
Exorcist: Porn Distorts a Person's Sexuality

A pornography addiction, like any mortal sin, is an opening to the demons, Monsignor Stephen Rossetti, 71, an exorcist for Washington Archdiocese, told CatholicNewsAgency (December 1) after a German …More
A pornography addiction, like any mortal sin, is an opening to the demons, Monsignor Stephen Rossetti, 71, an exorcist for Washington Archdiocese, told CatholicNewsAgency (December 1) after a German priest and "expert" praised porn.
“It is never a good thing to exploit people as sexual objects, which the porn industry does,” Rossetti explained. And most important: “A porn habit can be an open door to escalating sexual dysfunction [e.g. homosexuality].”
It can “distort a person’s sexuality,” he insisted. Rossetti, a priest of Syracuse Diocese, has spent 30 years working as a licensed psychologist.
Picture: Stephen Rossetti © catholicexorcism.org, #newsMuqszzhqop
Wilma Lopez shares this
Porn addiction is an ‘opening to the demonic’: exorcist
Wilma Lopez
“A pornography addiction, like any serious sin, is an opening to the demonic,” Msgr. Stephen Rossetti, an exorcist for the Archdiocese of Washington, said
Countless lives have been utterly destroyed by porn. And the porn is 100 protected under our Constitution. That's why we need a Catholic state
Wichita Knight
I see a lot of talk about porn, but no definition of what it is. In several mideastern countries the mere sight of a woman's ankles or uncovered head is pornographic.
Is Botticelli's "Birth of Venuse" pornographic? Is Eugene Delacroix's painting of Liberty leading the people pornographic? A statue in the Department of Justice of the blind lady holding the scales of justice was deemed offensive …More
I see a lot of talk about porn, but no definition of what it is. In several mideastern countries the mere sight of a woman's ankles or uncovered head is pornographic.

Is Botticelli's "Birth of Venuse" pornographic? Is Eugene Delacroix's painting of Liberty leading the people pornographic? A statue in the Department of Justice of the blind lady holding the scales of justice was deemed offensive enough by Ed Meese that they put a cloth shawl over her shoulders. Until we can define what it is we are fighting we have no hope of winning.
"2354: Pornography consists in removing real or simulated sexual acts from the intimacy of the partners, in order to display them deliberately to third parties."
Nudity and pornography are not necessarily the same thing, although of course they often intersect.
Just because something is not strictly pornographic does not mean it is not evil. Something may be evil, and something to be avoided due …More
"2354: Pornography consists in removing real or simulated sexual acts from the intimacy of the partners, in order to display them deliberately to third parties."

Nudity and pornography are not necessarily the same thing, although of course they often intersect.

Just because something is not strictly pornographic does not mean it is not evil. Something may be evil, and something to be avoided due its carnal appeal, although it may not necessarily be strictly pornographic:

"Moreover the LORD saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet: Therefore the LORD will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the LORD will discover their secret parts." -Isaiah 3:16-17
Jeffrey Ade
@occasnltrvlr Thanks for that!
Wichita Knight
@occasnltrvlr Good comment. But can you translate that into a civil ordinance or state or federal law? I agree that "Nudity and pornography are not necessarily the same thing, although they often intersect..." but who determines where the point is, and if it is to be regulated, how do you define the point accurately and sufficiently enough to make it law?
My whole point is that society cannot …More
@occasnltrvlr Good comment. But can you translate that into a civil ordinance or state or federal law? I agree that "Nudity and pornography are not necessarily the same thing, although they often intersect..." but who determines where the point is, and if it is to be regulated, how do you define the point accurately and sufficiently enough to make it law?

My whole point is that society cannot regulate porn unless it can clearly define what it is, and isn't.
Jo Santoss
So True. Satan uses porn to distort Gods creation. He uses it to drag you down to the pits, pray to our Blessed Mother for intersession because these demons will mercilessly hound you. THIS is not a battle to fight alone. God bless 💗. You are loved you don't need porn.