far thanks to no disiplinary action from the Vatican and Bergoglio (probably because he agrees with them), that for all intents and purposes, there is no more German Catholic Church (except where the TLM is celebrated, and traditionalist communities).
The Church in Germany is gone. THANKS BERGOGLIO !!